Sunday, December 25, 2016

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Покупатель наблюдал за котировками, и как только актив терял 10 процентов своей стоимости, в игру вступала контора и быстро забирала деньги. Напротив, если цена акции вырастала, и трейдер выигрывал, то трейдер подходил к клерку, который делал отметку о цене posts de результатам последних торгов, согласно данным биржевого телеграфа на корешке билета. Затем трейдер подходил к кассовому окошку, чтобы забрать деньги. Это была игра для простофиль - контора выигрывала в 95 процентах случаев.

- Ричард Смиттен о бакет-шопе, из книги «Жизнь и смерть величайшего спекулянта».

FOREX (mercado FOReign EXchange) - жыдомасонский валютный обменник-переросток всемирного масштаба. Биржей формально и организационно не является, но методы спекуляции на нём за минимальными исключениями (и большей раскачкой цен ни за что туда-сюда) тождественны биржевым. Желающих узнать об этом финансовом рынке с экономической точки зрения ждут здесь o aquí. У нас же речь пойдет в контексте использования Форекса жидами ловкими людьми для разводки гоев лохов на трудовые копейки.


В силу своей относительной исторической новизны, децентрализованности и внебиржевого характера сделок в абсолютном большинстве стран, Форекс регулируется не на уровне конкретики, а на уровне общих положений о валютных операциях. Эти общие положения не регулируют, однако, вопросы посреднической деятельности. Так, деятельность форексного брокера даже в США и ЕС, не говоря уж про РФ, не только не является лицензируемой, но и в целом не регламентирована законодательно [1]. В штатах уже давно все под FSA NFA, брокер-кун гарантирует это.

Хрен что откроешь там, у FXOpenMexico-a недавно лицензию на Маврикии дернули за то, что у них на ECN 300 счетов из штатов было - posts de наводке конкурентов, скорее всего.

Неудивительно, что нишу брокерских услуг на новом рынке наводнили недобросовестные посредники, в обиходе прозванные «кухнями». Такие псевдоброкеры не совершают posts de заявкам клиента реальных конверсий и, соответственно, не зачисляют якобы полученную прибыль на депозит клиента. В связи с этим, кухням снятие клиентом прибыли аки серпом по яйцам. Поэтому они всячески препятствуют не только выводу, но и созданию прибыли, как правило столь изящно, что такие действия невозможно квалифицировать как мошенничество (об этих действиях ниже).

Чуть менее б-гопротивными, однако равно негодными для работы, являются так называемые «полукухни». Кухни вредят клиенту умышленно, а полукухни опасны неквалифицированностью менеджмента, недостатком собственных средств и необходимых завязок с банками. Пытаясь добросовестно исполнять свои обязательства, полукухни конверсии posts заявкам клиента делают, деньги зачисляют, но создают клиенту дополнительные риски. Методом посредничества полукухонь является так называемый кроссинг. Кроссинг на форексе (в отличие от биржевых площадок) сам posts себе западлом не является, но только в случае наличия заблаговременно подготовленной подстраховки - вывода совокупности позиций на межбанк при перевесе заявок в одну сторону. А полукухни такой возможности не имеют. Как правило, причиной этому является относительное малое количество клиентуры и, как следствие, низкие обороты (банк с десятком-другим тысяч гринов морочиться не будет), а также банальная лень (взаимодействие с банком тоже нужно организовать) и беспечность (типа авось и так выкрутимся ). Потому полукухни страхуются только собственной заначкой, зачастую довольно тощей. В нормальной ситуации проблем не будет, а вот если на рынке будет шухер и совокупность заявок перекосит в одну сторону - возможны непотребства не хуже, чем в классической кухне. Кроме того, для полукухонь характерны технические проблемы с корректностью котировок, исполнением ордеров и вводом / выводом денег. Они так делают не со зла, однако разницы для клиента нет.

Наряду с этими презренными, есть и нормальные брокеры, пришедшие на рынок всерьез, надолго и за большим наваром, и потому дорожащие репутацией. Что о них сказать? Не создают проблем клиенту. Ни в процессе повседневной спекулятивной работы, ни в посвященных брокерским косякам темах независимых форумов их не видно и не слышно. В Этой почти не встречаются, ибо геморно: давно известно, что добрая слава лежит, а худая бежит.

Поэтому массы людей полагают, что любой посредник на форексе априори является кухней. Также необходимо отметить, что пробел в законодательстве это та ещё палка о двух концах и изрядно способствует оптимизации налогообложения, как брокерами, так и успешными клиентами.

Кроме того, важно заметить, что вплоть до 2005 года торговать на рынке было нельзя с депозитом меньшим, чем 100 долларов, что спасало от этого метода отъема денег население стран третьего мира (как бы самых доверчивых из лохов). Но в середине прошлого десятилетия хитрые товагищи из конторы LiteForex запустили свой терминал (̶с̶ ̶б̶л̶е̶к̶д̶ж̶е̶к̶о̶м̶ ¨ ̶ш̶л̶ю̶х̶а̶м̶и̶), благодаря чему торговать стало можно с одним долларом. Естественно, это вызвало ажиотаж у африканских и азиатских нищебродов, но торговля с кредитным плечом 1: 1000 до добра не доводит, в связи с чем за ажиотажем последовал нехилый баттхерт и разочарование в справедливости рынка. Ellos no son los únicos, los más pequeños y los más grandes son los más grandes y los más grandes. С малым количеством денег невозможно долго держать открытой убыточную позицию, что и превращает форекс в рулетку, а все биржи - в казино со всеми вытекающими.

[Править] С чем едят лохов и как готовят

Константин Кондаков - основатель крупнейшего пирамиды-лохотрона "Grupo Forex MMCIS". Создав пирамиду. заявил, что она якобы пользуется огромной кучей трейдеров, пользуясь сигналами от лучших в прошлом месяце 20-и самых "процентных" игроков.

На любом финансовом рынке потенциальные доходы спекулянта сравнимы с доходами финансовых гениев законного бизнеса или барышами воротил теневой экономики. Профит в том, что в сравнении с построением, к примеру, медиаимперии или транснациональной корпорации торговля валютой приносит прибыль при ощутимо меньшем количестве хлопот; В сравнении с наркобизнесом или сутенёрством она, фактически, легальна. В связи с этим неисчислимые стада граждан с ограниченными возможностями интеллекта слетаются туда как ночные насекомые на огонь, упиваясь мечтами о сверхприбылях, но абсолютно не обладая качествами, способными превратить новичка в разбогатевшего на спекуляциях профессионала.

Это касается всякого рынка, однако на FOREX ситуация будет похуже общей картины, так как на общерыночные предельно высокие риски [2] накладывается риск нарваться на недобросовестного посредника.

Однако стоит отметить, что изобилие лохов, обслуживаемых годными, совершающими конверсии брокерами, крайне выгодно не только брокерам-жуликам, но и матерым спекулянтам, так как повышается ликвидность рынка и количество заведомо обреченной на проигрыш денежной массы, которую при честной игре будут слизывать труЪ.

[Править] Как лохов готовят

Лохи гораздо выгоднее брокерам, нежели правильные новички, со временем перерастающие в профессионалов. Ибо:

Правильных, во-первых, встретить вероятность равна "очень мало",

Во-вторых, они хотя теоретически выгодны, так как больше счет - больше обеспечение [3] - больше спрэд. но на практике долго до этого растут и совершают в среднем меньше сделок (ибо ищут надежные моменты для открытия позиции, а не лезут наобум под влиянием азарта),

в-третьих, им, ввиду присущих непустым людям самостоятельности и критичности, труднее впаривать книжки, обучение и тому подобное, что является дополнительным источником прибыли многих брокеров, в том числе и годных. Исходя из таких соображений, маркетинг рассчитывается на целевую аудиторию, схожую с потенциальными клиентами МЛМ и финансовых пирамид. И ведется аналогичными методами.

Агрессивная реклама в интернете, на уличных рекламных щитах, в общественном транспорте, в спам - газетах. Затем заинтересовавшийся лох приходит на «бесплатный вводный семинар», где ему накидывают в уши «историй успеха», про легендарную операцию Сороса против фунта в 92 м (спойлер: умалчивая его же фейл с рублём в дефолте 1998-го) и тому подобное, показывают кучу красивых, ярких графиков, на которых очень легко увидеть, где нужно купить, а где продать (например, с помощью «индикатора» ZigZag, который перерисовывается на каждом шатании графика)

Естественно, умалчивается или очень вскользь упоминается о рисках, о самоубийцах (а такие были уже в биржевое время), о мизерном проценте доживших до уровня "компетентный, доживший до хлеба с маслом" и ещё более мизерном проценте поднявшихся posts de социальной лестнице на форексе, и О том, как холоден пот спекулянта и горек хлеб его. Хотя в такой ситуации даже если и скажут открытым текстом, то лох, засмотревшийся на то, как Сорос за день поднял миллиард долларов, или как бывшая повариха тетя Маша (то есть актриса в роли тети Маши) за месяц выиграла 5000 $ [4]. Кроме того, окучиванию лохов способствует низкий минимальный депозит, который вполне может себе позволить, причем неоднократно, любой голожопец. Разумеется, никто не скажет лоху об ограничении рисков и о том, что при паре сотен баксов на счёту форекс превращается в чистую рулетку - пара стопов aka лосей (а другого поначалу не бывает) и пиздец - даже профи, взяв его пароль, вряд ли отыграется .

[Править] Одноминутка от брокера

В то же время размер депозита лишь дополнительная, но не обязательная составляющая успеха. Надо просто с умом (у лоха, правда, его нет) подбирать размер лота, то есть, грубо говоря, размер ставки в каждой сделке, ограничивая таким образом сумму, которую вы готовы потратить. Это позволяет 200-долларовому дипозиту жить (в теории) столько же, сколько и 2-миллионному - с пропорционально большими лотами. Вывод: можно «зарабатывать» те же проценты и с 200 баксами, если знать, как работать в рынке и ограничивать свои риски; А можно за час слить и миллион, если быть тупым нубом и / или жадиной. Так что, ВНЕЗАПНО, все зависит от мозгов (и яиц) трейдера, а не размера депозита.

Есть, правда, момент психологии, так как даже компетентный трейдер может быстро слить небольшой депозит, желая разбогатеть быстро. С двадцаткой на счету сделать это проблематично, это да. Но это уже другой разговор, так как психологически неготового человека, пусть даже знающего рынок, назвать компетентным трейдером сложно.

[Править] Как готовеньких лохов едят

Лох восторженно подписывает (как правило, не читая) какую-нибудь бумажку, и всё. Кушать подано, садитесь жрать, пожалуйста.

Известны два способа - топорный и изящный. Первый метод присущ кухням всегда и полукухням - обстоятельствам по, второй - всем, кто ставит на лохов как на основную клиентуру.

[Править] Грубые, варварские методы

Окучивание лоха с нарушением принятых на себя обязательств. Заключается в следующем: приняв у лоха деньги для мнимого зачисления на счет, едут гулять к цыганам забирают их себе. После чего, имитируя кипучую брокерскую деятельность, показывают график и принимают заявки. Вся фишка в том, что средний лох настолько бездарен и не приспособлен к биржевой игре, что проиграет безотносительно того, делают с его деньгами конверсии или нет. Поэтому матожидание такого действа весьма многообещающе. Если же лоху вдруг пошла масть (такое возможно, особенно ввиду того, что лох на рынке не работает, он на нем играется, аки в казино), или же он начал понемногу соображать в торговле и делать навар (более редкий случай, но бывало и Такое), тут начинает применяться широкий арсенал методов.

Наиболее распространенный прием - разовое искажение котировки в виде свечки с огромным хвостом, закалывающим любой стоп-ордер. Повторив сей номер несколько раз, можно обескровить любой лоховской депозит, особенно с учетом средней величины оного. Авотхуй. Сделки posts de нерыночным котировкам на реальных счетах не исполняются, а если исполнились, то аннулируются, а сама шпилька из архива котировок затирается. На демо-счетах сделки не аннулируются. Этому способствует то, что кухни и полукухни криво (но против интересов клиента очень ровно) прописывают процедуру урегулирования разногласий, потому среднему лоху практически невозможно добиться отмены сделки как некорректной. Если же лох захочет вывести уцелевшие деньги, либо найдут благовидный предлог послать, либо, если лох выглядит упертым и решительным, пожалуют что-нибудь с барского кармана, дабы не досаждал жалобами Путину и заявами в ООН. Даже при таком раскладе выгода очевидна, так как и без грязных приемчиков останется очень мало непросравших хотя бы часть денег. И ещё более маловероятно, что лох за свою сотку баксов начнет бодаться до последнего.

Идти пацанам к успеху помогает и договор с кучей подлянок (который, тем паче, лох не имеет привычки предварительно изучить, не говоря уж насчет показать искушенному в гражданском праве юристу), а, в особо запущенных случаях, и вовсе отсутствие договора. Кроме того, деньги якобы лежат очень далеко, раздали лох поедет качать права на Сейшелы [5]. Безусловно, создатели таких контор, как и всякие мошенники - люди не глупые, потому серьезные деньги под благовидным предлогом откажутся брать, так как это предполагает совсем другие возможности и методы возврата оного бабла. Вот только вряд ли деловой человек при капусте с такими брокерами срать на одном гектаре поля присядет, а не то, чтоб деньги доверить. Разве что какой дурак захочет лотерейный джекпот приумножить, или выживший из ума пенсионер - скопленное непосильным трудом.

Полукухни могут применить подобные пошлые методы в случае внештатной ситуации, когда у них не хватит клиентов и собственных средств, чтобы возместить клиенту прибыль. Либо когда против выжившего и заматеревшего клиента не хватает лузеров и самим хронически невыгодно ставить, такого человека, что-то понявшего в рынках, но не понимающего в брокерах, постараются так или иначе выжить. Например, лишить возможности заключать сделки под видом проскальзывания или вовсе прекратить подачу котировки под видом проблем с сервером. Кроме того, полукухни могут давать внешне схожие со стопорезами левые котировки, но не злонамеренно, а из-за негодной фильтрации потока. Таким образом, полукухня, при всей своей поверхностной благообразности, рано или поздно проявит свое блядское нутро. Также стоит отметить, что в последние годы лох пошел пуганый, и олдскульные кухни, то ли исчезли вовсе, то ли остались в разных Мухосрансках и Козоебовках. А вот полукухнями, к сожалению, является большинство ДЦ, и здесь, и в Европах-Америках.

Кидалы-одиночки также не чужды грубым методам. Вот наиболее известный и масштабный случай. Другой пример. Целевая аудитория делится на две части. Первой половине рассылается наживка: наша команда профессиональных аналитиков советует срочно покупать акции компании А, так как уже завтра они вырастут в цене. Вторая половина получает противоположный тезис, предсказывающий снижение стоимости акций А. На следующий день в зависимости от динамики рынка работа продолжается либо с первой, либо со второй половиной потенциальных вкладчиков, покупателей услуг и прогнозов. Наконец, когда клиент созрел, проверил непогрешимость оракула, поступает предложение делать ставки, господа.

Есть, конечно, и добросовестные любители поработать с чужой денежкой. Однако в лучшем случае это «ватерлиния» профессионалов — что-то умеют, но не настолько искусны, чтобы раскрутиться по настоящему, а в худшем — и вовсе возомнившие о себе дилетанты. Б-гопротивныя интернеты пестрят подобными предложениями, и это при том, что юридически такие замуты, ввиду той же дыры в законодательстве, не регламентируются. В лучшем случае — долг одного физика другому со всеми вытекающими сложностями возврата. Надо ли пояснять, какое это раздолье? Остается лишь удивляться наивности людишек, ищущих раскрутчика своих кровных во всяких рейтингах на брокерских сайтах [6]. «Я не халявщик, я партнер». ага.

[править ] Деликатные, цивилизованные методы

Форекс. Будущее в твоих руках!

Суть трейдинга на форексе

Окучивание лоха без нарушения принятых на себя обязательств.

Один из наиболее распространенных способов — подсаживание лохов на внутридневную торговлю, где цена график шатание просто мобидикские. Любому искушенному в финансовых рынках человеку известно, что внутридневная торговля многократно сложнее позиционной войны торговли "внутримесячной" ввиду на порядки более интенсивных нагрузок, как психических, так и кредитных. Достигается подсаживание использование агромадного кредитного плеча. Поэтому начинающему там делать нечего, и даже многие опытные игроки такую работу не осиливают ввиду природно слабой устойчивости психики.

Однако всем брокерам вообще выгоднее иметь спрэд с десятка сделок в день, чем с пары в неделю. В ход идет известная сказка, что для позиционной торговли якобы нужен гораздо больший депозит (на самом деле меньше процент, ну да зато анализ точнее)

"Образовательные" говноуслуги. Начальные и продвинутые курсы обучения, различные семинары. Так как брокерам не терпится побыстрее начать стричь лохов на спрэды, начальные курсы обучения напоминают печально известную ускоренную подготовку советских летчиков (или же снайперов [7] ) времен Великой Отечественной войны. Преподаватели, чаще всего по жизни являющиеся решившими обзавестись более стабильным доходом трейдерами-неудачниками, объясняют лохам, как нажимать кнопки, какие есть индикаторы, новости, и тому подобные азы на уровне букваря (влегкую осваиваемые за пару вечеров своими силами и бесплатно), а затем мягко намекают, что поциент уже готов торговать на реальном счете. И это через 2-3 недели. Продвинутые курсы представляют собой углубленную теорию (опять же осваиваемую непустым человеком самостоятельно как два пальца об асфальт) или, гораздо чаще, созданные штатными гуру компании различные механические системы и методики анализа рынка. Здесь иной раз встречаются непустые разработки, но крайне редко или кайне недолго, ибо фартануло разок и всё. Кроме того, лохам не говорят о том, что неумение владеть собой и отсутствие четкого плана ограничения рисков поставит раком любую методику, даже дельную.

# Продажа книг (дельных книг очень мало, абсолютное большинство — сборники трюизмов и пересказ общеизвестных методов торговли), б-гомерзких автоматических программ для торговли, эксплуатирующих инфернальное инфантильное желание лоха получать прибыль, избегнув старой доброй тяжелой работы:

советников — программка типа анализирует рынок и дает рекомендации;

черных ящиков — лох вводит данные, программа дает результат, отличие от советника в том, что алгоритм принятия решения скрыт;

роботов — апогей халявы, сущность ясна из названия. Мы сидим, а денежки текут. Вот только направление потока не то, хехехе. Есть пара годных, рабочих роботов, которые приносят маленькую прибыль, но не сливают.

Пунктами 2 и 3 также с большим успехом занимаются частные лица и фирмы, не занимающиеся посредничеством. Если рассуждать логически: зачем продавать то, что приносит прибыль? Или оно не приносит прибыль, либо прибыль маленькая и выгоднее продавать способ.

Особый лулз в том, что в некоторых книгах пишут (открытым текстом) на Форексе просто нельзя быть жадным. Даже в дешёвеньких книгах с исчерпывающим названием "Как зарабатывать на рынке Форекс" без оговорок расписывается, что ставить на кон всё выигранное тяжким нервняком и рисковать половиной или третью всего депозита/сделка суть очень глупо ("в игре" у внутридневного трейдера должно быть максимум 5-10 процентов бабла на валютн. пару. Не кладите все яйца в одну корзину, хе-хе.

Мякотка в том, что правило вроде "нельзя ни при каких обстоятельствах бросать выбранную стратегию ради собственного чутья" на практике проверено роботами разных любителей как не верное, но не слишком, лол.

Например, перед выходом новостей валютного мира (как правило, в 14:30 по GMT) надо срочно закрывать все имеющиеся контракты/позиции/сделки/что-там-у-вас-открыто, так как крупные игроки вроде банков резко начнут менять курс в сторону этих новостей (и да, IRL самые резкие сдвижения графика происходят именно от новостей.) Сделать робота, который способен ещё и закрываться перед новостью, очень трудно, так как новости-то не каждый день (впрочем, на Си - образном языке MQL4 уже написан один, исходники именно сканера новостей -- на

"Роботы" изначально называются "автоматические торговые системы". "Стратегии" же -- "механические торговые системы".

Мартингейл -- самоубийство класса русская рулетка.

[править ] Как отличить правильного брокера от кухни

Ввиду пресловутой дыры в законодательстве, сделать это гораздо труднее, чем на фондовом рынке, где достаточно наличия у конторы лицензии и регистрации на биржевой площадке. На Форексе же можно полагаться только на собственные глаза и мозги.

Самый надёжный вариант: выбирать забугорного брокера@платить налоги (налоги с обналиченой прибыли 9%. Необналенная прибыль не облагается налогом. У амеров для этого есть понятие "401k" (какая-то поправка к 401-ой статье налог. кодекса), про РФ пока ничего не слышно.)

[править ] Признаки кухни

Пример охуенно-невъебенной сопли в более чем 1000 пунктов по франку

На практике выявлено несколько исчерпывающих признаков кухни и полукухни. Поскольку это два сорта одного говна, разницы нет.

«Стопорезы» так называемые. Искажения котировок, организованные шарагой с целью загнать клиентов в убытки путем вышибания стопов. Могут возникать не злонамеренно, а по распиздяйству из-за плохой фильтрации потока котировок. В любом случае, это крайне трефно, извинительным обстоятельством являются только достоверные сведения о том, что контора в такой ситуации выигравшим клиентам прибыль оставила (следовательно, ценит репутацию выше копеек), а проигравшим отменила сделку. Выглядят как свечки с невъебенно длинными хвостами. Не то, чтобы просто длинными, а настолько длинными, что ни в письку, ни в сиську, ни в красную армию. При этом движение происходит настолько резко, что нет возможности поставить сделку — типа проскальзывание у них такое, ага. Кто видел, тот поймет, кто не видел — при минимальном опыте работы с графиками вполне сможет отличить. Выше вы увидите пример свечи, которая во-первых сбила стопы. Во-вторых, депозиты клиентов, не превышающие 500—1000 баксов, нажитых непосильным трудом с продажи наркотиков детям, были успешно слиты по звонку Коляна ( маржын колл ).

Проблемы с выводом денег с рабочего депозита. Любое мизерное затруднение с этим делом является достаточным основанием для смены брокера, благо конкуренция на этом рынке очень велика.

Неадекватно большое проскальзывание за пределами общепринятой мировой практики. Либо слабый сервер или распиздяи-операторы, что само по себе большое западло и риск, либо целенаправленное выдавливание успешного (и, как следствие, невыгодного) спекулянта из клиентуры.

Если такое было — неизбежно всплывало в интернете, все форумы подмять никакой кухне не под силу. Потому, делая свой выбор, не поленитесь до упора пошариться в этих ваших б-гомерзких интернетах. Попавши на кухню, больше времени потратите, вынимая назад свои кровные.

Сильно сомневающимся подойдет спекуляция валютными фьючерсами на любой биржевой площадке. Отличия минимальны, а вот правовая неопределенность отсутствует.

[править ] Признаки хорошего, годного брокера

Во-первых: почти никаких физ. лиц на обслуживании; во-вторых: работа с суммами клиентов (банков, фондов, крупных компаний, Дж. Соросов и проч.) — от 10 млн.$. Вообще тот Форекс, где предлагается физ. лицу некая возможность совершать спекуляции — это игрушки для идиотов, если речь идет о сумме, менее 1 млн$. А с такой суммой зачем вообще лезть на Форекс, где высочайшая волатильность и низкая ликвидность создают невыносимые условия для спекулянта? С подобной суммой можно и нужно инвестировать уже в акции, например Google, Microsoft и т. п.

Словом, в этой главе речь пойдет не о международных крупных банках и фондах, а об относительно честных российских лохотронах. То есть при большом П. они, разумеется, кинут всех клиентов.

Контора с репутацией (наличие конкретных сведений о хотя бы одном косяке означает отсутствие репутации), а лучше всего банк, естественно, тоже не «МухосранскКолхозКредит» какой-нибудь. Отсутствие признаков кухни. Договор без подъёбок (лучше всего показать опытным юристам. специализирующимся на гражданском праве, если контора зарегистрирована за рубежом — крайне желательно знание юристом тамошних нюансов). Четко прописанная процедура урегулирования спорных вопросов. За плечами пять и более лет бескосячной брокерской деятельности (за такой срок даже тщательно маскирующаяся полукухня неизбежно успеет попалиться). Банк-депозитарий также с репутацией, при этом обязательно наличие у клиента реквизитов своего счета в таковом банке.

Также один из признаков годного брокера — агентская модель работы с ордерами клиентов(STP/NDD), в этом случае все ордера трейдеров идут на прямую контрагентам — банкам. Но вот вопрос: что, если на рынке не хватит ликвидности удовлетворить пожелания брокера по покупке/продаже? Тогда банк просто не примет ордер, ибо его некуда слить. Вот тут начнутся проблемы с подвисанием терминала, шпильками, вышибанием стопов и проч. Если же ликвидность рынка позволяет, то в этом случае брокер собирает нефтедоллары на заранее оговоренной комиссии со сделок. Cоответственно брокеру важнее, чтобы поциент как можно больше торговал, а это обычно происходит, когда трейдер выигрывает, прям, блять, идиллия. Сравнивая агентскую модель с маркет мейкерами. коими является большинство брокеров, маркет мейкер все ордера исполняет внутри, тем самым зарабатывая, когда клиент проигрывает и соответственно наоборот. Это как бы намекает нам откуда берутся over 9000 способов помочь поциенту вьебать, заработанные потом и кровью, трудовые копейки, такие как реквоты, расширение спреда, могут даже искусственно подвинуть рынок, чтобы поскорее сработал стоп аут, а сразу за ним и батхерт поциента.

Любопытно отметить, что псевдоброкерские конторы существуют не только около Форекса, но и около площадок. Причем Форекс для псевдоброкеража сам по себе благоприятен, а чтобы корчить биржевого брокера, надо быть особо незаурядным нахалом. А чтобы к такому брокеру придти — не менее незаурядным, прямо таки эпичным дураком. Наиболее известное заведение — INTWAY. типа брокер, типа продвинутая МЛМ-компания, типа девелопер и типа хуева туча всякого другого. Тут оне сами о себе. Хотя не вызывает сомнений. что эта нелепость коммерчески весьма успешна.

В наши дни, даже не смотря на прежнее отсутствие законодательства, регулирующего работу брокеров, для попадания на откровенную кухню нужно невообразно постараться. За последние 10 лет рынок услуг Форекс устаканился, на нем появились конторы, которые по-настоящему дорожат собственной репутацией. Шанс быть кинутым такими брокерами стремится к нулю, и даже новые ДЦ расшибаются в лепешку, демонстрируя чудеса дружелюбия к клиенту, дабы откусить свой кусочек огромного пирога рынка брокерских услуг.

Но, что самое удивительное, всегда есть те самые 5% народу на форексе, что умудряются извлекать прибыль и иногда совсем не малую в таких гранитных условиях … Статистическая аномалия наверное.

[править ] Валютные фьючерсы

О площадках — более-менее широкий выбор валютных пар с хорошей ликвидностью есть на CME — http://www. cmegroup. com. Контракты там довольно большие (встречаются на 125,000, 100,000 и мини-контракты на 62,500 у. е. ), а нормально торгуемый микровариант есть только на пару евро/доллар (объём — 12,500 евро). Что автоматом отсеивает трейдеров с недостаточной капитализацией. Других американских или европейских площадок с достаточным количеством ликвидных валютных пар мне не попадалось. Также, если хочется, можно поторговать и на российском фондовом рынке. На ФОРТС торгуются контракты на курс доллар/рубль, евро/рубль, евро/доллар, фунт стерлингов/доллар и даже австралийский доллар/американский доллар.

Плюсы фьючерсов по сравнению с ДЦ — во-первых, торговля идет на бирже с другими участниками рынка, а не с дилерским центром и вероятность наебки несравнимо меньше. Намеренный срыв именно твоих стопов здесь реально затруднителен — двинуть рынок возможно, но очень дорого, к тому же уровень твоей, анон, стоп-заявки достоверно известен исключительно тебе и брокеру. Во-вторых, все, что ты проебываешь достается другим участникам рынка, а брокер получает ТОЛЬКО комиссию, соответственно, в проигрыше клиента не заинтересован. Спред на самых ликвидных контрактах обычно минимален. За перенос позиций «овернайт» ничего не платится (другое дело, что там есть обычно различие с наличным рынком, постепенно сужающееся к моменту экспирации и перехода на следующий месяц в цикле — так называемые контанго /бэквордация. однако если в случае с форексным брокером учитывается и процентные ставки валют и неслабое вознаграждение ДЦ, то на фьючах — только процентные ставки, что полезно для кэрри-трейда ).

Годные брокеры — Mirus. AMP (эти два дают демки терминалов с халявными данными на месяц), Interactive Brokers (а у этого, поскольку они дают торговать и акциями, счета защищены SIPC в объёме до $250K), да тысячи их. Можно посмотреть рейтинги брокеров на разных буржуйских сайтах — здесь или здесь или здесь или traders laboratory.

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Германия: Операции с валютой, точно так же (обращаем внимание) как и операции с ценными бумагами, являются поднадзорными. Особой разницы между ценными бумагами и валютой в этом отношении законодательство не делает, поэтому вся система очень сходна с биржевой, с той разницей что к каждому трейдеру (в отдельности) предъявляются требования по надзору как к франкфуртской бирже. Поскольку далеко не каждый трейдер в состоянии позволить себе весь этот геморрой, торгуют валютой в основном только крупные банки. Особенно после повсеместного введения евро в Европе, объём контроля на этом поприще нереально уменьшился поэтому может осуществляться (и таки-да. действительно осуществляется) госконтролем в лице отделения по надзору за банковской деятельностью немецкого минфина (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht). Также с 2005-го года закон по которому каждый брокер обязан предоставлять клиентам минимальную степень защиты от рисков (Mindestanforderungen an das Risikomanagement (BA) — MaRisk (BA)) действует теперь и на трейдеров и операции с валютой. Из плюшек стоит отметить такие вещи как:

Нелады технического плана могут быть интерпретированы только на пользу клиентам.

Трейдер не может торговать на сумму, превышающую его собственный капитал больше чем на 2%. И вообще в Германии традиционно до торгов чем-либо (хоть семечками) тебя не допустят до тех пор, пока ты не предъявишь весь объём твоих торгов твоим собственным (а не взятым взаймы) капиталом, то есть нужна гарантия того, что если ты проебал все бабки клиентов по каким-то мутным причинам, то тебе есть чем долги платить. Этот небольшой нюанс (являющийся на практике серьёзным бревном в жопе вообще всех спекулянтов), кстати, зараз и уберёг экономику страны от американского финансового кризиса.

и т. п. — в общем то, что Германия так поднялась, какбэ намекает.

[править ] Первое пришествие маски анонимуса на fxclub-ы

В конце мая 2010 форексклаб позволил в обсуждение своей АНАЛитики невозбранно выкладывать пикчи и писать сами комменты анонимно. Все только начинается, но конец немного предсказуем. С другой стороны, концентрация профи-аналов, нубья и лохов и прочего УГ там давным-давно превысила все разумные пределы. Это, скорее всего и вынудило администрацию принять такие меры.

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Длинная копипаста разговора:

Support Наталья: [2:47:27 AM] Здравствуйте, чем я могу Вам помочь? Валерий: [2:47:22 AM] Здравствуйте [2:48:01 AM] открываю ForexClub MT4 жду ничего не происходит [2:48:25 AM] (программа не открывается) [2:48:31 AM] установил только что ее Support Наталья: [2:48:46 AM] Поясните пожалуйста что значит Вы ждете и ничего не происходит. [2:49:54 AM] Вы установили программу полностью? У Вас появился логотип программы на рабочем столе? Валерий: [2:50:44 AM] это значит что картинка монитора до открытия программы - двойного щелчка по ярлыку(или выделить и нажать ентер) ForexClub MT4, ничем не отличается от той что после [2:50:50 AM] да, установил [2:51:01 AM] да, появился ярлык программы на рабочем столе Support Наталья: [2:51:43 AM] На каком локальном диске у Вас установлена программа, уточните пожалуйста. Есть ли возможность установить на другой локальный диск? Валерий: [2:52:23 AM] какое э [2:52:30 AM] это имеет значение? [2:52:32 AM] на диске C: [2:52:53 AM] есть возможность [2:53:09 AM] точнее нет [2:53:22 AM] у меня только диск C: на компьютере и сидиром [2:53:31 AM] (на сидиром установить не удастся) Support Наталья: [2:54:17 AM] Вы пробовали переустановить программу, вероятно она у Вас не до конца скачалась. Валерий: [2:54:23 AM] да, уже 14(ровно) раз удалял и переустанавливал [2:54:32 AM] не поиогло [2:54:39 AM] не помогло [2:54:54 AM] (скачивал тоже 14 раз) Support Наталья: [2:55:41 AM] У Вас установлены на компьютере Антивирусы? Валерий: [2:56:05 AM] нет, только comodo firewall [2:56:43 AM] (ваерволл не регистрирует никакую сетевую активность программы при запуске) [2:57:07 AM] (это значит что программа не пытается подключиться к сети интернет) Support Наталья: [2:57:24 AM] Какая операционная система у Вас установлена? Валерий: [2:57:19 AM] windows xp sp3 Support Наталья: [2:58:29 AM] Какой Service Pack у Вас установлен? Валерий: [2:58:41 AM] Service Pack 3

[2:59:10 AM] выключил ваерволл, заработало

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↑ Впрочем, в США, Британии и бывших доминионах ввиду их системы права теоретически возможны судебные прецеденты

↑ Разные источники называют различный показатель выживаемости в первый год работы, но всегда получается около 10%. Это только те, кто не прекратил работу, закрывших первый год с прибылью вовсе единицы.

↑ При маржинальной торговле — реальные средства клиента, вложенные в сделку.

↑ А также, в духе МЛМ, обязательно упоминается о том, что все, кто выступают против спекуляции на недобирже — на самом деле просто лузеры и лентяи и слушать их не надо вообще нигде и никогда, иначе потеряешь "правильный настрой" aka "ДЖУС ".

↑ Стоит отметить, что оффшорная регистрация делается не обязательно для ущемления клиента, а прежде всего для оптимизации налогов и обхода отечественной бюрократии. Если нет других подозрительных моментов, оффшор это вполне нормально.

↑ Показательно, что среди них нигде и никогда никто из серьезных в рейтингах и конкурсах не светился. И это при том, что на "их" форексе поднято не одно миллионное состояние.

↑ Среди снайперов пачками валили фрицев только состоявшиеся бывалые охотники на пушного зверя. Новички натаскивались хреновее некуда.

[править ] Ссылки

Форекс Клаб — брокер годный, но ориентируется на массовое окучивание лохов, ввиду чего изрядно доставляет своими агитками.

ForexMagazine — хороший годный журнал.

Мастерфорекс. Интересно, но факт — при вводе домена. ru вместо. org в строчку набора web-адреса попадешь на демотивационную писюльку с пропагандой расстрела Мастерфорекс, всех форексных и иных финансовых а-ля пирамид.

ВТБ24, бывший «Гута-Банк» — хороший, годный брокер.

Статья в английской Википедии, посвящённая описанию околофорексного мошенничества.

Там же. про «бойлерные» на бирже.

Сделки без суда и следствия.

Обучающий курс по хуйне — «Киберсант-Инвестор». Учись инвестировать с умом и дайте мне заработать на Вас, впарив курс!

Ютуб — Правда о Форекс. (мнения и интервью) 2013.

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Restablecimiento de contraseña

Buyers lurk with intent

Perhaps it was just the calm before the storm, where the latter represents whether the Fed Chairman will announce his preparedness to undertake more QE when he speaks on Friday at the Jackson Hole symposium. After the volatility evident at the end of last week, trading conditions yesterday were generally less eventful. Buyers were lurking with intent, some keen to put risk back to work at (now) much cheaper valuations. In response, the FTSE 100 was up more than 2% at one stage, and bond yields were around 5bp higher in the major markets.

Overnight, some of the Asian bourses have registered significant gains – the Kospi is up 4%, and Taiwan’s Taiex has jumped more than 3%. The gold price has been incredibly volatile – it fell almost $40 after reaching a record high of $1,895 early in London trading, before climbing gradually through the New York session to eventually achieve a fresh new high 0f $1,913.50. The major currencies were relatively becalmed, with only some of the high-beta currencies attracting some buying interest.

Merkel pours cold water on Eurobonds. Angela Merkel tried hard over the weekend to slow the gathering momentum for common euro-area bonds, claiming that it was “precisely the wrong answer” at this time of dramatic crisis. In an interview with ZDF television in Berlin ahead of elections early next month in her home state, Merkel pointed out that Eurobonds would require changes to EU treaty rules that would take years to alter, and in any event such changes may well fall foul of Germany’s constitution. According to the German Chancellor, Europe should focus its efforts on reducing government debt and improving competitiveness. She has a point – Eurobonds will not be a panacea for the sclerotic growth dynamics in most of the eurozone, nor the excessive debt accumulated by many of Europe’s sovereigns. The obdurate stance of Germany’s leader was, unsurprisingly, supported by her Finance Minister. That said, he did intimate that he had no issue with ceding sovereignty to Brussels over time. Interestingly, EU president Von Rompuy sided with Merkel, claiming that joint bonds would not work until economic and fiscal policies within the eurozone were better aligned. As widely recognised, the whole euro project has reached a crucial crossroad. Either Europe accepts the need for closer fiscal integration and all of the compromises to national sovereignty and policy independence that it involves, or the single currency will rapidly morph into something very different from that which exists currently. The appetite for fiscal union, not just in Germany but elsewhere in northern Europe, is definitely waning. Last week, six countries including Austria, Finland and the Netherlands commenced bilateral discussions with Greece in an attempt to secure collateral as part of the release of the next tranche of bailout money. Right now, northern Europe seems a long way from agreeing to Eurobonds. Their reluctance is understandable. Without structural reform and closer fiscal alignment, Eurobonds would merely increase funding costs and raise the debt burdens of Europe’s strongest economies.

Glittering gold. The glittering allure of gold as a store of value in these incredibly uncertain times shows absolutely no signs of faltering, with the price reaching yet another record high overnight of $1,913.50 an ounce. Perpetuating the surge in the gold price over recent days has been the increased threat of further central bank intervention weighing on the two traditional safe haven currencies, namely the Japanese yen and the Swiss franc. Policy-makers in both countries are incredibly aggravated about the potential financial damage which substantially overvalued currencies may wreak on their local economies. Gold’s ascent is both expected and surprising at the same time. Expected in the sense that it represents one of the few viable options for those seeking to protect their wealth from the deliberate currency debasement being implemented by policy-makers in advanced economies. Surprising, in the sense that it has been so incredibly widely expected. Since early July, the gold price has jumped by more than $400 or 29%. Gold has doubled in less than 2½ years, tripled in the past four years, and quadrupled in the past six years Quite a good investment! In the near-term, it is not clear what might arrest this relentless demand for the precious metal. The RSI has been around 70 (regarded as technically overbought) for more than a month, without any hint of a pullback. At a time of widespread asset price destruction and currency uncertainty, gold has been a welcome port in the storm.

sobre el autor

Forex Broker FxPro is an international Forex Broker. FxPro is an award-winning online broker, offering CFDs on forex, futures, indices, shares, spot metals and energies, serving clients in more than 150 countries worldwide. FxPro offers execution with no-dealing-desk intervention and maintains a client-centric business model that puts customer needs at the forefront of our operations. Our acquisition of leading spot FX aggregator, Quotix, enables us to offer access to a deep pool of liquidity, as well as top-class order-matching and some of the most competitive spreads in the market. FxPro is one of only few brokers offering Negative Balance Protection, ensuring that clients cannot lose more than their overall investment. FxPro UK Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (registration number: 509956). FxPro Financial Services Limited is authorised and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (licence number: 078/07) and by the South Africa Financial Services Board (authorisation number 45052). Risk Warning: Trading CFDs involves significant risk of loss.

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Restablecimiento de contraseña

Pitfalls lurk for novice currency traders

by Mark Abernethy

The rise of international trade and floated currencies has entailed a growth in the foreign exchange market to be the world’s most heavily traded financial commodity, with global volumes of $US4 trillion traded every day.

While large trading and investment banks engage in this trade for hedging and speculation, thousands of Australian businesses have to negotiate the ­ foreign exchange markets as a practical necessity.

The entry of business owners into a world controlled by traders and speculators creates pitfalls, says CPA ­ Australia business policy adviser

“Many business owners no longer have a choice about whether or not to engage in international trade," he says. “Their businesses depend on it and that means they are in the currency markets and they’re assuming foreign exchange risk."

As well as the pitfalls to trading in different currencies, there are drawbacks to mitigating the risks, Ord says.

The classic pitfall occurs when a business that imports materials for manufacture or resale suffers from a falling domestic exchange rate against the currency through which it is purchasing its imports. This scenario can increase costs for the importer, usually reducing their profitability and eventually the market value of the business.

When the Australian currency gains against foreign currencies, our ­ exporters lose profitability and the cost of ­ foreign inputs usually decreases, giving importers an advantage over domestic producers.

Businesses that attempt to hedge currency risk also face pitfalls. “There are two main ways of dealing with foreign exchange risk: the forward exchange contract and the foreign currency option," Ord says.

But business owners should not think that because they buy either a contract or an option that they have no risk. “An option means you can buy a stipulated foreign currency at a date in the future, at a certain price, if you want to buy at that price. If it’s advantageous to your business, you buy the currency at that rate, but you don’t have to. It’s relatively expensive."

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The forward contract is locked in at a certain price in the future, so you can create certainty in your costs at a low price. But if the exchange rate moves against you between taking the contract and having to pay the vendor, you are committed to paying that exchange rate. “You have to treat foreign exchange risk as a cost, just as the cost of other inputs are risks to be managed," Ord says.

Some currencies, such as the US dollar, have frequent small movements against the Aussie dollar, but others – such as the rouble – are volatile.

Ord suggests business owners should measure foreign exchange risk by keeping a register of foreign currency exposures and by creating a table of foreign currency cash flows.

There are more technical approaches such as “value at risk", but, according to Ord, conducting a “sensitivity analysis" on foreign exchange transactions gives a business owner a sense of which transactions are sensitive to exchange rate movements and should be hedged with risk products.

When a business is comfortable with the currency volatility with a specific currency, they can avoid risk products and use a foreign currency bank account with a loan facility, Ord says.

“Many businesses have a bank account in the currency they usually trade in," Ord says. “Because most of the risk and cost happens when the foreign currency exchange occurs, you can make payments and accept payments in the chosen currency and convert it back to Aussie dollars as and when it suits you."

He says some Australian businesses with foreign currency bank accounts also borrow foreign currency to pay for foreign currency purchases, and then use the foreign currency to repay the loan.

Bryan Clark, head of trade and ­ international affairs at the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, says some smaller traders are urged into taking forex risk products when they don’t need them.

“You have to assess your own business and establish where the risk lies, and how much it could cost you.

“There are many mid-sized Australian companies that make frequent orders from overseas and so long as they’re trading in a currency such as the US [dollar], they may not hedge because over a year the losses are made up by the gains."

Other importers may bring in large orders infrequently and they have to hedge with contracts because they cannot afford to be left with a warehouse filled with goods that cannot be sold at a competitive price. “Some of the hedging products are expensive compared to size of the deal, but businesses are talked into them because they don’t want to lose money."

Clark says many small and mid-sized Australian businesses avoid foreign exchange risk altogether by writing their contracts in Aussie dollars. “Asian businesses probably prefer the US because it’s a recognised trading currency," he says. “But the Aussie is recognised and trusted too – more business owners should insist on dealing in Aussie dollars."

One of the pitfalls of using foreign currency exchange to pay offshore ­ suppliers or be paid by foreign customers is that innocent ­ businesses can be caught in money-laundering channels used by organised crime. Specialist foreign exchange remitters who “wire" payments to ­ offshore recipients in a chosen currency are targeted by organised crime gangs who use legitimate forex transactions to hide their own money-laundering trails.

Australia’s foreign transaction ­ regulator and intelligence gatherer – AUSTRAC – monitors transactions where the client believes funds are being exchanged into a foreign currency and remitted in another country, but in fact the money given to the foreign exchange agency is handed to the crime gang, and the criminal associates in the other country make the payment to the ultimate recipient.

AUSTRAC requires all independent remitters to register for the Remittance Sector Register and advises business owners and individuals to search the register before wiring funds ­ internationally through an independent remitter.

The Australian Financial Review

Weekly Trading Forecast: A Week of Looming Threats and Holiday Liquidity

The US Thanksgiving holiday is ahead, but traders shouldn't be lax about the risks that still lurk through the system. Key fundamental risks remain and an ill-timed swoon in liquidity could prove a critical problem.

The US Dollar this past week thwarted what could have been a nasty reversal that changed the balance of sentiment.

Markets are looking right through to the end of the first week of December, and for good reason: the ECB has its last policy meeting of 2015; Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen gives testimony in front of Congress; and the November US Nonfarm Payrolls report will be released. It’s going to be a very important few days.

GBP/USD extended the rebound from earlier this month as the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) Minutes warned of a potential three-way split within the central bank, but the pound-dollar may struggle to hold its ground in the week ahead should the Bank of England (BoE) show a greater willingness to further delay its normalization cycle.

In an ideal economy, which doesn’t exist anywhere, weakness in one sector would be followed or balanced by strength in another sector.

The outlook for the Australian Dollar is clouded in the week ahead as the currency continues to recover despite an adverse shift in monetary policy expectations.

In previous pieces on the New Zealand Dollar. we’ve discussed the correlation between Milk prices and the spot rate on the Kiwi - Dollar.

Gold prices continued to fall for the fifth consecutive week with the precious metal down 0.6% to trade at 1076 ahead of the New York close on Friday.

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Can You Trade Forex Well with a Small Balance?

-The Desire to Trade FX with a Small Balance

-The Limits of a Small Balance

-The Better Path Regardless of Risk

“Ninety-five percent of the trading errors you are likely to make—causing the money to just evaporate before your eyes—will stem from your attitudes about being wrong, losing money, missing out, and leaving money on the table. What I call the four primary trading fears.”

“ Attitude produces better total outcomes than analysis or technique. ”

― Mark Douglas, Trading in the Zone

What’s the least amount I can’t start trading with? That’s a common question running through a trader-to-be’s head when they’re about to open a trading account. However, you’ll soon see how that line of thinking can breed a lot of poor thinking patterns and get you in trouble.

The Desire to Trade FX with a Small Balance

Let’s start off with some tough love. You’re not trying to buy something at a discount when you put down margin for a trading account. Less is not more and as you could understand, less is less. Put in other words, the attitude that comes with trying to get the best deal on a large purchase can do damage to your trading.

Here’s how. The a ttitude you trade with will follow through to how you manage risk and in keeping that mindset, you’ll likely overleverage your trading account and potentially be forced out of trades at the worst possible point. A better approach is to ditch the focus on a win percentage and instead focus on preserving capital / downside risk as opposed to a key juncture break long before an extreme pressed you out of the market. This new attitude that focuses on risk often produces better total outcomes than analysis or technique alone.

The Limits of a Small Balance

There’s a reason Hedge Funds don’t start with $5,000 or $50,000 or even $500,000. That’s because they know their inability to enter into a position with favorable risk: reward is directly tied to limited capital. Now, before you think, “I’m not a hedge fund so that doesn’t concern me,” think about this. Everyone is trying to extract money from the market while risking as little as possible however, there is an amount of agility that is needed to trade well and put the odds in your favor.

In short, a small trading balance limits your agility as a trade. Acute observations from traders with small balances show common traits that limit agility and your edge as a trader:

Lottery Mentality –always looking for the big winner

Taking on too much risk relative to appropriate reward sought

Overt focus on the short-term which can have less order than longer term moves

Agility is a mindset that traders need to have are often doomed without. When you’re agile, you’ll have the ability to pay attention to what matters most in trading, which is exploiting an edge in the market while always limiting risk. Of course, there’s an easy way to do this without trying to find a psychologist to change your mind frame.

The Better Path Regardless of Risk

Always think risk first regardless of your account balance. However, the more trading capital and usable margin you have, the easier it is to stay level headed and agile as the market moves. It’s been said that to enter a trade without a clear risk-point in mind is reckless and I agree. However, the more usable margin you have, which goes hand in hand with a larger account balance, the less you’ll keep holding out for the big winner and rather look for fewer high probability trades. Here’s a look from the Traits of Successful Trader’s Research that shows the correlation to high balance and better performance

The graph above shows a clear pattern: the less equity you trade with, the more prone you are to use high amounts of leverage. The more amount of leverage you utilize, the more focus you’re likely to have on short-term gains. The only problem with an overt focus on short term gains with high leverage is that you’re unlikely to take a small loss in the near term which can eventually lead to a huge or devastating loss before long.

Starting with a small account can become one of the most expensive ways to get started. This article has opened up many of the mental traps that lurk for those trading a small account. The question becomes, are you willing to take trading seriously enough to protect your mental capital and align yourself with those who have made a success in trading before you?

I hope your answer is yes.

---Written by Tyler Yell, Trading Instructor

To be added to Tyler’s e-mail distribution list, please click here

Tyler is available on Twitter @ForexYell

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Outsiders Still Lurk For Stock Market: China, Oil, And Deflation

Feb. 11, 2016 3:06 PM

China's economic slump and the little traction from efforts there to pump liquidity into the banking system helped send U. S. stocks on their worst January skid ever. Oil's price plunge to 12-year lows sure didn't help, bruising energy shares and depressing commodities prices to the point of risking entrenched deflation for much of the world.

The rough start leaves traders and retirement-eve investors wondering how 2016 could pan out considering China's issues, oil, and global deflation are likely to stick around. Stock market volatility, as measured by the CBOE's Volatility Index (VIX), is trending higher in 2016 than the average going back to at least 2011.

With this backdrop, discipline may be the required investing strategy for 2016 as traders sort out what could be next. "Consider keeping your position sizes smaller than normal when volatility increases and wide out your stops and sell/buy prices as well," says JJ Kinahan, chief market strategist, at TD Ameritrade.

Many industry analysts scratched out their forecasts as much has changed in a few short weeks. This year was once assumed to usher in higher U. S. interest rates. Now, financial market participants aren't so sure.

Heading into 2016 there were forecasts for as much as four quarter-point rate hikes this year. The CME Group's FedWatch tool. which crunches policy change probabilities priced into short-term interest rate futures, shows only a 26% chance for a summer or autumn rate hike at this point.

Fed odds have been recalculated and so have market projections. Count UBS among the latest banks to rethink some numbers. Equity strategist Julian Emanuel revised his 2016 S&P 500 (SPX), in figure 1, year-end target down to 2,175 from 2,275.


The S&P 500 (SPX), plotted here through early February on TD Ameritrade's thinkorswim® platform. shed some 15% from its all-time high of 2,134 scored in May 2015 to its lowest point to date in 2016, at 1,812. It did recover some 100 points from that low in early February with much of its movement closely tracking energy sector swings. Data source: Standard & Poor's. Sólo con fines ilustrativos. El rendimiento pasado no garantiza resultados futuros.

Right now, it's a push-pull between bearish and bullish factors. That's true in most market conditions, but the conflicting sentiment is particularly noteworthy just now.

For starters, who knows by how much China's growth could slow? Some analysts estimate that China's troubled credit could exceed $5 trillion, a staggering number that is equivalent to half the size of the country's annual economic output. As soon as late 2016, some 22% of China's loans could be non-performing, The New York Times reports. Official figures show that Chinese banks pulled back on their lending in December, although early January stock depreciation did bring about short-term liquidity efforts for its banking system.

As stocks waver, global demand is flowing back into the U. S. Treasury market. That, of course, lifts bond prices and pushes down yields, meaning that market interest rates are falling at a time when the Federal Reserve had penciled in a go-slow series of rate hikes meant to unwind unprecedented easy monetary policy.

The market is depressing rates (good for homebuyers), but this move could leave the Fed itself a little depressed. If the U. S. central bank abandons a modest rate-hike campaign it potentially risks inciting panic. The investing and consuming public could assume that ugly global conditions have leeched onto the U. S. economy and the stock market. But raise rates in this deflationary environment (the Fed might point to improving job market conditions) and Janet Yellen and crew risk fueling global risks that may penetrate Wall Street's gates.

Did the Fed make a December rate-hike mistake that only adds to market confusion? Tal vez. But there's nothing preventing the Fed from slowing its policy plans and its clever rhetoric has left the door open to this possibility. Does it complicate policy down the road? Potentially.

Is there one? Sí.

Some industry economists note that an external shock such as deflationary commodity prices or a deeper Chinese slowdown could be less severe for the U. S. stock market than a homegrown problem, the 2007-2008 housing market collapse, for instance. It's true that China's cough can make the rest of the world ill. U. S. exporters will feel it. But a deflationary situation is tougher on producers initially than on consumers as oil and food costs are contained. Lost housing equity on the other hand? That hits consumers where it counts.

Economists point to the 1998 Asian financial crisis. It smacked the stock market pretty good for a time, but overall, the economic fallout for the U. S. was contained. Optimists argue that the same may hold true for this China-led "crisis." Will emerging markets that are big Chinese trading partners get hit? Sí. Are commodities-sensitive economies struggling? Sí. Should traders and investors beware? Sí. But is the foundation of the U. S. stock market able to withstand these outside forces? Time will tell. But the supportive structure is in place.

Plus, the world is responding to China, which may do some de facto work for the Fed.

"Europe remains squarely in a monetary easing cycle, which is jump starting the region's credit growth and overall business cycles. This environment created a tailwind for Europe's equity markets in 2015 and is expected to continue to help the region's stocks in 2016," says Heidi Richardson, head of U. S. investment strategy for BlackRock's iShares.

She continues: "The Japanese market is a similar story. Stocks in Japan benefited last year from continued easy money from the Bank of Japan and I see sustained monetary policy easing continuing to support the market going forward in 2016."

Competition for U. S. stocks from these corners of the world? Potentially. But more likely, the potential for short-term global market stability that could let U. S. investors focus more on earnings results. That will take a tactical sector-by-sector or name-by-name approach to the stock market. Remember, much of the drag on earnings forecasts comes from weak oil prices and a strong dollar. It could prove important to assess the health of the broader economy outside of these - yes, still important - factors.

As for earnings, UBS's Emanuel cut his S&P 500 earnings per share target to $119 from $126 for 2016, still implying a 1.4% increase from 2015.

Disclaimer: TD Ameritrade, Inc. member FINRA/SIPC. TD Ameritrade es una marca de propiedad conjunta de TD Ameritrade IP Company, Inc. y The Toronto-Dominion Bank. Commentary provided for educational purposes only. Past performance is no guarantee of future results or investment success.

Las opciones implican riesgos y no son adecuadas para todos los inversores. Please read Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options before investing.

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London Session: More of the same. but risks lurk in the wings

The market reacts to the Fed by dumping the greenback

The Aussie looks comfortable above parity

Europe’s peripheral worries mount by the day

ECB President Trichet’s difficult balancing act

The market appeared to choke on the details of the Fed’s second round of quantitative easing after yesterday’s announcement. First the dollar sold off then it came back after there was some confusion over whether or not $600bn of asset purchases between now and June 2011 was enough to stoke inflation and bring down the unemployment rate. However, a night away from the computer screens has helped the market find some direction. The dollar is being sold off across the board and is tying with the yen for the worst performing major currency. Risky assets have had a strong start to the day: the euro is higher along with stocks and commodities. The single currency is the star performer, rising more than 1 per cent since the start of the European session; it is currently trading at 1.4230/40 vs. the dollar, the highest level since January.

So it’s back to the same old rhythm for financial assets: risky assets rise while the dollar falls. The significance of QE2 should not be overlooked. The Fed is using a new policy tool (mass Treasury purchases focused in the 5-10yr belly of the curve) to “lower” interest rates and stokes growth. Large policy shifts such as this tend to set direction for the markets. A break below the 76.10 level in the dollar index was a green light for dollar bears to keep selling the greenback. Now that the Fed’s intentions to keep rates on hold for a prolonged period and keep the door open for further asset purchases beyond June 2011 are known, a key pillar of support for the dollar is gone. Without yield, investors will continue to use the buck as a funding currency and invest in higher yielding assets. And from the get go, the extra liquidity the Fed will start to pump into the US economy has leaked into higher yielding assets. The Aussie dollar is looking comfortable above parity, touching 1.0100 in the European session. A weak dollar has pushed commodities higher and stocks in Europe are trading with a spring in their step – the Eurostoxx 50 index is up 1.86 per cent. Meanwhile the dollar gets sicklier by the hour. After breaching the 76.10 support level, the dollar index is at its lowest level since December. The next key support level is 74.20 – the November 2009 low.

The marathon of event risk continues today. The Bank of England announces interest rates at midday GMT (08.00 ET) and the European Central Bank announces its decision at 12.45 GMT. We don’t think there is much chance of a surprise from either central bank. The BOE is likely to keep rates on hold and asset purchases steady at GBP200bn. A strong Q3 GDP reading coupled with a good set of survey data for October has been a game-changer for the prospect of more QE in the UK. With inflation running above the Bank of England’s 3.1 per cent target, and still massive amounts of uncertainty about the impact of public sector spending cuts on growth, we think the BOE will err on the side of caution and hold off on further QE today. This doesn’t mean the Bank will become hawkish any time soon. BOE Governor Mervyn King has hinted that the Bank will plug any growth gaps if austerity cuts start to weigh on the economy. For now though, bringing inflation back to its target looks like the BOE’s most immediate concern. While the Fed dives in, the BOE holds off, this is benefitting GBP/USD. It is currently above $1.6150; $1.62 is on the horizon but above here will take a big effort from the cable bulls.

ECB President Trichet’s speech later today will be the key event to watch out for. Although we expect Trichet to reiterate the ECB’s commitment to withdraw special liquidity facilities from Europe’s financial system, part of its normalisation policy, he has a difficult balancing act. Inflation is currently at the ECB’s target rate of close to or just below 2 per cent, and pressures are building further down the pipeline. Producer prices in September rose to 4.2 per cent on an annualised basis from 3.6 per cent in August. And a weak dollar fuelling high commodity prices is only going to push inflation higher. While this suggests the ECB may need to think about tightening measures, it’s only the core economies that are strong. The peripherals are in extremely bad shape. Bond yields in Ireland and Portugal continue to make record highs. Irish 10-yr bond yields are now 7.67 per cent. The faster that bond yields rise, the more likely it is that Ireland will have to withdraw from the markets and use Europe’s stabilization facility to fund itself like Greece. It seems a no-brainer that Trichet will at least get asked about any support the ECB will provide to the struggling peripheral economies. The ECB didn’t buy government bonds last week, but it may have to do so to keep a lid on yield pressures. For now, we think Trichet will offer “conservative support” to the peripheral economies to ease any funding concerns as we move into year-end. However, the ECB is unlikely to follow the Fed, which should mean that interest rate differentials continue to underpin strength in EUR/USD. But peripheral risk remains in the wings for the single currency.

And finally, does the market have the stamina for tomorrow’s BOJ announcement and Non-farm payrolls? One thing at a time, for now the market is digesting QE2 and looking to Trichet for guidance on whether to try and push EUR/USD to 1.45 and beyond.

Ripple Effect Looms Large in FX Markets

By Louis B. Mendelsohn

Today, it is imperative to include an intermarket perspective in FX analysis.

If they had not realized it before, this summer’s market turmoil that started in the United States and quickly spread elsewhere drove home an important message to foreign currency traders worldwide: The financial markets are globally intertwined and should not be considered in isolation from one another.

Now, even novice traders know that a development affecting one market or financial sector is likely to spill over and have repercussions in other markets because no market, particularly the forex market (which is at the center of global commerce), exists by itself today.

But a serious disconnect still prevails between the reality of how the markets interact and the technical analysis’s emphasis on looking internally at one market at a time. Technical analysis, in this regard, has failed to keep pace, for the most part, with the globalization of financial markets.

Changes that began in the 1980s with the proliferation of personal computers and global telecommunications—which accelerated in the 1990s with the growth of the Internet and gained momentum in this decade with the cross-border consolidation of financial exchanges worldwide—have hastened the interconnectedness of global financial markets. Now traders need to pay serious attention to what’s happening in other markets, even those seemingly unrelated to the markets they trade.

Still, too many individual traders, particularly newcomers just learning the ABCs of technical analysis and the mechanics of forex trading, rely solely on single-market technical analysis strategies that have been around, in one form or another, since the 1970s, which is when I first started in this industry. This narrow approach to technical analysis predates the emergence of market globalization. As a result, I believe a large percentage of these traders fail in their trading endeavors and end up losing their trading capital after a brief stint in the markets.

Admittedly, a trader still needs to analyze the past price behavior of each individual market that he or she trades. If for no other reason, doing so continues to be worthwhile to identify the double tops, broken trendlines or moving average crossovers that other traders are observing, because such single-market indicators are part of the mass psychology that helps drive price action. But that narrow focus does not go far enough any longer.

It became increasingly clear to me in the mid-1980s, as the global economy was beginning to take shape, that intermarket analysis would become essential to traders who wanted to get an early reading on price direction in a target market before it became apparent to the masses. Since then, I have advocated in articles, books and television interviews that traders incorporate intermarket analysis into their trading strategies. Now at this juncture, I think it is fair to say that it is imperative to include an intermarket perspective in a trader’s analysis, given the mature state of today’s globally interconnected markets.

Intermarket analysis has a long history in the equity, agricultural commodity and currency markets. Equity traders for years have compared returns between small - and large caps, one market sector versus another, a sector against a broad market index, one stock against another, international versus domestic stocks, etc. Fund managers talk about diversification and asset allocation as they try to achieve superior portfolio performance. Whether they are speculating for profits or arbitraging to take advantage of temporary price discrepancies, intermarket analysis in this sense has been part of equity trading for a long time.

Likewise, commodity traders have practiced intermarket analysis for decades. Farmers have been involved in it, although they may not have thought of what they do in those terms. When farmers calculate what to plant in fields where they have several crop choices—between corn and soybeans, for example—they typically consider current or anticipated prices of each crop, the size of the yield they can expect from each and the cost of production in making their decisions. Farmers do not look at one market in isolation but know that what they decide for one crop will likely have a bearing on the price of the other, keeping the price ratio between the two crops somewhat in line on a historical basis.

Currency traders and bankers have also performed intermarket analysis while trading currency spreads (involving a long position in one currency and a short position in another) long before the term “forex pairs” became popular among individual traders.

The commodity markets, such as crude oil and gold, have a tremendous effect on other financial markets—including U. S. Treasury notes and bonds, which, in turn, have a powerful impact on the global equity markets. They subsequently affect the U. S. dollar and forex markets, which then further influence prices of commodities.

This domino effect, when set off by what might appear to be a seemingly isolated or relatively small triggering event at the onset, can ripple through global financial markets in a circular, cause-and-effect, dynamic process that seems to take on a life of its own. Underlying this process are inflationary expectations, changes and differentials in interest rates and credit risk in different countries, corporate earnings growth rates, stock prices, and forex fluctuations—not to mention hurricanes and terrorist attacks—to name just a few of the potential triggering mechanisms that can set this process in motion.

Today, one can hardly name a market that is not affected by related markets or does not influence others in turn. That’s because “hot money” on a global basis—in what seems like nanoseconds—can now migrate to those markets promising higher returns. This is especially true in the foreign exchange market where a participant is always trading one currency against another. This search for returns is evident in the establishing and unraveling of so-called carry trades in recent years, as sophisticated traders and hedge funds borrowed money in low-interest-rate countries, such as Japan, and invested these funds in instruments in countries with higher interest rates, including New Zealand and Australia.

This dynamic has already played itself out a number of times since the 1987 crash, including the 1997 Asian currency crisis, the 1998 Long Term Capital Management debacle and the crisis following the 2001 terrorist attack on the United States. Each occurrence underscored the far-reaching implications regarding the fragile stability of the global financial system, itself, amid the ever-present prospect of a worldwide financial meltdown.

The most recent episode that began this past summer demonstrated how problems in the U. S. subprime credit markets spilled over into international hedge funds and banks, sending stock prices tumbling in July. Traders unwound their carry trades, buying the Japanese yen and selling the higher interest rate currencies to raise cash to provide liquidity for their funds. Once started, the move fed on itself, affecting numerous global markets including forex. Within a span of less than a month, the Japanese yen went from a “weak” currency to 14-year highs against the U. S. dollar, and the Austrailian dollar/yen pair plunged from above 107 yen to 86 yen (see Figure 1), illustrating the enormous trading opportunities in the forex market beyond pairs tied to the U. S. dollar.

The recent crisis in the U. S. credit markets and the subsequent fallout affecting highly leveraged funds illustrates again the extent to which the global financial markets are interconnected. Within hours, the reverberations from Bear Stearns and other hedge fund implosions tied to debt instruments had spread to banks and other financial institutions around the globe, prompting central banks in the United States, Japan, Europe and elsewhere to inject funds into their own economies to provide liquidity in the hope of preventing the financial contagion from spreading farther and becoming even more severe.

As is often the case, traders’ flight to quality in a financial crisis lifted U. S. Treasuries and the U. S. dollar, which again steered away (at least temporarily) from the edge of collapse as some pundits have been prognosticating for some time. Whether the Fed and other central bank actions alleviated the crisis this go-around or just put it off a while is still uncertain at this time.

The answer depends on whether any other “ticking time bombs” still lurk in the U. S. mortgage market or elsewhere. But the key point for FX traders from all of this is that they need to pay attention to what’s going on beyond the forex market and be on the lookout for a spark that could ignite elsewhere, and then flame reactions across the globe that inevitably affect the currency market.

Taking the Next Step

Recognizing that the financial markets are interdependent is necessary but by no means sufficient to be successful as a forex trader. To turn this awareness into trading profits, one has to be able to quantify these market interrelationships and then apply that information to actual trading situations in a way that improves performance. This challenge has been the focus of my research for the past 20 years, as I have sought ways to analyze how global markets influence each other, quantify their interconnectedness and develop predictive technical indicators and methods by which traders can apply this information.

For instance, if a trader wants to judge the value of the euro versus the U. S. dollar (EUR/USD), he or she not only has to look at euro data but also at numerous related markets to see how they influence the EUR/USD pair. This includes other currency pairs, as you might expect, but also U. S. Treasury notes and bonds, as well as other markets that, at first glance, may not seem to have much of an influence.

Often the correlation between other markets and the dollar is inverse, especially for markets such as gold or oil that are priced in U. S. dollars in international trade. When the value of the U. S. dollar declines, foreign currencies naturally rise by varying degrees, and prices for gold, oil and many other commodities usually do too.

As the value of the U. S. dollar weakened several years ago, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries began pricing some of their crude oil exports in euros to make up for losses from the cheaper dollar. When the U. S. Dollar Index sagged again last summer to its 2004 lows, around 80, there was more talk from Russia about pricing its oil in euros, and several countries announced plans to shift some of their currency reserves from the dollar into other currencies. Traders in many markets, not just forex, need to keep an eye on whether the dollar can maintain its reserve currency status, as well as consider the implications if the dollar’s role diminishes in global financial markets.

In the future, another major challenge for FX traders will involve China’s response to U. S. pressure to revalue the Chinese yuan. Any movement will likely continue to be slow and calculated to preclude any severe disruptions to Chinese and world markets, but this is a development that currency traders and others need to monitor for the potential jolt it could have on numerous global financial markets, particularly forex. It’s unlikely that a trader will know when and how any adjustments might unfold, but intermarket analysis can provide some early clues for those markets he or she trades.

As 2007’s market turmoil highlighted, many traders still ignore intermarket analysis altogether or fail to implement it in a meaningful way as part of their trading plans. At best, traders too often rely upon simplistic ways to compare markets. The complexity of the dynamics between markets, which I call market synergy, and how they influence each other suggests that just comparing price charts of two currencies and looking at the spread difference or a ratio between their prices (to measure the degree to which they move in relation to one another) is simply no longer adequate in today’s global trading environment.

This approach is too limited because it does not take into account the influence exerted by other currencies or other related markets. Additionally, such correlation studies fail to address the leads and lags that exist in the global economy as they affect market dynamics. In today’s global markets, particularly the forex market, traders must include in their analysis (to one degree or another) even seemingly distant markets.

Introducing Intermarket Data

Intermarket analysis provides a more comprehensive set of data points for analysis than simply looking at an individual market’s past prices. Through the use of an artificial intelligence tool known as neural networks, which I first started working with in the late 1980s, both single-market data from a target market, such as one of the forex pairs, and intermarket data from dozens of related markets are used as inputs into the neural networks. Once the networks have been properly designed, trained and tested, they can be used in real-time trading with current data updated each day to generate short-term forecasts for the target market.

Knowing that it would be futile to attempt to make accurate long-term forecasts (just like it is impossible to do with weather forecasts), the neural networks are designed to make predictions for just a day or two into the future. Of course, even for this short timeframe, it is folly to expect 100 percent accurate forecasts. That’s not only unrealistic, it’s downright impossible due to inherent randomness in the markets and unforeseen events that affect them.

The good news is that all a trader really needs to tilt the odds in his or her favor are reasonably consistent and accurate short-term forecasts. With powerful analytical tools such as neural networks that use intermarket data from related forex and other global markets, popular technical indicators that include moving averages and moving average convergence divergence, among others, can be transformed from single-market lagging indicators into intermarket-based leading indicators (see Figure 2).

With predictive information available to traders through use of leading indicators, traders will have the added confidence and self-discipline to adhere to trading strategies, which can enable them to pull the trigger at the right time without self-doubt or hesitation. In the fast-paced forex market, this can be the difference between success and failure.

Louis B. Mendelsohn is president and chief executive officer of Market Technologies, a trading software development firm founded in 1979, that specializes in the use of intermarket analysis and predicted moving averages to forecast short-term trend direction. His firm's software, VantagePoint Intermarket Analysis Trading Software, predicts market trends with nearly 80% accuracy for interest rates, stock indexes, currencies, energies, metals, grains, meats, softs, and stocks covering a total of over 600 financial futures and commodities markets. Market Technologies' website is www. tradertech. com and the phone numbers are 813-973-0496 or 800-732-5407

Huck Asks You: De-lurk and Participate!

Posted 5 years ago | 11:28 PM | 28 April 2011 31 Comments

It’s almost midnight but I couldn’t sleep so I decided to take a look at the numbers for my blog. I was blown away when I saw that each of my blog post can reach up to 1,900 page views. And then it hit me. If I can get that many views, how come only a handful of my readers participate?

For example, my EUR/USD trade is one of the most viewed blog posts but only 8 people commented. Oh gosh, I feel like the universe is punishing me for all those times I told ’em boys “It’s not you, it’s me” when it was really them. So tell me, is it me?

Why you should comment

I appreciate every single comment I get from you guys whether they’re compliments or criticisms. Really, I do. They help me think more and come up with even more trade ideas. More trade ideas means more blog posts!

Also, don’t worry about being too harsh on me. While I may do random emotional outbursts and sentimental tweets from time to time, I’m really one tough cookie! I’m very serious about trading and there’s nothing I want more than to progress from a noob to an experienced trader. I figured that the best way for me to do that is to listen to my oh-so-awesome readers!

Most importantly, through constructive discussions. we ALL help each other. It’s like we’re one big happy trading family!

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EUR/JPY riding high.

Premier sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas

Fundada en 2008, ForexLive. com es el primer sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas que ofrece comentarios, opiniones y análisis interesantes para los verdaderos profesionales de comercio de divisas. Obtenga las últimas noticias de cambio de divisas y las actualizaciones actuales de los comerciantes activos diariamente. Las publicaciones del blog de ForexLive. com cuentan con análisis técnicos de vanguardia, consejos gráficos, análisis de divisas y tutoriales de negociación de pares de divisas. Descubra cómo aprovechar las oscilaciones en los mercados de divisas globales y ver nuestro análisis de noticias de divisas en tiempo real y las reacciones a las noticias del banco central, los indicadores económicos y los eventos mundiales.

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ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta.

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AUD/USD orders

Premier sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas

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ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta.

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EUR/AUD buyer may have underpinned euro strength

Premier sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas

Fundada en 2008, ForexLive. com es el primer sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas que ofrece comentarios, opiniones y análisis interesantes para los verdaderos profesionales de comercio de divisas. Obtenga las últimas noticias de cambio de divisas y las actualizaciones actuales de los comerciantes activos diariamente. Las publicaciones del blog de ForexLive. com cuentan con análisis técnicos de vanguardia, consejos gráficos, análisis de divisas y tutoriales de negociación de pares de divisas. Descubra cómo aprovechar las oscilaciones en los mercados de divisas globales y ver nuestro análisis de noticias de divisas en tiempo real y las reacciones a las noticias del banco central, los indicadores económicos y los eventos mundiales.

2016 - Live Analytics Inc v.0.8.116 (t)

ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta.

AVISO ADVISORY: FOREXLIVE ™ proporciona referencias y enlaces a blogs seleccionados y otras fuentes de información económica y de mercado como un servicio educativo para sus clientes y prospectos y no respalda las opiniones o recomendaciones de los blogs u otras fuentes de información. Se aconseja a los clientes y prospectos considerar cuidadosamente las opiniones y análisis que se ofrecen en los blogs u otras fuentes de información en el contexto del análisis individual y la toma de decisiones del cliente o prospectos. Ninguno de los blogs u otras fuentes de información debe considerarse como un historial. El rendimiento pasado no es garantía de resultados futuros y FOREXLIVE ™ aconseja específicamente a clientes y prospectos revisar cuidadosamente todas las reclamaciones y representaciones hechas por asesores, bloggers, administradores de dinero y vendedores de sistemas antes de invertir fondos o abrir una cuenta con cualquier distribuidor de Forex. Cualquier noticia, opinión, investigación, datos u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión o comercialización. FOREXLIVE ™ renuncia expresamente a cualquier responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida de capital o beneficios sin limitación que pueda derivarse directa o indirectamente del uso de o de la confianza en dicha información. Al igual que con todos estos servicios de asesoramiento, los resultados anteriores nunca son una garantía de resultados futuros.

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Forex Breakouts from Fadeouts - Part 1

By: Terry Allen Breakout Trading is considered to be a very lucrative Forex Strategy because it provides excellent reward-to-risk ratios. However, dangers still lurk because even powerful movements such as breakouts can suddenly reverse transforming themselves back into fakeouts.

In order to profit from this type of trading, you need to devise a method that can help you differentiate breakouts from fakeouts. To achieve this, you must first be able to identify when a breakout is likely to occur. These events usually happen after the market has been trading within a tight consolidation phrase for some time. There are a number of trading patterns that you can use to identify such formations.

The first is called range trading whereby price has been oscillating between a ceiling or resistance and a floor or support. The difference between the upper and lower levels is quite often relatively small. Under these circumstances, a breakout eventually occurs when price bursts through the ceiling on a bull breakout or through the floor on a bear one. If the support is broken, it then becomes the new resistance, whilst if the resistance is broken it becomes the new support.

There are two other main consolation patterns called the pennant and the flag. The former creates a triangle shape whilst the latter a rectangle. Both patterns are created after a price surge consolidates into a sideways movement. The rectangle shape of the flag is formed by two parallel trendlines with the top one functioning as resistance whilst the bottom acts as support. The flag will not normally be flat as its trendlines tend to slope in the opposite direction to the initial price movement. A buy or sell signal is usually generated if the currency price breaks through either resistance or support and resumes the direction of the original price trend. In contrast, the pennant adopts the shape of a symmetrical triangle where the support and resistance trendlines converge onto each other. Unlike the flag, the pennant is normally flat and its direction is of less importance. Both the flag and pennant are particularly good as gauges of breakouts if the price surge before their creation was very strong.

Upon a bull breakout the following is usually true about all three consolidation patterns. The previous resistance becomes the new initial support; the mid-distance between the trendlines becomes second support whilst the old pattern support becomes the third level support. The opposite is true for a bear breakout. These new support and resistance points are very useful in determining your stop strategy. How to profit from these patterns will be shown in the next article.

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

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Restablecimiento de contraseña

Originally posted by Zeplin Fx

Now, I know the truth hurts, but face up to it. Would you put your Mercedes on cruise control, put the seat back, and grab some snooze while going 100 kph down the Autobahn? Oh you would, eh? Figures.

See, EA's are for lame slackerz who are to lazy to study and learn price action. They (or you) want that big money and they want it now. After all, what's a mere 100,000 Euros a year siphoned off the top of a multi-billion market, right? EZ stuff, bro. Forex is a snap and you can pursue sex, drugs and rock'nroll while your little robot ATM machine slaves for you around the clock. I chuckle at the desperate little creeps who lurk about all of these EA threads, being real nice and mannerly to the EA author, begging for the next version. To lazy to read the threads or even the help docs, they pander for the right TF and backtest parameters. Gawd it cracks me up! EA's will keep you in that 95 percentile of losers, but that's ok coz I'll be waiting for your money, silently on the other side. Later, lamerz.

And if your so buisy making your fortune how is it you find time to get on here and Flame all of us.

WOW what a childish thing to do!

How old are you here 12? Using words like "lamerz". HAHAHAHA. My stomach hurts from laughing at you. Your words make you sound so intelligent. NOT!!

The fact is some people here trade for a living, and mabe we want to find something to do it for us so we can get away from the mind numbing charts for a while.

Go back to the little rock you crawled out from under and lets just hope the moderater here bans you from the site.

I shouldn't have even dignified this thread with a post but couldn't resist.

EDIT: also wach out for the contest results so you can eat your childish words

Last edited by xxDavidxSxx ; 18-10-2006, 05:55.

Originally posted by Zeplin Fx

Now, I know the truth hurts, but face up to it. Would you put your Mercedes on cruise control, put the seat back, and grab some snooze while going 100 kph down the Autobahn? Oh you would, eh? Figures.

See, EA's are for lame slackerz who are to lazy to study and learn price action. They (or you) want that big money and they want it now. After all, what's a mere 100,000 Euros a year siphoned off the top of a multi-billion market, right? EZ stuff, bro. Forex is a snap and you can pursue sex, drugs and rock'nroll while your little robot ATM machine slaves for you around the clock. I chuckle at the desperate little creeps who lurk about all of these EA threads, being real nice and mannerly to the EA author, begging for the next version. To lazy to read the threads or even the help docs, they pander for the right TF and backtest parameters. Gawd it cracks me up! EA's will keep you in that 95 percentile of losers, but that's ok coz I'll be waiting for your money, silently on the other side. Later, lamerz.

I asked my son about what does "the lamerz" media. He said me that it is russian word and it means "very young and very unprofessional teen-agers". So now i understand that it is international word.

Just want to say that using EAs is not simple attaching them to the chart and forget about. It is very difficult to use any EA and it is something we should learn. It is not as "attach and forget".

Originally posted by Zeplin Fx

Now, I know the truth hurts, but face up to it. Would you put your Mercedes on cruise control, put the seat back, and grab some snooze while going 100 kph down the Autobahn? Oh you would, eh? Figures.

See, EA's are for lame slackerz who are to lazy to study and learn price action. They (or you) want that big money and they want it now. After all, what's a mere 100,000 Euros a year siphoned off the top of a multi-billion market, right? EZ stuff, bro. Forex is a snap and you can pursue sex, drugs and rock'nroll while your little robot ATM machine slaves for you around the clock. I chuckle at the desperate little creeps who lurk about all of these EA threads, being real nice and mannerly to the EA author, begging for the next version. To lazy to read the threads or even the help docs, they pander for the right TF and backtest parameters. Gawd it cracks me up! EA's will keep you in that 95 percentile of losers, but that's ok coz I'll be waiting for your money, silently on the other side. Later, lamerz.

Originally posted by Nybegynner

I think it is right to say that EA's are crap. I have yet to see prof of one singel EA that consistently make money.

They are all crap, and 95% of them are made out of lagging indicators that are crap as well.

I use straddle and trail ea on a regular basis to trade news and it does very well. Also there are people that are making money currently, including my self with cyberia. Bolltrade is another that is good.

you want proof? you'll have to take a risk and try one. If you're scared to risk your money then you wont make it manual trading either.

The contest currently held by certian brokers will provide further proof that there are ea's that make money.

There are more ea's making money than you think but there being held tightly in secret. If you had a money tree would you allow every one in the world to come and pluck money from it? Or would you hide it in a closet and keep it for your self? I think 99.9% would do the latter.

People with good money makers are scared that if it is used too widely brokers would catch on and start taking measures to foil them.

But 90% are crap. just like 90% of all traders fail manually.

still doesn't excuse the guy that started the thread from flaming all of us who are working hard to find or make one that works.

you have to be optimistic if your gonna make it in the market no matter what or how you choose to trade.

EDIT: E-trailing is an excilent EA that I use to trail s/l on every single trade. I love it.

Last edited by xxDavidxSxx ; 18-10-2006, 18:22.

I've seen this kind of argument before, not that it doesn't have some measure of validity. Here are a few other points that YOU might consider.

1. Did you create the computer that you are using? Computers at their current level of operation took many years of research and development.

2. Are you a seamstress ie. did you design and create the pants, shirt, shoes and socks that you are currently wearing?

3. Do you ever watch tv?

4. How about the light bulb, have you ever considered who created it when you turn it on?

5. Have you flown on an airplane before?

My point of course is that we all use something that someone else took many man hours to build/create albeit most of it cost money and is sold on the market. If you can find a good EA it too will cost you money and in my opinion there is absolutely nothing wrong with purchasing a good EA and then using it. Your point I believe is regarding free EA's that someone else took the time to build and then other traders or newbies take it and use it without any giving back on their part. How many EA's can you name that are on the internet for FREE that a person can make a VERY comfortable living using? Essentially the amount of hours it took to create any of the above listed items as well as their daily usefulness SURPASSES the price it is sold at per item for most of the above.

Originally posted by Zeplin Fx

Now, I know the truth hurts, but face up to it. Would you put your Mercedes on cruise control, put the seat back, and grab some snooze while going 100 kph down the Autobahn? Oh you would, eh? Figures.

See, EA's are for lame slackerz who are to lazy to study and learn price action. They (or you) want that big money and they want it now. After all, what's a mere 100,000 Euros a year siphoned off the top of a multi-billion market, right? EZ stuff, bro. Forex is a snap and you can pursue sex, drugs and rock'nroll while your little robot ATM machine slaves for you around the clock. I chuckle at the desperate little creeps who lurk about all of these EA threads, being real nice and mannerly to the EA author, begging for the next version. To lazy to read the threads or even the help docs, they pander for the right TF and backtest parameters. Gawd it cracks me up! EA's will keep you in that 95 percentile of losers, but that's ok coz I'll be waiting for your money, silently on the other side. Later, lamerz.

Last edited by goldensight ; 18-10-2006, 19:46.

Originally posted by goldensight

I've seen this kind of argument before, not that it doesn't have some measure of validity. Here are a few other points that YOU might consider.

1. Did you create the computer that you are using? Computers at their current level of operation took many years of research and development.

2. Are you a seamstress ie. did you design and create the pants, shirt, shoes and socks that you are currently wearing?

3. Do you ever watch tv?

4. How about the light bulb, have you ever considered who created it when you turn it on?

5. Have you flown on an airplane before?

My point of course is that we all use something that someone else took many man hours to build/create albeit most of it cost money and is sold on the market. If you can find a good EA it too will cost you money and in my opinion there is absolutely nothing wrong with purchasing a good EA and then using it. Your point I believe is regarding free EA's that someone else took the time to build and then other traders or newbies take it and use it without any giving back on their part. How many EA's can you name that are on the internet for FREE that a person can make a VERY comfortable living using? Essentially the amount of hours it took to create any of the above listed items as well as their daily usefulness SURPASSES the price it is sold at per item for most of the above.

Even better put

We are experienced professional traders residing in the United States. The president of Harmony Forex, LLC, the owner/operator of ExpertAdvisorsForex. com, began his trading career in 1994. We use a variety of strategies and methods to trade the forex market, including the use of forex robots (also commonly known as expert advisors, EAs, or automated trading software). We also trade the old-fashioned way, i. e. through "manual" or "mechanical" trading. However, we make full use of forex robots to help augment our profits.


The retail forex trading industry is still in its infancy, and it’s the “Wild, Wild West” out there. Scammers, con artists, liars and thieves lurk around every corner in all parts of the forex industry -- trying desperately to strip you of your hard-earned money. Unfortunately, the cottage industry of selling robots is especially riddled with scams. In fact, almost all robots are absolutely worthless, and will only help you part with your money.

We're constantly searching far and wide for successfully performing robots. Using our testing methods, we toss out the garbage and reject the scams. We hope this site helps you do the same.

Derechos de autor © 2009-2016 Harmony Forex, LLC. Todos los derechos reservados. Todas las marcas comerciales, nombres de productos o nombres de servicios mencionados son propiedad de sus respectivos propietarios.

EUR/USD Breaking Higher on Positive PMIs

EUR/USD is above high resistance as purchasing managers’ indices in the euro-zone are relatively good.

The last figures released are for the whole continent. The manufacturing sector fell below the critical 50 point mark to 49.7, a bit higher than 49.6 that was expected. But on the other hand, the large services sector remained at 52 points, significantly above the 50.9 point that was predicted. This gives the needed boost.

EUR/USD is currently at 1.4470, above resistance at 1.4450 – a line that held the pair down several times recently.

In France, the manufacturing sector fell into contraction land by scoring less than 50 points – only 49.3 points. A score of around 50 was predicted. But on the other hand, the large services sector came out at 56.1, well above expectations at 53.3 points.

In Germany, it was the other way around: the services sector fell short of estimations with a score of 50.4 points (exp. 52.1) while the manufacturing sector scored 52 points (50.9 exp.).

Last month, all the purchasing managers’ indices disappointed and pointed to a slowdown across the board. While the numbers do not point to a recovery, they still show that this slowdown doesn’t affect everyone in the same way, and that there are still some signs of growth, in certain sectors and certain countries.

EUR/USD traded around 1.44 before the publications, and is now above resistance at 1.4450. Further resistance is at 1.4520, followed by 1.4650. Below, 1.4350 and 1.4282 provide support.

For more on the pair, see the EUR/USD forecast .

sobre el autor

Yohay Elam - Fundador, Escritor y Editor

He estado en el mercado de Forex por más de 5 años, y comparto la experiencia que tengo y el conocimiento que he acumulado. Después de tomar un curso corto sobre forex. Al igual que muchos comerciantes de forex, he ganado la parte significativa de mi conocimiento de la manera difícil. La macroeconomía, el impacto de las noticias en los siempre cambiantes mercados de divisas y la psicología comercial siempre me han fascinado.

Antes de fundar Forex Crunch, he trabajado como programador en varias empresas de alta tecnología. Tengo un B. Sc. En Ciencias de la Computación de la Universidad Ben Gurion. Dado este fondo, el software de la divisa tiene una parte relativamente mayor en los postes.

Artículos Relacionados

Not every Forex EA (robot) or trading method will perform well all the time. Not every under performing Forex robot is a bad robot and not every bad robot is a scambot or part of a Forex scam.

The biggest problem at the present time seems to be there is too much hype surrounding each and every new Forex product. Too many sales pages and reviews are built around sales psychology, click through rates, maximum conversions (sales). Making the sale is all that matters. After the sale is made, there often little or no support and the buyer is pretty much on their own. A churn ‘em and burn ‘em mentality. So long as you don’t outright lie on the sales page then who cares right? Wrong!

Hiding amongst the endless pages of sales hype and template reviews, lurk the real Forex scammers. One scam technique would seem to be to release a Forex Robot with a trading strategy that is designed produce a very good win rate (good for the sales page) on a demo account with the recommended broker. Only to lose massively once trading begins on a live real money account. Preferably wiping the entire account out in a spectacular disaster. While the customer can refund the robot there are no refunds on the money lost from the trading account.

Virtually all Forex robot creators will recommend one or other Forex broker and there is nothing wrong with that. It is simply they may receive a commission for refering a new client. However a potential problem arises when the recommendation is based on commissions rather quality. One of the great advantages of Forex robots on the Metatrader platform, is you are free to use your robot with almost any broker of your choice. Choose a broker that is based and regulated in your own country or choose from one of the major brokers such as Alpari, IBFX, FXDD etc.

Sales hype is probably a bigger problem than outright scams. Almost every cheap robot seems to be marketed on win rates but optimizing for a high win rate often results in lower long term profitability. For example with a small take profit target and loose stop loss, you are almost guaranteed to win every trade. However when you do take a loss, it will likely wipe out all your recent gains and more. That is not a strategy for long term success.

While I enjoy publishing good Forex EA results and nothing is more exciting than watching a robot pull in winning trade after trade, completely on auto-pilot… Well at least when it is real money but for demo accounts it is still more exciting than watching paint dry.

However I’m not here to just show you the good results, there are some bad ones and downright ugly ones too. Seems Gridbot just blew out my demo account and shut itself down. Well at least it shut itself down before wiping out completely. It will take a little time to figure out what went wrong here and I’ll fire an email off to support just to make sure everything was setup correctly.

Although it is not entirely obvious from the Metatrader result page, actual trades began on June 15 but most of the account loss occurred in less than 3 days. When I have my live trade results software up and running, this will be much more transparent but for the moment, we’ll have to settle for the Metatrader detailed report graph.

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Is Forex News Trading SEXY?

Yes, it is! Don’t get me wrong. I am really totally serous about this. I’ve been trading currencies since the first cars were invented (and I am still in shape) I know what I’m talking about. Let me show you how I trade Forex news.

5 minutes before the news release I prepare some nice cup of coffee and make sure everything is on its place.

3 minutes before the news release, I do some final checks on the Forex news calendar, noting the previous numbers, the forecast and my trigger numbers.

1 minute before the news release i put my fingers on the hot buttons on my keyboard (buy/sell), close my eyes and repeat the trigger numbers for buy and sell in my mind. Feel the tension?

The second the actual numbers come through the squawk box, I hit the buy or sell button and enjoy the ride.

The usual profit is 70 to 100 pips per trade but sometimes news trades are good for 150-250 Pips.

Now before you go rushing off to your PC to start trading the news, please hold on for a minute.

Not everything about Forex News trading is “milk and honey”

If Forex trading was that sexy, then everyone would be rich and smiling to the bank every day. The truth is that there are inherent dangers that lurk at every corner before, during and after news trades.

Here are some of them:

You may experience a very nasty phenomenon known as “slippage”. Slippage occurs when you try to place a market or instant order, but your order gets filled at a price far removed from the original quote, and sending your account many pips negative. Slippage can easily turn a trade that should have been a winner into a very nightmarish loss.

How to deal with it: The Metatrader4 platform allows you to use the standard deviation feature to control your entry prices. If you want to trade a high volatility news item, you should enable the feature and set up a standard deviation from five pips.

Some scam brokers are not satisfied with just making money from your trading spreads, but actually play dirty and freeze their trading platforms. It can be downright annoying to analyze the numbers, and just as you want to pull the trigger, the platform freezes and only opens up after the trade opportunity is effectively over.

How to deal with it: Make sure you trade FX news only with a trusted broker what supports STP (straight through processing) or DMA (direct market access). If your broker has access to ECN pricing, try to subscribe for this service. It may cost money, but it helps you make a lot more in the long run. Want to know as much as possible about brokers? Read article – 5 types of Forex Forex Brokers you need to know about.

Everybody is already “IN” the trade while you are still waiting for the actual numbers. This is usually the case with most news items, as only the institutional traders can afford the costly fees from Bloomberg and Reuters news services that deliver the news about five minutes before the retail traders get it.

As news trading is based on the actual numbers, it is essential to have them quick enough to make the trade.

How to deal with it: If you have a big wallet, you can consider subscribe to the real time news from Reuters or Bloomberg .

By the way, have you ever heard about News trading strategies? If no, read article about Forex news trading strategies that matter .

Optional you can use Fx Pulse. It is a plug in for the Metatrader platform which provides you with real time news, forecast numbers and displays them directly on your trading chart. I developed it, mainly for myself, but decided to share it with other foreign exchange traders as a contribution to the trading community. It’s only a little slower than Bloomberg and Reuters news but much faster than any other free news service, and the best is that it is completely free. You can download it here – It is free!

P. S.: In my next blog post, I will share with you more information about which Forex news reports are trade worthy. Make sure you don’t miss it by subscribing to my blog.

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Is there such a thing as forex fraud with a binary options broker?

No matter where you read about investments these days, the hottest new area to hit the scene in recent years has been the field of binary options. Also known as digital or all-or-nothing options, this new genre is exciting and captivating due to the possibility of large payoffs in as brief a time as sixty seconds in some instances. The simplicity of the process is another big draw, since execution orders are easy to make, while this trading process sweeps away many of the technical expertise requirements or risk and money management issues that plague traditional asset trading.

Forex brokers are quick to admit that the binary option space is growing at multiples of their own fast pace, but none of these brokers appear to be crossing over into the digital space with any regularity. On the other hand, not a week goes by that there is not some new binary option broker entering the fray and enticing customers to switch with their new promotions or enhanced service features. The race is on, and only the quickest will survive, or at least that is the impression that one gets when checking the pulse of this provocative new financial service.

Does the present situation make it susceptible to fraudsters?

In many respects, the prevailing status of the binary options industry is very similar to the early days of retail forex trading, from the mid-nineties, right on through the next decade. Customers are thronging in mass to this new service. Growth is off the charts. New brokers quickly appear to address the overheated demand. Although simplified, trading currency pairs, along with CFDs for commodities, stocks, and indices for profit, is still a complex art. Newcomers liked the thrill of quick and large payoffs, along with the need for some level of technical expertise being absent.

The stars are definitely aligned to suit a con man’s dream, but with one major difference. There is at least some semblance of regulatory infrastructure present, although lame in some jurisdictions, to ward off criminal intent. Such was not the case with retail forex trading at its start. The “Wild West” atmosphere almost encouraged the criminals to strap on their six guns and go all in, so to speak. The presence of a more informed body of law enforcement and regulatory officials has actually benefited this new, burgeoning, and modern form of gambling.

The wholesale stealing of client deposits, as was experienced when retail forex trading was young, has not been witnessed to any large degree with binary option brokers. This fact does not mean that you can relax or have a false sense of security. The potential for fraud comes in many flavors: location, poor business practices, and lack of transparency. If you want to play this game, you will more than likely have to choose a broker in a foreign country, a situation always rife with potential fraud issues. The crisis in Cyprus in 2013 highlighted how poor business practices can spoil your fun, and pricing transparency is lacking, as far as consistency of service and payout ratios.

How could these three fraud areas impact my account balance?

Fraud may not be as openly prevalent in the binary option arena, but consumers should still be skeptical and aware of where fraud or inordinate risk may lurk.

Foreign Location. Binary option brokers are primarily located in exotic offshore locations where casino gambling is big business. Their back offices require professionals in this field, the reason why traditional retail forex brokers do not offer these services today. Regulation is barely existent, if at all, and, if you need to secure your rights in a foreign jurisdiction, then prepare yourself for an endless exercise in futility;

Poor Business Practices. Poor withdrawal delivery is common. Time is money in this field, meaning that brokers want to keep you in the game by appealing to your greed. Regulation tends to fall under local gambling commissions, which are more interested in maintaining a healthy flow of tax revenue to government coffers. The crisis in Cyprus also revealed that many local brokers did not segregate customer deposits offshore in Tier-1 bank accounts, far from seizure when local banks failed. The lack of adequate capitalization, management bios, and information related to profitable and losing trades has yet to be addressed by the industry, as well;

Pricing Transparency. Binary option websites are cloaked in the mystique of trading and investing, but neither is the case. You are not buying any securities. You are literally betting on the direction in the real marketplace that an asset might take, as of a specific expiry period. A value from Reuters is the final judge when it comes to winning or losing. This form of gambling has been compared to pari-mutuel betting at a racetrack. The House uses complex computer-driven algorithms to adjust odds on the fly, as more bettors place their bets. Brokers do market high payoffs, but, if they averaged a net 85%, then you would have to win 54% of the time to break even. Poorer payoff averages benefit the House in a big way.

Can fraud exist within the realm of binary options?

Of course it can, but you have to be wary of a new set of parameters that are moderately different than those found in the retail forex industry. Each trading genre has its own peculiarities, and risk thrives where complexity and confusion reign. Barring the financial crisis in Cyprus in 2013, there have not been any broad scale cries of foul in the binary options space to date. Yes, there have been complaints about poor withdrawal delivery performance, but blatant fraud has not been present, as far as the press is concerned.

The lack of blatant fraud, however, does not equate to the lack of risk. Trading in binary options is not really trading or investing. It is pure gambling, and, as everyone knows, the House always wins in any form of organized gambling. Back office algorithms manipulate payoff ratios to ensure that the House profits and that the local taxman gets his due. There is only one place where this largesse can come from – the unsuspecting customer, or gambler incarnate, that is willing to pay his money over for a quick thrill and a shallow hope. Under such circumstances, the need for a complex fraud strategy to defraud customers is non-existent. The system is already set up legally to achieve that objective, helped along by slick marketing promotions and promises of easy wealth.

Concluding Remarks

In the end, be cautious. Keep your greed in check. Exercise due diligence, both before and after, you choose your binary option broker. Be wary of bonus promotions, and follow a strategy that shifts the odds in your favor by testing it on a demo system. You are your first and last line of defense when it comes to fraud and risk prevention!

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Not every Forex EA (robot) or trading method will perform well all the time. Not every under performing Forex robot is a bad robot and not every bad robot is a scambot or part of a Forex scam.

The biggest problem at the present time seems to be there is too much hype surrounding each and every new Forex product. Too many sales pages and reviews are built around sales psychology, click through rates, maximum conversions (sales). Making the sale is all that matters. After the sale is made, there often little or no support and the buyer is pretty much on their own. A churn ‘em and burn ‘em mentality. So long as you don’t outright lie on the sales page then who cares right? Wrong!

Hiding amongst the endless pages of sales hype and template reviews, lurk the real Forex scammers. One scam technique would seem to be to release a Forex Robot with a trading strategy that is designed produce a very good win rate (good for the sales page) on a demo account with the recommended broker. Only to lose massively once trading begins on a live real money account. Preferably wiping the entire account out in a spectacular disaster. While the customer can refund the robot there are no refunds on the money lost from the trading account.

Virtually all Forex robot creators will recommend one or other Forex broker and there is nothing wrong with that. It is simply they may receive a commission for refering a new client. However a potential problem arises when the recommendation is based on commissions rather quality. One of the great advantages of Forex robots on the Metatrader platform, is you are free to use your robot with almost any broker of your choice. Choose a broker that is based and regulated in your own country or choose from one of the major brokers such as Alpari, IBFX, FXDD etc.

Sales hype is probably a bigger problem than outright scams. Almost every cheap robot seems to be marketed on win rates but optimizing for a high win rate often results in lower long term profitability. For example with a small take profit target and loose stop loss, you are almost guaranteed to win every trade. However when you do take a loss, it will likely wipe out all your recent gains and more. That is not a strategy for long term success.

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Understanding Forex Trading for Beginners

The actual foreign currency market is among the biggest on the planet, having a turnover associated with on the trillion bucks each day. This entails trading foreign currency sets through numerous individuals through big expense banking institutions, insurance providers as well as people. This particular market is actually full of individuals along with varied encounters through novice traders in order to top-notch traders.

Understanding Forex Trading for Beginners

There are many benefits that include this particular market. For example, this enables twenty-four hr trading in the trades within Quarterly report towards the NY stock market. Furthermore, it’s versatile as well as traders may change their own trades based on their own choices. Forex trading with regard to newcomers may possibly be considered a satisfying or even irritating expense. It requires greatest abilities as well as exercise to be able to discover the actual market procedures. A few of the considerations how in order to industry along with Forex with regard to beginners range from the subsequent:


Brokers behave as intermediaries in between purchasers as well as retailers associated with foreign currency. The very best component may be the traders don’t spend the actual Broker costs straight. Their own fee is actually from the actual bet — request distribute. Several Brokerage businesses can be found all over the world. They’ve simple to use websites by which customers can acquire informative info as well as help to make get in touch with concerning any kind of Forex problems. A great Broker is actually one which is actually dependable, obtainable, qualified as well as reliable. Prior to participating in trades, the newbie should select very carefully a great Broker to prevent instances associated with ripoffs as well as ripoffs luck with this market.

trading systems tend to be mediums by which industry executions tend to be completed. The majority of Brokers possess free of charge systems by which customers may entry providers. It is suggested which beginner traders begin with the actual demonstration accounts to achieve the required degree of encounter prior to trading actual charges to the market. The majority of systems possess numerous indications by which traders may forecast modifications within the bulls as well as has. A few of the developments utilized tend to be shifting averages. Candlesticks, as well as graphs, will also be excellent evaluation resources. Danger administration is actually urged by using consider revenue or even stop-loss.


They are elements of the market which impact the actual need and provide associated with foreign currencies. They might be politics, interpersonal or even affordable within character. You will find excellent websites by which beginner traders can acquire useful home elevators market indicators because they happen.

Negociación automática.

Usually compared to not really, Forex trading with regard to newcomers entails using the automatic trading technique. This really is whenever trades tend to be performed with respect to the actual people. The actual fundamental idea is actual which extremely skilled traders perform trades that are after that performed towards the amateurs’ accounts. Nevertheless, this really is just carried out once the trader consents towards the conditions and terms related to automatic trading.

Characteristics of the great trader.

Forex trading with regard to beginners could be a challenging job. Otherwise completed correctly, the actual novice traders tend to be vulnerable to deficits that may eliminate their own preliminary funds spent. This might depart all of them sensation let down as well as discouraged. For example, a perfect trader should be a lot regimented within performing favored trades. The actual beginner trader should be powered through persistence and never avarice or even selfishness. The effort, objectivity as well as ethics will also be basic concepts that must definitely be upheld with this market.


It’s essential to notice which reduction is actually unavoidable within the foreign currency market. Forex trading may be doable through the development of technologies. Various on the internet sites as well as websites are available that provide a guide how in order to industry along with Forex with regard to beginners. These types of possessing confirmed helpful within training the actual beginner traders as well as assisting all of them into achieving success traders. Consequently, creating a great trading technique is actually extremely important with this powerful market. Just about all it requires is actually greatest effort, enthusiasm as well as persistence.

Noticias Forex


Major risks for global economy in 2016 - HSBC

FXStreet (Delhi) “ Research Team at HSBC, suggests that while a surge in EM capital inflows and a pick-up in US capex present upside risks to global markets, most of our risks for 2016 are skewed to the downside which includes policy error by the Fed, the UK voting to leave the EU and a rise in Chinese corporate defaults.

œWe would expect a Fed policy error to have a bigger negative impact than policy paralysis. Markets are currently pricing in a gradual Fed tightening cycle under the premise of continued modest growth. If the Fed was viewed to be committing a policy error though by tightening too quickly, asset prices could fall materially.

œGlobal trade agreements such as the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) or the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and technological improvements should add to global growth beyond next year. It is rare that a growth positive shock surprises markets.

œOther longer-term risks lurk on the horizon, such as climate change, antibiotic resistance, and pressure on welfare systems as working populations shrink.

œIf the UK votes to leave the European Union, it could adversely affect the European political landscape more broadly. Brexit would imply that EU membership is not a one way street, raising uncertainty about the other parts of the union. As such, periphery risks could resurface. Similarly, a US recession or Fed policy error could have a knock-on effect on liquidity, serving to worsen an already precarious situation.

œWe don™t want to cry wolf about any of these risks. But in a world that remains highly leveraged and with limited policy ammunition to offset any new downturn, markets will be sensitive to any shift in consensus. The global economy and markets are more exposed to downside risks today than they would have been if the expansion had been more robust, or we were earlier in the global business cycle.

A otras noticias

Lucky and the news

I said I would lurk, but I cannot resist. Some members have suggested that news events cause Lucky to make bad trades. I thought so too, so I used an indicator to gather and plot the news events for the last 3 weeks. This indicator can be found here FFcal - Plot News indicator Download ALL the instructions . and the zip file. Spend an hour or so reading the instructions until you have no questions. Unzip the file and follow the instructions. I cannot answer questions about how to use the indicator, since I am learning. You can use this indicator to explore the effect of the news on your trades with any EA. I used it on Lucky v2b

Here is an image of yesterdays Lucky trades and the news plotted on the same graph. The trades are shown as arrows and triangles, the news events as circles. The number shows relative importance of the news. It does not appear to me that the news was the cause of the bad trades, though it might have started the trend early. So what was? Undoubtedly the market started to trend earlier than usual. But why did Lucky not exit with a reasonable loss? It would be nice to look for the answer in the code.

Of course there may be other days when the news does cause an early trend. We could head those off using the FFCAL indicator posted by FSEXY post 2612. However, this indicator must be called from within the EA that uses it. That requires the EA be modified. rdb might do that for us. or we might do it ourselves if we had the source for v2b. We cannot expect to avoid all losses. We are trying to predict a very unpredictable price series. But we might do a better job if we put our heads together, and looked at the tests systematically.

I pre-apologize for the size of the image, I am still learning to use this forum.


hi friends i run this expert on the real acc to millenium broker but not give position what is problem please help me


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 04:00-23:59 00:00-23:59 00:00-23:59 00:00-23:59 00:00-23:59 00:00-03:59

There are hours for EURGBP trading, perhaps this is a clue?


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 04:00-23:59 00:00-23:59 00:00-23:59 00:00-23:59 00:00-23:59 00:00-03:59

There are hours for EURGBP trading, perhaps this is a clue?

my friend how many i input to start or close hours.


my friend how many i input to start or close hours.

Well, that really depend of your serveur time.


market is close. dumb i was I can't tell you before the market is open.


I have a question: template and indicators must be installed too?

I have download of first page: Your_Lucky_EURGBP_v2b. ex4

I need install template and indicators of: _rdb_ The Best Free EA (Update Jan 1 2009).zip ?


Yep. (This hint cost $20. )

And another hint: RTFM!


The indicator what function have?

sorry if I seem stupid



I say that the indicator is not need to correct work of the robot.

And the template is not need too.

Are only details for see.


And only more thing:

what is SIDEWAY. a momment in the market ideal for start to trade with this EA?


If you think so - try it without. But better give me your money; so I can go into a stripbar and spend it there. It is better than throw it away to some forex brokers.

Hey greenhorn, where do you think gets a EA his signals from? From the air or the Delphi Oracle?

You don't know anything about forex. May be it's hard . but I give you a serious hint . and you will tell me in the future that I was right :

Fuck off and learn forex basics. Then come back.

Last edited by dagolard ; 28-03-2009, 18:56.


if this EX can trade to 6 pip can give profit by 6 pip spread?


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FOREX-Euro tumbles to 4-year low on debt, growth worries

* Euro EUR= falls to four-month low of $1.2237

* Sharp fall in currency fuels capitulation concerns

* Euro zone crisis sparks dollar money market liquidity concerns

(Adds quote, detail)

By Neal Armstrong

LONDON, May 17 The euro slid to a four-year low on Monday on sovereign debt worries and fears that planned belt-tightening measures will hurt euro zone growth, fuelling concerns the single currency may face free-fall.

The euro extended its losses after falling below the post-Lehman October 2008 low around $1.2330, where stop-losses from model accounts were said to lurk, and fell as far as $1.2234 on trading platform EBS, its lowest since April 2006.

It has fallen more than 7 percent against the dollar this month, and is about 14 percent lower for the year, making it the worst-performing major currency.

"The euro is a one-way trade right now and capitulation is on my mind. I can see a move towards $1.2000 at least," said Kenneth Broux, market economist at Lloyds Banking Group.

At 0920 GMT, the euro had clawed its way back to trade at $1.2310, still down around 0.4 percent on the day. Traders said volatile trade was impacting liquidity, making for exacerbated moves.

Traders reported offers placed around $1.2330, while next technical analysts noted next support at $1.2175, the 50 percent retracement of the rally from the all-time lows near $0.82 to the record highs just above $1.60.

Analysts said the widening euro zone problems had prompted a money market dollar liquidity shortage.

"If the sharp deterioration in money markets persists into this week, look for central bank action to lower the cost of access to their dollar funding facilities," Citibank analysts said in a note.

A 750 billion euro rescue package from the European Union and the International Bond Fund aimed at shoring up euro zone bond markets has done little to underpin the euro.

"Panic is now showing up in the euro currency because it can't be really expressed in the bond markets after the EU/IMF package," said Stuart Bennett, currency analyst at Credit Agricole CIB.

"Fiscal and economic concerns are likely to weigh on the euro for the foreseeable future," he said.

On Friday, the single currency euro plunged after European Central Bank policymaker Axel Weber said it was important not to underestimate lingering dangers to financial stability. [ID:nLAG006286].

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Sunday the rescue plan put together by the European Union and the International Monetary Fund had only bought time to sort out the yawning gap between the euro zone's strongest and weakest economies. [ID:nLDE64F0FQ].

Traders fear the austerity measures announced by Greece, Spain and Portugal would hurt growth in the near term and force the European Central Bank to keep rates low in the medium term.

Data released on Friday showed speculative bets against the euro hit a record high in the week to May 11. [ID:nN14193796].

Against the yen, the euro traded down 0.7 percent at 113.80 yen after falling 112.47 EURJPY=R in Asia.

Sterling slid to its lowest since March 2009 at $1.4249 GBP=D4 before rising back to $1.4450, still down 0.6 percent on the day. The pound was knocked on data showing the past year's rise in British house prices may be cooling. [ID:nLDE64C1G4]

Weakness in the euro and the pound helped the dollar index. DXY, to rise above 87.00, the highest since March 2009. It later eased to 86.576.

(Editing by Jason Webb)

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The Forex Community

By: Charley Warady

& Quot; You are not alone."

A typical opening line for a horror movie, but a line that is rarely thought about when trading Forex.

When you're sitting in your home or your office or your home/office trading Forex on a daily basis, the feeling of being alone is something that is almost inevitable. It's not necessarily a feeling of loneliness; more like a feeling of being alone against the market. You have your monitor(s) in front of you; your point and figure charts plotting your next move in real time from any number of online sources; your coffee; and your account site open and ready. It's a solitary existence, but an exciting one nonetheless. It feeds into the “lone wolf” status so many enjoy and even relish.

Some people are attracted to the Forex market because of the individuality of the process. There's no one to depend upon except yourself. If you make money, it was because of the trading you did. If you lose money. well, you can always blame the market for that. But wouldn't it be nice, if, on the many occasions you make a really nice trade, there was someone to high five? Or on the rare occasion your stop-loss gets hit and then the market turns around to what would have been your favor, to have someone to commiserate with?

In the old days of trading commodities. the trading floors of the exchanges were like a huge fraternity (or sorority, as the case may be). There was a social atmosphere as well as a business one. There was constant talk of strategy, war stories, opportunities both taken and missed. It provided support and commiseration when necessary and congratulations when successful. It's part of the reason so many floor traders are having a hard time switching over to computer trading. There's no longer a vibe. There's no longer the energy that existed on the trading floor. It's a solitary existence many traders find it hard to deal with.

Like everything that happens on the Internet. there is an answer. Things don't have to be so lonely out there in the Forex trading world. A simple Google search for the term “Forex community ” provides a wealth of websites set up for just this reason.

Many Forex brokers provide live human support, and that's great. But the online community can provide access to experienced traders and novices alike. People share their personal strategies; answer questions; or are simply available to shoot the. chat.

Some of these sites have real-time chatting capabilities, while others are set up as more of a discussion blog. Try them all out for a while. There are relationships that can be established that can help with your trading in the future. Lurk for a while and see which people you want to get to know (and which people you might want to avoid. these are real people, after all). There are even Skype groups for Forex traders. The community in trading still exists and should be utilized. You don't get extra points for doing it on your own, and there's a great chance you'll learn something that will make you money. Or just as valuable. learn to avoid something that can lose you money.

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

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Managed Forex Accounts

What are Managed Forex Accounts?

Managed forex accounts simply refers to a process whereby a forex investor opens a forex account and gets an expert to trade the forex account for him or her, enabling such an investor to benefit from the forex market without actively participating in the market in form of trading the account.

Top Forex Managed Accounts

There are several models of managed forex accounts services, and these are profiled below.

Personal Managed Forex Accounts

This is mostly found among retail/individual investors. Usually, retail investors who have little or no knowledge of the market, or who have perhaps heard of the potentials of the forex market as an investment tool, but who do not have the time, skill or knowledge to trade the market, engage the services of an individual trader to trade the account for them. The extent of skill of the trader who manages the account is another matter entirely, but usually the relationship between investor and account manager is either informal or semi-formal. Usually the investor and account manager can agree on the compensation or sharing formula for any profits accrued; these are usually negotiable and not fixed.

Company Managed Forex Accounts

There are companies that also offer managed forex account services. Included in this category are hedge funds. These companies usually pool together funds from several investors and trade them in one central account. The relationship between forex investors and the managing companies is usually a formal one, with a fixed set of fees which are not limited to a share of the profits. In addition, the minimum investment amount is usually large, which effectively locks out many retail traders. The advantage of using this model of forex account management is that the operators of such managed forex account services are usually professionals who have been well trained in the art of forex trading.

PAMM accounts are what you may call a mix of the managed forex account services which have been discussed above. It is not exclusive to either small or big time investors, and there are measures which have been put in place to ensure that the same professionalism and security of trading funds that are seen in hedge fund style account management is also the case with the PAMM account management. Investors have several means at their disposal to evaluate account managers before they take on a service. There is usually no minimum investment amount, except where this has been stipulated by the broker providing the platform for such a service.

Mode of Forex Account Management

There are several modes of account management. Trading can be solely manual, or automated by the use of expert advisors/trading algorithms. It can also be done by a combination of the two styles. Whichever style is used does not really make a difference. The most important factor is for profits to be made.

Advantages with Managed Forex Accounts Services

The fact that forex managed accounts are quite popular and have stood the test of time despite some of the challenges that have emerged over the years is a testament to the advantages that are inherent in this trading style.

a) Bypassing the Learning Curve

The learning curve is pretty steep. It takes years of training and practice to start achieving consistency in profitability, especially when such training has not been done in a formal school of finance that the professional hedge fund traders have been exposed to. Since a forex beginner has no such experience and lacks the required educational background, picking the brains and experience of a managed forex accounts manager is probably the better choice.

b) Emotion-free Trading

Trading is a highly emotional affair, and not everyone has the grit to withstand the emotional stress that can come with money appearing and disappearing with each win or loss. Making use of a managed forex accounts service will overcome this problem.

c) Overcoming Time Constraints

In today’s fast-paced world where people regularly keep more than one job to make ends meet, many regular people on the street simply have no time to themselves, let alone time to learn and then trade forex. To solve this problem, a trader can engage a full-time forex account manager, who is in a position to devote all time and energy into trading for clients.

d) Good Profitability

Due to the measures that have been instituted on many platforms, it is now possible to verify the records of past results of a managed forex accounts service provider before taking on the service. A PAMM account guarantees this. However, it must be noted that past results are not indicative of future outcomes, but it is definitely a better option to use a trader who has been profitable than to use one who has never been profitable.

Disadvantages of Managed Forex Accounts Services

Trading with a managed forex accounts service may have some powerful advantages, but danger can lurk in the corner in several forms.

a) Lack of Continuity

A managed forex accounts provider may be very profitable and all, but what if the trusted manager falls ill and is unavailable to trade, or dies? The skills and profits die with the manager and continuity in the service can therefore not be assured.

Another facet of this problem occurs due to the fact that past results are not always indicative of future outcomes. It is possible for even a profitable account manager to hit a rough patch. If you were to sign up with the service just as the losing streak commences, the trader comes off worse. Invariably, such traders would pull out, and if the losing streak ends, the trader is then in a position not to be able to benefit from the profitable streak.

If a trader were to acquire trading skill, this skill is kept and used for life. But by using a managed forex account service, the opportunity to learn to trade the markets is lost. The trader now becomes subject to the will and skill of the managed forex account provider.

It is imperative that the investor performs the necessary checks, and the best way to do this is to use the PAMM account model. This tests the skill of the manager in real time, providing an opportunity to evaluate the manager’s current trading results. It is also imperative that the trader understands what is going on with the account, so as to know exactly when to pull out or stay in.

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Understanding Forex Trading for Beginners

The currency market is one of the largest in the world, with a turnover of over a trillion dollars a day. It involves trading currency pairs by various participants from large investment banks, insurance companies and individuals. This market is filled with persons with diverse experiences from amateur traders to top-notch traders. There are numerous advantages that come with this market. For instance, it allows for 24 hour trading from the exchanges in Sydney to the New York stock exchange. Additionally, it is flexible and traders can adjust their trades depending on their preferences.

Forex trading for newbies can either be a rewarding or frustrating investment. It takes utmost skills and practice in order to learn the market operations. Some of the factors to consider on how to trade with Forex for beginners include the following:

Brokers act as intermediaries between buyers and sellers of currency. The best part is the traders do not pay the broker fees directly. Their commission is obtained from the bid – ask spread. Numerous brokerage companies exist around the world. They have easy to use websites through which clients can obtain insightful information and make contact regarding any Forex issues. A good broker is one that is reliable, accessible, competent and trustworthy. Before engaging in trades, a beginner must choose carefully a good broker to avoid cases of scams and frauds lurk in this market.

Trading platforms are mediums through which trade executions are carried out. Most brokers have free platforms through which clients can access services. It is recommended that beginner traders start with the demo accounts to gain the desired level of experience before investing real monies into the market.

Most platforms have various indicators through which traders can predict changes in the bulls and bears. Some of the trends used are moving averages. Candlesticks and charts are also great analysis tools. Risk management is encouraged through the use of take profit or stop-loss.

These are factors in the market that affect the demand and supply of currencies. They may be political, social or economical in nature. There are great sites through which beginner traders can obtain valuable information on market signals as they occur.

Most often than not, Forex trading for newbies involves the use of automated trading strategy. This is when trades are executed on behalf of the individuals. The underlying concept is that highly experienced traders execute trades which are then executed to the amateurs’ accounts. However, this is only done when the trader consents to the terms and conditions associated with automated trading.

Qualities of a good trader.

Forex trading for beginners can be a daunting task. If not carried out properly, the amateur traders are susceptible to losses that can wipe out their initial capital invested. This may leave them feeling disappointed and frustrated. For instance, an ideal trader must be much disciplined in executing preferred trades. The newbie trader must be driven by patience and not greed or selfishness. Hard work, objectivity and integrity are also fundamental principles that must be upheld in this market.

It is imperative to note that loss is inevitable in the currency market. Forex trading has been made easier by the advancement in technology. Different online portals and websites exists that offer tutorial on how to trade with Forex for beginners. These have proven useful in educating the newbie traders and aiding them into being successful traders. Therefore, developing a good trading strategy is paramount in this dynamic market. All it takes is utmost hard work, passion and patience..

Mastering Forex Trading takes time, but with proper guidance you, too can become a profitable trader, if you want to know how to take advantage of this glorious money making opportunity, please click the link below to learn more: http://www. bannaga. com/forex-undress-forex-signal-system-review-does-marc-abramsky-smart-money-signal-service-really-work/


The average daily forex trading volume currently exceeds $1.9 trillion. With so much on the line, we've put together a list of our favorite 100 forex resources to help you become a knowledgeable forex trader. The following resources were chosen for the quality of information and training tools offered. Although some of these tools are located on commercial sites, you'll find value in materials produced by professionals. Other sites were chosen for the resources that they offered for a price (like books), but they're all geared specifically toward the forex trader. The chosen sites are written in the English language, but some individuals, businesses, and organizations are located in areas other than the United States. All sites are listed in alphabetical order within the following categories:

Topics Covered in this Article Beginner's Paradise | Blogs & News | Charts | Currency & Currency Converters | Directories & Portals | Economic Calendars & Indicadores | Fibonacci & Candlesticks | Forecasts and Signals | Forums and Communities | Glossaries | Market Reports | Nonprofit Associations | Practice | Real-Time Quotes | Technical Indicators | X-Tras.

If you're a forex newbie, the following sites will help you get a grip on the similarities and differences between forex trading and stock exchange trading. Take advantage of free resources before you dedicate any serious cha-ching to training.

1. Action Forex — Learn about the forex market through free e-Books, news, insights, and much more. 2. Currency College — Currency College delivers a variety of course offerings with classes that are held at the student’s convenience. Each class is followed by homework and tests; each course lasts about six weeks; and each class contains about ten students. Emphasis is given to risk management. This is not free education, but if you bring referrals to Currency College you could earn a scholarship toward your tuition. This site has plenty of free resources, however, like a comparative chart for various trading platforms so you can make an educated choice about trading platforms. 3. CyberTrading University — This site offers free forex training through a two-hour video that includes a brief history, PIP spreads, majors and crosses, economic indicators, fundamental analysis, technical analysis, short-term long-term fundamentals, trading rules, leverage and margin, trading psychology, Fibonacci Retracement Levels, moving averages, oscillators, Candlestick Charts, Bollinger Bands, and more.

4. Forex Charting 101 — A brief and basic overview of forex charts from Pip Trader. You'll discover that the charts are very similar to those that you might use for securities trading. But, some of the charts may seem more complicated if you're not a seasoned trader. 5. Forex Realm — Possibly the most comprehensive and thorough forex education online. Learn about everything from currency codes to exotic trading strategies through articles, graphics, and concise examples. 6. Forex-Training. com — Fairly comprehensive training with a free demo account. The highlight to this site is their explanations about various charts. 7. FX Home Trader — Focus on the information about technical analysis, where you can learn more about Fibonacci Trading, Pivot Points, and more. Their Forex Facts also contain some valuable information. 8. FX Power Trading Course — Offered by FXCM, this paid course is one step up from free at the current price. Learn how to time the market, recognize trends, and basics in fundamental and technical analysis through this eight-day course. 9. Investopedia on Forex — An extensive 10-part article on forex investing, from an introduction to a recap that covers everything from benefits and risks to technical analysis. If you can't get enough of Investopedia's information, head to a list of their Forex articles, where you can learn more and download their free e-Book entitled, "High Probability Trading Setups for the Currency Market." 10. Law of Charts — Joe Ross offers advice for traders across the board, but the information contained in his "Law of Charts" offer speaks to forex as well as any other trading strategy. He identifies chart patterns that result from human behaviors and points to entry and exit targets on those charts. You can take advantage of Ross's other tools as well, including the forum. 11. Learn4X — This is an interesting site simply because it contains several tests that help you determine if you have the 'guts' and knowledge to be a trader. They also offer a free online seminar. 12. Market Traders Institute (MTI) — You don't need to spend a lot of money to train in forex markets. MTI offers many free resources such as videos and lesson plans that will help you get off the ground. If you like what you hear and see, you can invest in materials for the advanced trader down the road. 13. My Forex Trading Tools — A site that contains overviews on everything from fundamentals to options. 14. Online Training Academy — Free basics on FX trading via video, offered by Mike McMahon. You need to register, but you can opt out of contact lists with a click of a box. 15. School of Pipsology — A lighthearted forex education from Kindergarten to College so the beginner knows exactly where he stands in an attempt to grasp the forex market.

The following list provides a variety of news from both professional and single-investor resources.

16. A Forex Loser — The name of the blog ought to warn you. This blog contains a different perspective on trading, with an emphasis on trading psychology. Some great trading tips. 17. Currency Secrets — Not updated daily, but plenty of resources in historical entries. The focus is on currency, but you can find plenty of reviews and tips here as well. 18. DailyFX — Sponsored by Forex Capital Markets (FXCM), this site offers a free weekly trading lesson and free quarterly outlook reports. 19. Forex News — At-a-glance links to news and analyses. 20. Forex Project — A fascinating blog written by a forex beginner who logs his experiences in a journal, through established goals, and with a full trade history. This blogger currently is under pressure from a fulltime job, and he's considering a transition from day trading to going long on his investments. Should be an interesting read. Be sure to check out this blogger's list of references, including a nice beta risk calculator. 21. Forex Reader — Daily currency trading news and commentary. 22. FX Boot Camp — Wayne McDonell offers his boot camp theories for free at his blog on FXStreet (see next). 23. FXStreet — Breaking news, commentary. Sponsored by Global Forex Trading (GFT). 24. Peter Bain Forex Trading Commentary — Peter Bain's commentary needs to be good, as it's a tool to push his training course. You can take advantage of his free podcasts as well. 25. Piptopia — This is Rob Booker's blog on forex. He's a currency trader and trainer and he's been at this blog for two years, so you'll find some interesting history here. 26. Grace Cheng's Forex Blog — "Not long after my graduation, I was introduced to forex trading, and since then, have never looked back." Outside of her blog, Cheng writes for a number of trading and investment magazines. 27. Quantitative Trading — Dr. Ernest Chan's take on automated, statistical trading strategies. 28. Trader Mike — Michael is a trader, and this blog is a trading journal of sorts. Although he considers himself a swing/position trader, he switched to day trading in 2005. Although this blog doesn't focus on forex per se, you can learn plenty about trading strategies here.

You can't trade without charts, but the chart that you use is a matter of personal preference. The list below provides a nice pool to pick from:

29. DailyFX Chart — You can manipulate this chart by type, time scale, view, and much more. Java based. 30. Free Forex Charts — From simple to Premium to System Trading, simply the best choice of charts around. 31. Forex-Market — This site offers two free, real-time charting applications, one Web-based and the other a stand-alone Java applet. 32. Live Currency Chart — This chart, offered by FXStreet (see Blogs & News above), is also Java based. A nice feature is the Drag&Drop that allows traders to pull indicators out of the Studies window and up into the Chart window.

Currencies can be confusing, especially when you learn that many lots are purchased in pairs. You can learn about specific currencies when you type the names of that currency into a search engine. For instance, you can learn more about the Euro at that currency's official site. But, if you don't know what to look for, the information found in the following sites will help you out:

33. ADVFN Forex Symbol Table — Comprehensive list of currencies. When you click on the currency symbol you'll reach a page where that currency is represented through currency exchange rate tables and historical exchange rate charts. 34. ExchangeRate. com — Try out the "hot" and "currency info" links that provide information about everything you'd want to know about worldwide currencies for 170 countries. Includes calculators, fun facts, serious facts, and more. 35. Go Currency — Reliable currency converter and money conversion service. 36. List of Currencies — This is an extensive list provided by Wikipedia that covers everything from ancient coinage to the current Yen. As with most Wikipedia lists, you might run across a link or two that doesn't contain information. But, you can use that information to search elsewhere if needed. 37. Oanda — Excellent set of currency converter tools from historical currency exchange rates for over 164 currencies to traveler's cheat sheets to customizable products. Visit their detailed currency converter FAQ page if you have questions. 38. X-Rates — More than a currency list or a converter, this site will bring you up-to-date on every bit of information you'd need to know as a forex trader. 39. XE. com — A basic currency converter backed up by other tools on this site, such as current and historic rate tables and a free email currency update service.

The following resources offer choices beyond the ones listed here. Since forex is a booming individual trader industry, expect to find new sites popping up weekly.

40. Earn Forex — A limited list, but some great resources broken down by category. This list is just one feature to this site, as you can access calculators, a blog, and information for beginners here. 41. Forex Bastards — Don't let that empty page or the name put you off. Click on other categories to find some interesting resources. This is a project in the making, brought to you by the Secret Forex Society. 42. Forex Central — You want it? They have most of it (blogs are missing). Resources aren't rated. 43. Forex Directory — This site is a little difficult to slug through, but worth it for the resources provided. 44. Pip Trader — This site contains a forum, live quotes and charts, news, reports, and a "mini-game" that has nothing to do with forex, but that might help you lighten up a bit. 45. Top 100 Forex Sites — Although these sites are rated by popularity and, therefore, subject to rating scams, you can learn much from the sites that are listed simply from the variety of information that's offered here. Many sites are brokerage firms, but as I mentioned previously you can find free information on many of these sites such as news, calculators, techniques, and more.

Economic Calendars & Indicators

Economic calendars and indicators are vital tools for fundamental research. The sites below will give you simple and detailed options.

46. Economic Indicators — A government site brought to you by the Economics and Statistics Administration at the US Department of Commerce. Their mission is to provide timely access to the daily releases of key economic indicators from the Bureau of Economic Analysis and the US Census Bureau. 47. Forex Economic Calendar — What better place to find an excellent economic calendar than a site that focuses on this tool? 48. Global Forex Trading (GFT) — A detailed look into the next month's international monetary future based on GMT. 49. InfoForex — Brief overviews on various sectors from Auto and Truck Sales to a Monthly Wholesale Trade report based upon the US Census.

Fibonacci and Japanese Candlestick charts may seem difficult, but with the right training you can master both technical strategies.

50. Fibonacci — This is the home page for Dr. Ron Knott's multimedia Web site on the Fibonacci numbers, the Golden section and the Golden string hosted by the Mathematics Department of the University of Surrey, UK. Simple to use, easy to understand, and filled with illustrations to help you learn why some numbers are so important to nature. Estos números también son de gran interés para muchos inversores de divisas. 51. Fibonacci Forex Indicators — Forex Planet will begin to show you how to apply Fibs to forex in this easy-to-understand lesson. But, the lesson is short, so you might try the next resource as well. 52. Fibonacci Method in Forex charts — This lesson also applies to forex, and it offers a short tutorial on applications along with a downloadable Fib calculator. 53. Japanese Candlesticks — FX Words offers a simple and succinct explanation for candlesticks, including bullish and bearish patterns. 54. Japanese Candlesticks (Elliott Gann) — A comprehensive tutorial that covers all the basic terminology and explains each term with appropriate graphics, offered by the ElliottGann site. 55. Japanese Candlestick Trading Forum — It costs to become a member, but you can access all the candlestick basics for free on this site.

Forecasts and Signals

The following resources use a mix of fundamental and technical analyses to formulate their prognoses:

56. AceTrader — True 24 hours real-time analysis for up-to-the-minute recommendations and analysis. 57. e-Forex — Free trading signals. Dig into their historical records to understand their precision. 58. Forex Predictions — Currently free daily and weekly high-low signals through the Web site and by email. This site is a division of RDC Bancorp, Inc. a foreign exchange services company. 59. Forex Signals — FinoTek provides signals and trends with charts. Check out their archived signals to determine credibility. 60. Investica Ltd. — Online information and free e-newsletters filled with signals and forecasts. 61. Open Forex — Daily forecasts in real trade and analytical articles on forex basic currency pairs.

Forums and Communities

62. Forex Factory — You'll find a Forex Beginner Q&A section as well as topics that focus on specific strategies and techniques. 63. Forex TSD — Go ahead and lurk in this forum until you feel comfortable. Then register for free to access the forum and a calendar. The paid "elite" subscription offers detailed statements of currently more than 20 trading systems. 64. Global View Forums — Another free forum that's been around since 1996. 65. MoneyTec — With over 33,000 members, this traders' forum offers a format to discuss trading ideas, share, learn, and build new trading techniques and strategies.

The following list contains comprehensive information about economic fundamentals for your research:

66. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) — Get the straight stuff from the US Department of Commerce like the pros. Everyone from the White House staff to US Trade Commission employees to trade policy officials who want to negotiate international trade agreements use the measurements contained on the BEA Web site. 67. Consumer Price Index (CPI) — The US Department of Labor offers a ton of information just on this page alone through their links. 68. Forex Daily Fundamentals — XpressTrade offers a daily focus on forex fundamentals. 69. The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) - An international organization which fosters international monetary and financial cooperation and serves as a bank for central banks. As such, this organization offers valuable information through their publications and research as well as through many other resources offered on this site. They also maintain a list of Central Bank Web sites. 70. The Fundamentals of Forex — Forex TV brings you the lowdown on what type of news would affect forex from a fundamental standpoint. You can use the information on this list to conduct further research.

71. Forex Glossary — The only drawback to this glossary is that the "A-Z" tab doesn't include a total listing of all the terms under the single-letter tabs. Comprehensive. 72. Forex. com Glossary — An at-a-glance glossary contained on one page. 73. Glossary of Forex Terms [PDF] — This printable file, offered by FX International Group, contains all the basics.

74. Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) — The ASIC's regulatory coverage includes the forex market. Use their search box to learn more about their reach and responsibility. 75. Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) — The CFTC operates along the same lines as the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission), except this government organization focuses on protecting market users and the public from fraud in the futures and option markets. So keep this site handy to stay on top of any forex scams through their Consumer Advisory on Forex Fraud. You can learn quickly what to avoid in your learning curve through a detailed forex advisory that offers information about other resources as well. 76. Financial Services Authority (FSA) — An independent non-governmental body located in the UK, given statutory powers by the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. Use their search box to locate information about the UK forex market and regulations. 77. National Futures Association (NFA) — The NFA is "the premier independent provider of efficient and innovative regulatory programs that safeguard the integrity of the derivatives markets," which basically means that this organization regulates any market that depends upon future cash flows. The "investor information" section contains materials about how to find a broker and basic lessons in forex trading. Plus, they publish forex warnings, news, and they offer a place for investor disputes and complaints.

78. KBC [PDF] — A Comprehensive "Morning Report" from this Belgian foreign exchange bank (in English). 79. Mellon — FX Daily report from Mellon Financial Corporation, with links to American and European editions and past issues. 80. SaxoBank — Daily market update from this foreign exchange service in London. 81. Scotia Capital [PDF] — Daily report with corresponding links for further reading from this Canadian foreign exchange bank. 82. UBS — Daily summary for forex markets sponsored by this Swiss foreign exchange bank.

83. Australian Technical Analysts Association (ATAA) — A non-profit association of both professional technical analysts and anyone who uses technical analysis for private investing, trading or advising. 84. International Compliance Association (ICA) — The ICA is a professional organization dedicated to the furtherance of best compliance and anti money laundering practice in the financial services sector. 85. The Financial Markets Association (ACI) — ACI has the largest membership of any of the international associations in the wholesale financial markets. The Head Office is based in Paris.

Some of the best demonstration tools are owned by forex brokerages. The following were chosen for their reliability and popularity. Be aware that some brokerages will request your permission to be contacted by mail, phone, or email. In some cases you might want this contact, as they will provide support for your training. In all cases you can walk away if their training and trading platforms don't turn you on.

86. CMS Forex — Customize your practice with unlimited funds on CMS Forex's VT Trader, a program that includes an API so that you can customize your solution. This software offers a point-and-click open and close positions directly on the chart. Access over 100 indicators, Reuters Forex related news and market analytics, and an "autopilot" feature. You can reach their customer support team by phone, live chat, or e-mail. 87. Forex Trading USA — Free 30-day demo with a Mini ($2,000 virtual cash, 200:1 leverage, 10k lot size) or Standard ($25,000 virtual cash, 100:1 leverage, 100k lot size). Their free education is a nice plus. 88. FXSolutions — Use $10,000 in practice funds with full access to FXSol's new charting solution, FX AccuCharts. Backed by 24/7 customer service. 89. Global Forex Trading — Download their DealBook 360 to practice forex trading with live, dealable prices, real-time data, and free real-time breaking world and financial news. The software features forex charts, more than 85 technical indicators (for standard size GFT trading accounts) and the ability to build your own indicators. You have a choice about the amount of beginning funds, from $2,500 to $50,000.

90. ACM — Pick pairs and watch the quotes. ACM includes a manual [PDF] that explains in detail how to manipulate the chart to your liking. Must have Java plugin. 91. Forex Trading Charts — Real-time forex quotes. This site also contains real-time forex charting tools with editable indicators. 92. FXQuote — Scroll down the page, as the real-time quotes are located at bottom left. Based upon ET. 93. Live Forex Quotes — You might recognize the GFT logo behind the rates, but don't let that distract you from the constantly changing figures. If you're addicted to live feeds, you'll be mesmerized by the constantly changing currency rates on this chart. 94. SaxoBank — Scroll down the page a bit, as the quotes are located at the bottom left on this page, based upon GMT.

The following three resources offer the most succinct information about technical overlays and indicators. You can find many more resources at some of the sites previously listed under the Beginner's section, under many of the Blogs & News resources, and at various brokerages.

95. Forex-Business Technical Indicators — Where the other two sites offer great technical indicator explanations, this site offers 10 charts that illustrate some of those terms. 96. IQ Chart — This company offers a list of technical overlays and indicators with short and easy-to-understand explanations. Take a look at their chart patterns while at this site, as this company is a provider of stock charting software to individual investors and technical analysts. 97. Technical Indicators — Definitions provided by MetaQuotes Software.

98. IFXTAG — The International Forex Traders Affinity Group provides individual investors access to products and services that are evaluated by top professionals and their members. IFXTAG is committed to harnessing the potential to make electronic trading work for their global community of subscribers. Membership is free, but the resources are not. Members, however, do receive free trials and discounts to various services. 99. Secret Forex Society — A 'closed' forum and educational site where members ask you to join or you can ask to be placed on a waiting list. Go ahead and trust them. Get on the waiting list so you can access some interesting information. 100. Traders Press, Inc. — An online bookstore specifically for traders.

Russia’s KROUFR adds Alfareserve to black list of investment companies

Russia’s commission for the regulation of relations on financial market, KROUFR, has included Alfareserve, a company active in finance investment, in the black list with potentially harmful companies operating on the Russian market, a statement issued by the commission on Thursday indicates.

The investment company has not presented any licenses or permits issued by any of the relevant authorities in Russia.

The commission said it has received several signals against Alfareserve regarding unlawful acts, through which the company has improperly tried to gain benefits by offering short-term investment plans with guaranteed income of 12% for the investment period, as well as additional income from affiliate programs. The promised returns are unrealistic and artificially high and lurk investors to put their funds with the company.

In addition, according to the KROUFR, the company may be trying to associate itself with Alfa-Bank, part of the Alfa group of companies, when in fact it has nothing in common with it. Such resemblance is usually used by companies in order to delude potential clients and take advantage of their trust in familiar brands like the Alfa brand.

Alfareserve is operating through the website www. alfareserve. com, on which it has been repeatedly stated that it is not a pyramid or a Ponzi scheme and the promised income is indeed guaranteed, the commission noted.

And warned traders to be cautious as to what brokers they trust and to always check the credibility of their trading conditions.

KROUFR was set up in 2006 as a non-profit organization and since then has been working to develop services and regulate the relationship between Russian participants of global financial markets. KROUFR offers mediation in the forex market as well, as forex activities are regulated under local jurisdiction, whereas they run globally.

Weekly Trading Forecast: A Week of Looming Threats and Holiday Liquidity

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Tbilisi was visited on numerous occasions by and was the object of affection of, the Family and others. Look up in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. This early Georgian renaissance. Snow falls on average 15—25 days per year. According to the latest revision, Tbilisi raions include. -. -. -. -. Most of the raions are named after respective historical neighbourhoods of the city.

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Get Forex Coaching Here

Most newer traders waste countless hours trying to find the Holy Grail of Forex strategies. They go through countless dollars both through losing trades and training seminars looking for that "one strategy" that's going to work all the time it's used. They attend seminars, they lurk on online forums, and they buy lots of books and tapes. They do all this in the hope of finding the ideal Forex strategy or system.

One would expect a trader who has made a great deal of money for himself and others would have a load of special tricks of the trade. Many Forex coaches are a great source for tested strategies and ideas -- maybe a coach can help you in your Quest for the Forex Holy Grail -- they could provide a shortcut to finding it, right?

Incorrecto. I've been there, I know. I too believed that if I could just find the perfect combination, the Forex lock would swing open -- the right indicators, the right mindset, the right Money Management techniques. No one could have persuaded me otherwise -- that is, until my Awakening. Pero eso es otra historia.

When we focus on finding the "perfect strategy" we overlook plenty of profitable strategies, because we don't give them time. Many potentially profitable trading strategies never get the opportunity to prove their effectiveness. Our newly-discovered strategy fails two or three times in a row and we conclude that it's not "the One" and continue our quest. Listen closely: You must understand that what you seek and what you need are two very different things.

One of the top benefits of Forex coaching is that a coach can guide you to the understanding that a fundamental secret to Forex profits is not necessarily found in the strategy or the indicator – it's in you. Your mind must grow beyond it's current boundaries. You must give up your quest for the Forex Holy Grail. Once you change your mind on this (and one other) issue, you will realize that all those seemingly worthless Forex grails you've been tossing aside… were all made of gold.

Forex coaching CAN help you abandon your quest and start making the real Forex profits that have eluded you thus far.

Monday, April 6, 2009

There are several (if not too many) different Forex indicators that people use to try and determine which way the market will go next. Many forex investors and traders learn how to use just a few in their quest for trading success. Some tools are definitely better than others, though you there are plenty of ways to win trades with just about any tool.

We should first mention the difference between a Forex indicator, a signal and a tool. Forex traders use all three to figure out whether the market is about to go up or down, an indicator is basically anything that you look for or add to your charts to give some kind of graphical clue. For example, two moving averages that cross would give the trader a clue that the market might be changing directions.

So, with the hundreds of indicators and other tools out there, where should you focus to maximize your chance for success?

Here are the top five FX indicators I use. First, I will say that I don't use any lagging indicators on my charts: the moving averages, MACD, Stochastics, etc. They are fad indicators, work for a time then they don't for a time, not reliable. What I do use is the foundational elements of the forex market, tools that always work because they are based on the market's underpinnings:

1. Fibonacci Retracements and Projections

2. Basic Chart Patterns

4. Elliott Wave Theory

5. Price Barriers

If you are not using any or all of these tools, maybe you should talk a look at your tool belt.

Good luck in your trading!

Sobre mi

Jared Passey I live in Eastern Washington State. I have a large family (unless your from Utah) of 8, My wife and I and our 6 kids. 5 Boys and 1 little girl. I spend a lot of time with them and we do a lot of things in the outdoors; hiking, camping, airsoft and whatever else we feel like. I have created my dream lifestyle (still working on it) through the Forex Market. I both trade foreign currencies and also I have been a trainer and coach for some of the largest forex companies in the world. I love trading forex and I love helping people figure it out for themselves even more. And this blog is going to be focused on my journey with my own trading and what I glean from my students. Hopefully we will find valuable tools, insights and ideas together. View my complete profile


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Should You Build Your Own Greenhouse? http://bit. ly/mPKSqK Why is it that you wish to have a greenhouse? There are numerous reasons why you should have a greenhouse for yourself. The first reason is almost always to grow plants to use in the wintertime. The number one reason is to be able to have living plants throughout the cold part of the year. As an example, small vegetables can be grown much more simply than larger-sized ones. Beginning plant seedlings within a greenhouse gives the plants a better chance of survival because they are protected inside a warm area. The great thing about having a greenhouse stands out as the experimenting you can do. Growing hybrid plant varieties can develop into a very interesting hobby.

As soon as you decide you would like to to have a greenhouse, you have to consider how to select the best location. You need to locate it where it will receive a lot of sunlight. Despite the fact that continuous daily sunlight is the leading option, plants typically need morning sun the most. There are actually two reasons why you should face the long side of your garden greenhouse to the south.|The more lengthy side of your greenhouse will need to face the south for two purposes.|You will find 2 reasons why you need to construct your greenhouse with the much longer side facing to the south. In the first place, it is important to permit the roof to obtain the maximum amount of available sunlight. Another factor to consider is you will only need to shade one side, and not both, when using shade cloth. You can use maple trees, as well as oak for keeping the afternoon sun away from your greenhouse. It's important to take into account, however, that these trees must not shade the greenhouse in the morning as the plants require morning sunlight.

It is crucial that you have a reliable water source with regard to your greenhouse. This is often created by having a standalone water system or by using a hose that can easily reach to the end of the greenhouse. Together with a water source, you also have to have a way for drainage. One easy strategy to accomplish this is to establish the greenhouse on a higher elevation so that all water and liquid precipitation will easily drain away.

There are actually a number of different good structural types that your new greenhouse can look like. One uncomplicated option is to construct a lean-to greenhouse on the side wall structure of your house or garage. This technique can help you save a lot of money since one wall already exists, but you do need to be sure that the wall is facing in the best direction to receive the necessary sunlight. Constructing a Quonset hut can be an additional less costly method. With their dome design, they usually are heated up without difficulty. One more type is the Gothic Arch greenhouse which is certainly similar to the Quonset style, but the curved roof is pointed top, and the sides are usually straighter.

Next, there is the Classic A-Frame, which feature high, slanted sides, which causes them to be more difficult to heat. You might also want to consider a Modified A-Frame which is not as steep as the Classic A-Frame due to its gabled roof. A Barn-Style greenhouse provides loads of space and has a resemblance to a barn in appearance. One more type, the even-span greenhouse, is fastened to one end of another building and is a full-sized structure.

Transform Your Garden Into A Beautiful Area With Garden Decor http://bit. ly/qRSN8X http://bit. ly/qsuWbf

A bare piece of land could be changed into a thing of beauty when you start a garden. In order that it can enjoy the attractiveness of the outdoors combined with the comfort of the indoors, the spirit enjoys spending time in beautiful gardens. Incorporating garden decor increases the natural beauty of trees and plants. The many types of garden decoration each provide a unique function.

Substantial structures, such as pillars and gazebos, can help to change your garden's appearance by making it seem to be bigger than it actually is. Additionally they can be used for climbing plants, which will hang on to these platforms, presenting the effect of a classic garden. Applying blowing wind sculptures and statuaries helps to create an atmosphere of importance and strength in your landscape. You can make your garden attractive to living wildlife by adding bird baths and bird feeders. Drawing birds to your garden will brighten the ambience. You can balance the appearance of your garden by interspersing architectural structures with existing trees and shrubs. Nature grows more friendly and welcoming when place together with manmade structures.

You may use obelisks and trellises that will help inhibit views of unwanted structures. Removing obstructions entirely is highly unlikely so you will need to settle for a less than perfect view. However, you might, at least, cover up irritating eyesores with many of these structures. Create a place for you to relax by having fountains or ponds. Fountains can make a wonderful atmosphere in which to practice meditation. You can create an intricate system or simply just use an inexpensive rock fountain.

With the use of landscape lighting, you can enjoy passing time in your garden at any hour. These types of lights can be fitted temporarily on trees or plants to generate whatever atmosphere suits your mood. Christmas time lights, lanterns, or candles can double to light your garden. These will help to keep your backyard garden safe from those who would lurk in the dark. To maximize the time you spend in your garden, you should have some backyard furniture. You'll need a little furniture that you enjoy sitting in so you will want to spend time in your garden. When you want to have barbecue dinners outdoors the furniture could be used as picnic furniture.

There is plenty of garden decor that matches your personal style and taste. You can obtain it from a garden supply store in your area or from a landscaping site online. Select the decor that works for you and fits within your  budget; then get ready to  enjoy  your  beautiful new  garden.

An Attractive Garden Originates From Your Heart http://bit. ly/rcjXoR www. google. com

There is nothing better than taking a well deserved rest in the beautiful surrounds of your own garden, while basking in the knowledge of having carried out something well. You will enjoy your garden for many years when you have designed it yourself and spent time creating your garden yourself. Just how can you begin achieving this, a garden that reflects your creative energy? To accomplish the full process effortlessly will take ten easy steps. Decide why you would like a garden, and who will enjoy it with you, so who do you want imput from?

Increase In Organic Food Sales Expands Substantially http://bit. ly/olEXos In the past fifteen years, the growth of organic food industry has increased enough to be treated as mainstream. In the early part of the 1990's, most organic food could solely be found in fashionable grocery stores but today you can find them in any supermarket. Not merely have organic items become more obtainable, but with more people buying them, they have also turned out to be more affordable. Increased sales means that people have become more aware of our environment as well as aware of what we put into our bodies.

Aquaponics4You Can Show You The Simplest Way To Grow A Better Garden http://bit. ly/qXi3yu jebor

This may sound inconceivable, but just think - your own garden but with every one of these monotonous tasks eliminated: weeding,  fertilizing, irrigating, compost-shredding, tilling of soil and removing or killing of soil pests. You might not believe it, but your vegetables will grow abundantly, and taste wonderful, and will even be very healthy. Exactly what you can learn with Aquaponics4You is how this works. The knowledge that follows will change your life and enable you to grow ten times the amount of organic produce on the same patch of land you currently have. Your gardening and farming could be revolutionized forever, and you will utilize 70% less energy.


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Forex Tips and Trading Online

The Importance of a Good Investment Program on Forex Trading

How you thought about doing a trade globally? Some people might hesitate to do such a thing, but the opportunity is just waiting for you out there. You actually don’t have to travel outside your country, if that's your concern. With the Internet, you can do forex trading on a global scale from your own home, at work, and regardless of your location.

The FX market seems complex, especially to new traders, and they find it rather difficult to go about the business of trading. But nothing is impossible once you've learned the trade. To learn trading skills are worthwhile, and you might even want to consider educating yourself in this lucrative field even if you're on a tight office schedule.

Consider it your second job. Doing some extra work is often recommended specially in today's world of increasing prices and when money is sometimes hard to come by.

Worry no more, because the FX market is not beyond your reach.

Make a decision to be pro-active about earning money.

Identify your goals upon entering the FX market. A primary step, goal-setting will help you stay focused upon an end result. Once you've set up a goal, plan to do all it takes to reach that goal, within reason, of course.

In forex trading, you will need an investment program, so find a good one. Don’t settle for anything less than great programs because the effective way to succeed in forex trading is in good program selection.

Most rookies commit the biggest mistake of their lives by falling into fake programs. The FX market is a huge industry. Many scams and con artists lurk around the Internet, just waiting for newcomers - and the con artists will provide useless materials for beginners. This obviously leads to frustrations for beginners because they will faileven before they get to start the actual trade.

Find a legitimate forex investment program for yourself. Although it might require a bit of looking around, and a bit extra of your time, once you get what you’re looking for, you'll be off to a good, legitimate start.

You don’t have to settle with high-end, expensive programs, nor with programs promising easy and quick profits with less risk. Be aware that, although the FX market offers a lot of opportunities, it is also surrounded by risks. To become a pro, you'll need to learn the forex trading system and be serious about learning how to do things right.

A good program is one that is dynamic, provides daily advice, manuals, DVD materials, computer disks, and other important forex trading items and resources to transform you into a succesful trader. Check to see that previous clients are satisfied with services, and see that the company you're going to get involved with has built a good reputation in the forex and trading business field.

Professional traders regard forex trading as a science, while some thinks it's an art. You'll need a lot of practice before you start the real trade. After all, practice makes a perfect trader.

Demo accounts are surefire ways to learn different techniques used in the FX market - without taking on a definite risk. After you've mastered the skills from practicing in a demo account, only THEN proceed to a mini account. From this point, you can do an actual trade but the risks are still in the minimal range.

One you're feeling some confidence, and you think you're quite ready, then get a regular trading account.

Do everything step-by-step and don't rush too much. Build skill upon skill, experience upon experiences so that you learn to more naturally recognize positives and negatives in the FX fields.

Try to always maintain calmn, and act like a pros. You are about to make big money, and it could be more than you've imagines before.

Forex trading is done on a margin. Margin trading allows you to control more money than what is actually in your hands. To trade one million US dollars, you should have a security deposit worth ten thousand US dollars. This is a typical example with a rate at 1%.

The FX market spans around the globe, so you can trade twenty-four hours a day. If you select the activity of margin trading, the spread rate is much lower compared to futures trading. The financial requirements are also usually quite low.

Get familiar with the in and outs of forex trading. Trading globally poses a lot of risk; you must learn to overcome all these risks in order to earn big profits.

To start with - Get a good forex trading program.

This post is going to come right out and knock you on the jaw.

That's right - plain and simple statements - and NO coverty, sneaky 'salesman' tactics here.

Here's the scoop:

In my opinion, Social Sites are a veritable STOREHOUSE of information - FREE information.

The three latest Social Sites that I have been invited to make MySpace and Facebook look like OLD HAGS!

Plainly - I'm TELLING YOU--

Become a member at these sites and get into the groups, forum areas and HUNT DOWN YOUR FOREX MENTORS before the sites get swarmed with 'MySpace' and 'Facebook' jokers.

In my opinion, APSense . YUWIE . and FRIENDS WIN just got loaded with 'marketers' and knowledgeable people who actually know what they're doing on a social site! (Probably because ALL OF THESE SITES have been created by people who saw the spammish-downfall of the other major social sites). Gosh - Spammers have ruined some of the best sites already, don't you think?

The three new sites have already proven to have site administrators who are cracking down heavily over SPAM and so far, I have had clean 'comment' areas to go with my posts in every single area that I have interacted on all of these sites.

These are PEOPLE WHO KNOW HOW TO SHOW OTHER PEOPLE how to earn money online. Most of them ARE NOT referral mongers who are just spitting out ref-links like crazy, trying to build a gigantic referral base - without knowing the first thing about showing new members what to do.

There are already every kind of people from Forex traders to successful eBay marketers and Multiple Income Stream Entrepreneurs. Not only will you run into people to help you with your Forex interests, you'll learn how to market.

No sly, secret methods of trying to get you to sign up - I have been as plain as day.

What are you doing for the next 15 minutes?

(By The Way - 2 of these 3 sites have also developed a way to PAY members just for participating - which is much, MUCH more than MySpace or FaceBook has ever figured out how to do!)

Now, I ask again - what are you going to be doing for the next 15 minutes?

(*Hint* - It will probably only take you 10 Minutes to become a member in all 3 of these sites)

Track me down, once you're inside these sites. I can help you way more from the inside areas than I can from this blog.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

This blog will be designed to give tips to people who are very inexperienced in Forex matters. Forex is an industry that almost anyone can get into, but it is one of the most misunderstood industries to date.

Numbers, figures, technical terms are all quite a necessary part of the Forex field, and these can be very confusing, particularly for newcomers. Though necessary, this kind of data can be learned by almost anyone.

The best thing about FOREX is that both NOBODY CONTROLS the market and EVERYONE CONTROLS the market when we're talking about CURRENCY.

No one person or huge company entirely controls the market, but every single person who TOUCHES currency (a ruble, a silver dollar, a canadian penny, a yen, etc) has some effect on the market. The 'trade' that occurs between a person who wants a loaf of bread, who then gives a store clerk a dollar bill in order to leave the store 'owning' the loaf of bread - this all affects currency, even if a grocery store 'exchange' is microscopic in proportion, as compared with someone else's million dollar Oil Share exchange. If one million formerly insignificant people all had an emotional hissy-fit about the value of a dollar - all at the same time - and refused to continue to hold the same value about a dollar. well, wow, then conceivably, this could have a BIG EFFECT on the currency market!

I know that's an almost silly notion, but theoretically - it's a possibility. It's actually no more ridiculous than beginners believing that Forex is Fast, Easy Cash that requires only some payment to a knowledgeable source in order to get the right trade information to make a person rich in six months or less!


Even if you are NOT directly involved in Forex yet - you actually do affect the market. Everyone does. Everyone who keeps in agreement that 1 US dollar is worth a little more than 1 Canadian dollar - and who proceeds to assign a certain value and live in a way, spending money under this entire belief system for 1 day - is indirectly involved in the power that currency has in the Forex market.

Imagine all the variables, then, that we are dealing with - if even a one dollar store purchase has something indirectly in common with the Trillion Dollar Forex Industry?

No wonder people are hoping to find the 'perfect trading plan' and cash in somewhere within this industry. No wonder most people want to short-cut an education in Forex and just try to find someone to tell them plainly what to do, then just scoop up the profits afterward.

Sorry - but the best and safest way to earn with Forex is to roll up your sleeves, get your pads and pencils out, grab a good-sized mug of coffee or tea and SIT DOWN to read and learn.

One of the biggest bonuses to LEARNING FOREX is that if you arm yourself with knowledge, you will be much, MUCH less likely to fall victim to scam or plain bad market and industry advice. Even EXPERTS do NOT put out good advice 24/7. Don't let an EXPERT's bad day become your financial ruin.

Many people who lose TONS of money through Forex activities aren't even 'scammed.' You don't even have to be 'taken' by a crook in this market. You can receive bad advice about a currency-pair or receive a 'hot tip' from someone who wholeheartedly believes in the information too! If you are not learned about Forex, you can crash to the ground in one fell swoop!

Compare this to the information above:

What if you were to receive a 'hot tip' from someone you trust, but being quite learned in Forex yourself, you saw a small 'flaw' in the 'tip'?

Following up on your 'hunch':

What if you double-checked the information and, armed with your know-how about determining 'breakaways' and 'trends' and similar information, you were able to go back to your 'hot tip' friend and say, "Hey Hot Tip Friend - I think you overlooked THIS detail and your 'hot tip' might not be hot at all!!" ?

Plain logic, without additional training, SHOULD tell you that everything about the latter situation is more reasonable than the former!

Think about it some more before you delve into Forex, please.

Will you arm yourself with knowledge?

Or will you dash out there and try to make the fast bucks?

Selling Mood Returns To Stock Market As Bearish Themes Lurk

A Tuesday retreat for U. S. stocks is taking shape but the culprit is elusive. Asia gained, but Europe followed up with broad stock declines on the back of miners and auto firms. Crude oil futures are down some 2.6%, taking a toll on stock sentiment.

But even then determining the "why lower?" is an exercise to simply fill in the blanks. This market feels like it wants to sell, at least short term, and there may be little fresh news behind the move.

This market is also sensitive to sector-specific moves. One of Monday's late stalls followed a move lower for health care stocks. This sector, and biotechnology, slumped after Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said in a tweet that she would lay out a plan to prevent price gouging by specialty drug makers.

Ultimately, stock investors can't shake the sense of uncertainty delivered by the Federal Reserve's no-action interest rate meeting last week. Some observers would have expected at least a mild relief rally that the Fed wasn't removing the extra economic juice just yet. Instead, the Fed's wait-and-see is weighing on Wall Street. Many are wondering if the China-led global economic slowdown is a bigger mess than first thought?

FIGURE 1: VIX BOUNCED AT 20. The CBOE Volatility Index ($VIX ) moved lower with broader stocks in Monday's session but held the key 20 area. Data source: CBOE. Chart source: TD Ameritrade's thinkorswim® platform. Sólo con fines ilustrativos. El rendimiento pasado no garantiza resultados futuros.

Lockhart Sees a 2015 Hike

Atlanta Fed President Dennis Lockhart is due to make remarks at 6 p. m. Eastern. Lockhart, a rate voter this year, said Monday that he's "confident" there will be rate hike this year. The Fed funds futures market isn't as sure. Traders there had priced in a some 60% chance for a Fed rate hike in December on the day of the September meeting. By today, those odds are down to 44%. That's a big move in less than a week.

China's Xi: First State Visit

China is in the news again, with President Xi Jinping writing in The Wall Street Journal about his country's willingness to advance a full slate of economic reforms. Global markets largely shrugged off this pledge, analyst notes issued this morning said, as traders want action and results over lip service. Xi, who is bound for his first state visit the U. S. defended the emergency government actions in currency and stock markets this summer but he urged patience. "Any ship, however large, may occasionally get unstable sailing on the high sea," he said.

Oil: Price Volatility This Week

Industry analysts look for more give and take in the crude oil futures market as traders grapple with U. S. supply figures and uncertainty for China's thirst for oil. U. S. oil prices had surged 4.5% on Monday amid signs that low prices are starting to crimp the pace of oil production in the U. S. This week's numbers will be closely watched for more signs of supply adjustments. U. S.-traded crude is below $46 a barrel Tuesday.

This piece was originally posted here by JJ Kinahan on September 22, 2015.

La volatilidad del mercado, el volumen y la disponibilidad del sistema pueden retrasar el acceso a la cuenta y las ejecuciones comerciales.

El desempeño pasado de un valor o estrategia no garantiza resultados futuros ni éxitos.

Las opciones no son adecuadas para todos los inversores, ya que los riesgos especiales inherentes al comercio de opciones pueden exponer a los inversores a pérdidas potencialmente rápidas y sustanciales. Options trading subject to TD Ameritrade review and approval. Por favor lea Características y Riesgos de Opciones Estandarizadas antes de invertir en opciones.

Supporting documentation for any claims, comparisons, statistics, or other technical data will be supplied upon request.

&dupdo; 2016 Benzinga. com. Benzinga no proporciona asesoramiento de inversión. Todos los derechos reservados.

7 Tips to Avoid Online Scams and Swindles

Annual online retail sales are expected to hit $250 billion this year as more people use this simple and convenient way to buy. But an increasing number of consumers are being ripped off through a variety of online scams. Still, buying and shopping on the Web can be relatively safe if consumers use a few precautionary measures and, a dose of self-protective skepticism. Below are seven tips to help avoid the scams and swindles that lurk on the Internet. (Forex scams are more common than you may realize. Know the signs before you throw your money away. Refer to Spotting A Forex Scam .) TUTORIAL: How To Manage Credit And Debt

Research the Company Before You Buy. The major national brands with an online presence can be trusted. Before buying from unknown companies or brands, however, consumers should check out the seller through the Better Business Bureau. their State's Consumer Fraud division and/or the Federal Trade Commission Bureau of Consumer Protection. If possible, find another consumer who has bought from the firm or brand in question, and ask about the quality of the product, delivery time, and customer service.

Credit Card Caution: One. Scrutinize your monthly credit card statement for unauthorized charges, or for charges that are not satisfactorily explained. This is a mandatory procedure for anyone who uses a credit card for shopping, and especially necessary if the card is used for online purchases. If you've been charged for something you didn't buy, immediately contact your credit card issuer. Many credit cards offer consumer insurance against fraudulent purchases, eliminating consumer liability for the debt.

Credit Card Caution: Two. A different, unique credit card number may be assigned to each online site from which you buy, if you only make purchases through a few select destinations. Many credit card issuers offer this protective service. This unique, store-specific credit card number prevents someone who may have illegally acquired your number from using it to buy from another online seller. Ask your credit card company if it offers this service.

No Online Seller Needs Your Social Security Number. Do not post your Social Security number online in a customer survey form. An online data survey sometimes accompanies an online purchase. Buyers are asked their age, gender, household income, zip code and other questions. The data is used for marketing purposes and to develop a buyer profile. But if you're asked for your Social Security number, leave that space blank and be very suspicious about whoever made that request.

If They Don't Deliver, You Don't Have to Pay.

Under FTC regulations, if a product you bought online is not shipped within 30 days from the day of your order, under certain circumstances you can instruct your credit card company to stop payment. Exceptions to the rule include a seller's statement before the sale, that delivery would be made later than the 30-day period or if the seller notifies you that the delivery cannot be made in 30 days; in this case you may either cancel your order or agree to wait longer for delivery.

Read The Small Print. Understand all the terms of the sale before you make the purchase. Many firms post strict no-return or all sales are final terms as part of your purchase agreement. In most cases damaged merchandise or clothing of the wrong size may be returned. But some products may not be returnable.

Credit Card Fraud Protection. Some credit card issuers offer total protection against fraud, eliminating 100% of a fraud victim's credit card charges if the fraud is reported promptly. Credit card firms also offer a spending watchdog service which alerts them to unusual purchases, overly expensive purchases or purchases from sources where there had been no prior transactions. Shop around for the most comprehensive credit card fraud protection. The offers are attractive and competitive because credit card companies want your business.

The Bottom Line Online shopping is easy and convenient, and more people worldwide are being attracted to this "department store" at their fingertips. Online shopping can also be safe and secure, if consumers follow the few simple rules cited above. Be cautious, be skeptical, know the terms of every sale, know the extent of your credit card fraud protection and don't give out your Social Security number . (Do you know how to distinguish a real opportunity from a fraudulent one? See Wham Bam Micro-Cap Scam .)

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Learn how to use your international credit cards at Walmart stores and on Walmart's site, and find out how to ensure your. Leer respuesta >>

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Many in most cases puzzled methods to generate earnings from the forex trade. It’s easy for traders to make just right cash online. The foremost motto of currency exchange is to help in alternate and undoubtedly in incomes a small fortune. The process of currency trading is convenient if you happen to’ve performed the survey earlier than acquiring the deal. The quandary got here in existence with these men and females who do not study and right away jump into promote for trading. This can be a primary emotional set off for shedding cash and most of the such type of men and women. Before going for purchasing and promoting you have to be conscious of that any foreign exchange reaps their reason. You might have acquired to find all of the common previous than getting. The for internet survey is, one is valued at of doing forex alternate online buying and selling corporations whenever and anywhere with the abilities of web partnership.

This often is the first tip that you just-just need to realize. Forex brokers have made cash currency exchange this occur of figuring out a skilled trader as well as who is as an alternative entering the sport. That they understand that the majority of this cash you start with will to search out your self of their recommendations. As so much as you with a rationale to be a stroll away with enormous quantities inside the preliminary month of purchasing and promoting, it’s shrewd to having a hole steadiness that is reasonable to patrons. This may occasionally furnish you with a field that you’ll be able to want to be an expert the ropes of currency exchange getting.

A few of foreign exchange scams additionally offer low price purchasing and selling sign, claiming their indicators are activity. The dangerous aspect is that they not ever furnish us with the display file of their indicators accuracy. Following a designated wide variety of time, you’ll be ready to be conscious of why traditionally do not submit their symptoms – it’s as being the accuracy is so low and at the same time you adhere to the signals, you’ll be able to be unprofitable. Some scammy loan brokers additionally lurk within the internet market engaging want-to-be and inexperienced shoppers with low unfold, free rate buying and promoting and free currency exchange training.

The rewards can also be existence altering – all you need to do work smart now not intricate and admire the markets, your packages good judgment as just right as the confidence so that you could it using utilizing self-discipline.

Expertise is principal when so that you could buying and selling any foreign money that’s to be had. One of the worst circumstances of shedding money within the foreign exchange markets is with margin alternate used by many members inexperienced persons. While you respect the whole process of the forex shopping and promoting the market, you need to keep external of the concerns like margin buying and selling to generate sales. Forex trade entails numerous avid gamers harking back to brokers, money managers, consumers, firms.

You must pay awareness to present going down which is the great part of forex target viewers.

Worrying imbalances lurk below India's high headline growth

Thursday, February 11, 2016 6:06 AM

NEW DELHI/MUMBAI (Reuters) - India's turbocharged growth figures have been criticized by many analysts for giving too flattering a view of Asia's third-largest economy. Closer scrutiny reveals another reason to worry: It's the wrong kind of growth.

Consumer spending was the main driver behind India's 7.3 percent growth in the October-December quarter, as a pick up in urban spending more than compensated for subdued spending in rural areas where the majority of India's 1.3 billion people live.

But there was little sign of an upturn in private capital investment, which has been dormant for the past four years, despite efforts by Prime Minister Narendra Modi's 19-month-old government to stimulate it through debt-fuelled higher public spending.

The higher spending by families and the government not only risks fanning inflation but also worsening household and national debt levels. Already retail loans are growing at a double-digit rate even as overall bank lending is crawling at its slowest pace in over a decade.

Personal loans that include loans for durable goods, housing and education are growing 14 percent year-on-year compared with 5.4 percent growth in overall bank credit, while credit card loans are growing at about 23 percent on year.

It would be better all round if Modi were to make faster progress on bank, land and tax reforms. But legislation for the latter two items is stuck in parliament despite the government's large majority in the lower house.

"If India wants to be the next emerging market star, it has to reform," said Mark Williams, chief Asia economist at Capital Economics. "There is no alternative."

Even after the prime minister's much trumpeted push to expedite clearances for major projects, most remain stalled.

In the December quarter, projects worth $155 billion remained stuck due to issues related to land acquisition and funding constraints, according to think-tank CMIE. New private investments in the same period dived 60 percent.

Finding it hard to borrow from banks worried by stressed loans at their worst level in 13 years, cash-strapped private firms have kept a lid on fresh capital outlay, dashing Modi's hopes that higher public spending would provide a stronger investment multiplier.

Overall investment growth hit a 15-month low of 2.8 percent in the December quarter despite a 34 percent annual increase in public capital spending.

Underscoring the downbeat investment activity, Larsen & Toubro (L&T) - a bellwether of India's engineering & construction sector - recently slashed its orders outlook.

"Policies are being announced, good intentions are there," S. N. Subrahmanyan, deputy managing director at L&T. "What needs to be done is to hold the hand of the entrepreneurs to see that the concrete is poured on the ground."

Nineteen road projects worth nearly $6 billion, involving firms like Gammon and Madhucon. are stuck as developers have run out of cash and banks are reluctant to offer a lifeline, said a senior road and transport ministry official.

Even big projects have struggled to find takers. The $1.5-billion Zojila Pass tunnel in Kashmir, India's most expensive road project, languished for 18 months before being awarded to contractor IRB Infrastructure in January.


Statistically, India's economic growth has overtaken China's. But economists are questioning the official data, which they say has been overestimating the pace of expansion following a change made a year ago to the method GDP is calculated.

Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, due to present his third budget on Feb. 29, is under pressure to relax fiscal deficit targets to further ramp up public spending to give the economy more momentum.

But the move is likely to further worsen India's debt dynamics. The federal debt-GDP ratio is set end the fiscal year in March at 50.8 percent, according to Reuters' estimates, rising sharply from 46.8 percent in 2014/15 due to a sharp slowdown in nominal economic growth.

A higher fiscal deficit would also undermine the fight against inflation.

GDP data shows private consumption is outpacing investment. With a robust 6.4 percent annual growth, consumption contributed roughly half of overall spending growth in the December quarter.

A hike in salaries and pensions of government employees later this year is further expected to boost consumption, raising the risk of putting upward pressure on prices.

Meantime, the government is struggling to make progress on other fronts.

Modi has spelt out a plan to nurse ailing state banks back to health. Its implementation, however, remains patchy.

Similarly, no progress has been made on simplifying rules on land sales or on a major indirect tax reform that would eliminate customs barriers between states and, for the first time, create a single market nationwide.

"There is a big gap between promises and delivery," said Sandeep Upadhyay, managing director at the Centrum Infra Advisory Ltd. consultancy. "Results drive investments, not promises."

(Writing by Rajesh Kumar Singh; Editing by Douglas Busvine and Simon Cameron-Moore)

This article was written by Rajesh Kumar Singh and Sumeet Chatterjee from Reuters and was legally licensed through the NewsCred publisher network.

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Did you avoid having a Cyber-Crooked Christmas Conman adventure?

As one security professional put it, “This Christmas Season is about a lot more than just Ho-Ho-Ho!” In fact, our favorite Christmas carols need to be updated to include something about the Internet and the cyber-criminals that lurk in the shadows, trying to steal our good tidings and spoil our holiday cheer. Yes, Cyber-crooks were on the rampage this holiday season, and, if you were lucky enough to avoid their schemes, then you were spared the agony of feeling foolish and of having to spend the next several months unraveling all the harm that was caused.

Despite many warnings to the contrary, many unsuspecting shoppers fell victim to the various charms of today’s modern conmen, hook, line, and sinker. In many respects, this is the time of year when we feel more trusting, while at the same time feeling under time pressure to perform our many family and relationship duties to a higher standard. The situation is a prime setup for cyber-crooks of every trade and persuasion, and you can be sure they have been preparing for several months to be extra naughty and not nice. Estimates of the carnage will come later, but anecdotal evidence is already piling up around the Christmas tree.

Conmen are expertly trained in the arts of persuasion, skills that easily transfer to today’s Internet. The online world also cloaks their identities in apparent anonymity, while suggestive graphics breed instant trust, a must-have at the outset, if your “mark” is to be duped without suspicion. These schemes are not new. They may have been updated with the latest in technological tricks of the trade, but the FBI, the Better Business Bureau (BBB), local law enforcement officials, television and newspaper reporters, and websites like this one have all published warnings of the clever traps that have been laid with care, right next to the stockings and Christmas goodies.

Hopefully, you were not waylaid by one of these clever schemes, but here are a few cases where unsuspecting consumers were taken on a cyber-sleigh ride:

Example #1 – The Great Deal Scam

What family would not like to have bigger flat-screen TV or one of the newer curved-screen varieties as a surprise on Christmas morning? Harry had been saving for months to buy just that purpose. He had also been searching the net to find the best deal and the most pixels for his buck. Prices were not coming down, and time was growing short. Harry was feeling the pressure and had to make a decision quickly, a situation that made him a prime suspect for a fleecing.

With only a few days left to meet shipping deadlines, he finally found what looked to be a legitimate website seller of the new curved-screen television sets with the size and price within acceptable limits that he had set. The sales distributor claimed that he has a special relationship with the manufacturing facility in China, the reason for the more than reasonable deal that is offered. This relationship, however, requires that all payments be wired to their U. S. bank clearing account. Shipment can only commence once good funds are received. Harry runs to his back and wires the funds.

As you might have guessed, no TV was ever shipped. The company has disappeared, and Harry is out the cash, with little if any hope of recovering any of it. Personal greed and time pressure were the culprits. If the deal is too good to be true, it usually is.

Example #2 – The Prepaid Card Scam

Kids today are totally consumed with electronic devices, whether it is the latest video game player, smart phone, or the latest rage, the e-pad mini. The games and visually appealing graphics are free for the most part, another benefit. But where do you find these devices at the right price when they are in such high demand? Mary wanted to buy e-pads for her five grandchildren, and, after a long search, she found a legitimate looking website that could ship them immediately.

When she went to check out, she was advised that the only acceptable payment method was to purchase an Amazon Gift Card and then give the card information to the company. A link was provided directly to the Amazon Gift Card center online. Mary applied for the card and loaded cash from her bank account. She then completed her order and provided the gift card information to the website.

The gifts never arrived, and the crooks used the funds on the card to buy other merchandise. Amazon also could not reverse the charges on the gift card. The scam works, as David Newman with the Federal Trade Commission admits, because, “It’s essentially mailing them an envelope full of money.” The funds are untraceable.

Example #3 – The Greeting Card Scam

Does anyone mail lots of Christmas cards anymore? Shirley was heavily into social media and into doing the latest “fab idea” that she had found online. She would never think of mailing Christmas cards when electronic cards were so convenient and exciting to receive. The cool thing to do this Christmas, however, was to create your own card with special graphics provided by an online website. The site unfortunately was a ruse, designed to load malware on your computer that would communicate your personal information back to the scammers.

One of the most popular of these sites duped over 60,000 consumers this season. According to Carl Leonard, principal security analyst at Raytheon – Websense, “This is an example of the growing sophistication of malware attackers, in this case laying out a smorgasbord of tempting Christmas freebies to lure the unprotected.”

As for those cheerful Christmas greeting card links, both the BBB and AARP warn that this scam tops their Holiday list and to avoid opening the card. It is an invitation for malware. Be particularly wary if the name of the sender is missing or you are asked for personal information in order to receive the greeting. Avoid clicking on pictures of Santa or on the most prevalent scam title this season – “On the 12th day of Christmas someone sent to me.” Check with your sender before opening the link.

Example #4 – The Dating Website Scam

Heather had just ended a long-term relationship in early November. She was not comforted by the fact that 80% of breakups occur at this time of year, but she surely regretted that she might have to spend the holidays alone. Her friends consoled her and suggested that she try an online dating service to find a companion and get back into the game, so to speak. She joined one of the popular services, filled out her profile, and immediately began to receive several interesting contacts.

One individual stood out from all of the rest. He was working a temporary job in the oil business in Alaska, quite a distance away from her present home. He quickly began calling her his “Angel from above” and sent little gifts to her, once he knew her address. A few weeks before Christmas, he was unfortunately laid off, and his temporary corporate housing was terminated, as well. When he mournfully said that he would love to be home with her for Christmas, Heather quickly said jump on a plane. Her new beau had no funds. He had to put everything in storage, but if she could wire him a few thousand dollars, then he would be there in an instant. He sent his banking information.

Heather went to her bank and wired $2,500. A few days later, the emails and chats stopped. Her Christmas companion never showed, and she never saw her money again.

Simple advice for avoiding the online conman both then and now

Psychological studies have revealed that our brains can be easily duped by a clever conman or even by an aggressive salesperson, another obstacle to be overcome during high shopping periods. The suspicious centers of our minds can actually be turned off, if we are immediately made to feel confident or comfortable with the situation at hand. Conmen understand this simple truth and devise gambits worthy of disguising their evil intentions at the outset. Your only hope is to keep your suspicions on alert, whenever you are approached directly or when contacting a website on the web.

The (BBB) has also provided these helpful hints:

If the price seems to good to be true, then be wary of the offering -- Be suspicious if the item you want is severely discounted in price, much more so than on most other websites;

Beware of high-pressure sales -- Conmen do not want you to have time to think about a deal or to confer with another friend. Their objective is to get your money quickly before your suspicions kick in;

Watch out for sellers who won’t take credit cards -- Scammers want untraceable cash that cannot be reversed. Be wary if they only accept bank wires, prepaid debit cards, or gift cards;

Check for legitimate contact information – Legitimate sellers will disclose real phone numbers and addresses on their websites because they know the value of customer service when it comes to problems after the sale. If you have any doubts, plug the phone number or address given into a search engine and see what comes up, which might be other firms or complaints;

Make sure websites are secure and authenticated – When shopping online, it is always a good sign to see “https” before the web address and a small lock symbol. These items indicate that the site employs special security measures to protect your credit card and/or banking information from compromise.

Concluding Remarks

The Holiday Season is a perfect time for scammers of all persuasions to be out and about, searching high and low for their next victims. This lucrative period of time for the criminal element in our society does not stop at Christmas day. It continues into the New Year and beyond. Hopefully, you were not reeled in like the poor souls above, but it can happen to anyone. Your age, intelligence, and experiences offer no protection when a skillful conman enters your space. They know how to turn off the suspicious sectors of your mind to gain your confidence and trust upfront.

Your only protection rests in how vigilant you are in maintaining a skeptical attitude before you are approached or accosted by one of these thieves, either directly or online. Keep your greed in check and follow the helpful hints provided by the BBB. You are your first and last line of defense when it comes to preventing fraud!

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Ok, so you are new to Forex. Maybe you know him from work together, or from books you buy at the bookstore, or through advertisements on the Internet. Forex trading is being started masyarakt known in the area since the advent of online trading ways.

After reading or find out a little about forex, you probably know how much potential profit in the forex market trading. Hmm … big enough in your mind. Large enough to fulfill all your dreams and it was worth it to diligent.

Well, there’s nothing wrong with all that knowledge. So also with the beautiful dreams you. Everyone is entitled to have a dream to settle down and become financially independent.

But it was just a sweet thing sepenggalan in the world of forex. An ideal destination. And maybe if asked further whether the forex trading, you may be confused.

“What’s the same with forex money changer?”

“Or a trade like stocks?”

“How much profit can I get?”

“Is that legal?”

“I can lose”

Wait … I know you have many questions. All these questions will we answer in this blog.

Well, let’s just start our first introduction to forex trading.

To ease your introduction to forex, I will menganalogikan forex trading with the money changer or stock. This is because most of it to know what money changer or stock trading as well (if you do not know, go to a money changer and ask officials there Best).

If anyone asks what I had in forex trading then the answer can be quite varied. But I liked this simple definition: forex trading is an investment instrument in the form of foreign exchange trading in pairs. Forex itself has several other names such as Fx, margin trading, or forex trading. It’s all more or less refers to forex trading.

The advantage of investing forex (forex is an abbreviation of Foreign Exchange) obtained from the difference between purchase price and the selling price of our currency transaksikan.

A simple example:

In the last month U. S. Dollar Amir buy as much as $ 1000 by buying foreign exchange rate Rp.8500/dollar, – And this month USD exchange rate strengthened to Rp 9500, – per dollar. So when Amir sell dollar this month so he makes a profit of (9500 – 8500) x 1000 = Rp. 1.000.000, – Easy is not it?

Why, then forex exactly when we exchange money at the money changer then? Yes indeed similar. So from the beginning had I Analogikan trade forex with money changer. Like that’s not the same. So there is a difference. Among methods that do trade with the form of margin trading and there is no physical delivery of goods.

Traded in the forex trading pairs of currency pairs are usually called. For example USD / JPY pair, which means the exchange rate between U. S. Dollar and Japanese Yen. Oh yes, before I forget, there will be some terms or abbreviations that we will meet in the forex world. we need to know, but do not worry, I’ve prepared a dictionary word in any other page.

Among the instruments on the trading floor of investment, forex trading is the greatest instrument kapitalnya. Large volume of trade of about U. S. $ 2 trillion (remember, in U. S. Dollars) was approximately 46 times greater than the commodity futures exchange markets (such as rubber, coffee, gold, etc.) others. Or thousands of times greater than the total transactions on the Jakarta Stock Exchange! With a capitalization of that size, then known as forex trading the most liquid market and the largest in the world.

Only 5% of the fund is above the government funding of routine nature. Another 95% belong to the investors free of many of the world. Actually the biggest market and very diverse. Another plus is the forex trading is an active investment instruments 24 hours a day and 5 days a week. Starting from the European market, America, Asia and Australia. So unlike the Jakarta Stock Exchange can only transact in the day, the forex trading (especially in online forex trading) we can transact anytime and anywhere.

Not all currencies can be traded here. Only a few developed countries currency is commonly used is USD (U. S. Dollar), JPY (Japanese Yen), GBP (British Pounds Sterling), EUR (Euro), CHF (Swiss Franc), and AUD (Australian Dollar). So if we invest in the forex trading market, then we are not going to find pairs of IDR (Indonesian Rupiah) with CAD. That there are pairs of currency that I mentioned before EUR / USD, USD / JPY, CHF / USD and so on. Remember our earlier definition, forex trading is the foreign currency trading with other foreign currencies.

This was one difference with the money changers in general. If you go to money changers and exchange your Rupiah Dollar, then it means you do business with partners AUD / USD, aka Indonesian Rupiah to the U. S. Dollar.

This never happens in forex trading. By tradition, the currency is traded currencies has fundamentally advanced the volume of exports and imports are stable.

The next feature of the forex trading is never traded him physically. Yup, never. Different if you have to go to money changers and exchange your dollar, then you are required to carry it in your pocket physically.

Well, in forex, trading is not done physically. Only recorded evidence of the transaction and when you make transactions. Once upon a time (like a fairy tale becomes J) all foreign exchange transactions written in the form of precious letter. Then, after extensive phone usage, reduced transaction evidence is only a short writings are usually called quotes. From this was born the term Dealing Quotes (DQ).

Well, now forex trading is no longer done by telephone. It’s getting out of date. Now his time online. Then all the way transactions and evidence of any transaction done online. You simply fill the user id and password provided by the platform provider (in this case called a broker or broker) and then, click … and there was all the details of your transaction.

This is easier for all people in forex transactions, because then anyone can do transactions and more, the transaction is no longer limited by place and time. Because handled by the system and no longer on the phone that in fact must be held by men (the dealer) then the investor can invest forex whenever he wants as long as 24 hours a day with ease.

Even I know several housewives who play forex trading through the house. Internet capitalize on the home computer or laptop, then they analyze the price movement. So if you and I who have worked in an office and an employee does not know the forex it very ashame :p Ok, this last discussion about the First Touch With our Forex Trading. One of the most prominent part in world trade model of foreign exchange is done with the margin trading system. Margin trading is a trading system using only a guarantee only in trade (margin = guarantee).

This is different from the trading system with the method used to spot that we do every day. Spot The point is to trade with a system of exchange one.

The more confused? Ok then let’s see a real picture in the world of foreign exchange every day. Back I match the foreign exchange trading through a money changer in forex trading. Again, money changer … Pity it seems money changer. I hope readers are not all there is to open business in the world of money changers, i don’t mind to vilify the money changers business.

Let I gave a simple picture, but real. I take the example of pairs (pair) GBPUSD currency. This means that the British Pound Sterling currency are paired with the U. S. Dollar.

At the time this article was made, the GBPUSD exchange rate of 1.9650. That means that 1 British pound equal to U. S. $ 1.9650. Usually these currency movements more or less experiencing the movement of 100 points per day. So, let’s say tomorrow GBPUSD exchange rate to 1.9750. Do you know how much profit if you trade with and without margin trading?

Now let’s discuss one by one. The first without the use of margin trading system or Spot trading.

Because we know the price will move up, so to gain advantage is to take action to buy. Buy cheap and sell expensive.

Spot Trading Examples

Say you buy a fund as much as 100 pounds for a profit. Then the amount of profit is (1.9750 – 1.9650) x 100 pounds = 0.01 x 100 = 1 pound sterling. Small ehmm … kok ya? Yes indeed small, wong currency movements are not very big ones per day. If you want big profits so do not be the capital’s only 100 pounds. How about 10,000 pounds. Well that’s lucky we could with the 100 pound sterling the same movement as the previous example.

Now this feels. Fortunately, 100 pound sterling.

Yes that is the quite big profit 100 Pounds :p. But the capital is 10,000 Pound! One day just 1% profit! Get real. I better use the money I have to buy a dream house or at least a car from the main foreign exchange this model!

Ha. ha. ha … Oh that’s trade with Spot model. It’s called trading with an exchange rate system one. Means to obtain as many as 10,000 pounds, you must still spend the same amount of money, too. Not effective when viewed from the side of capital and profits. That’s why you rarely find those who invest in foreign exchange spot trading but involves a very large fund.

In addition to the calculation of profit is indeed not wearing perseng, viewed from the capital side also requires quite a bit of money.

Calculation of Margin Trading Example

Well, margin trading eliminates this problem by using the security model. The same case and was way out pretty much the same. £ 10,000 is required if you want the advantage in sufficient quantities.

But until there alone, with a margin trading, you do not need to spend pounds 10,000 to buy 10,000 pounds. That is, you just enough to bail it out. How much? Once upon a time required for 10% guarantee to get the whole section. It means if you want to buy as many as 10,000 pounds, you can simply remove just 1000 pounds. Well at least far less than the original.

Finally, this guarantee of return reduced to 5%. And finally after a request here and there, now most companies forex trading provider to guarantee small enough to be able to buy or sell action. Only 1% or sometimes referred to 1:100 (this is called leverage ratio / leverage)!

That means if you want to buy as many as 10,000 pounds, you can simply remove it as much as 100 pounds. Much cheaper is not it?

The profit was the amount fixed: 100 Pounds or 1.5 million Rupiah. Wow, with a 100 Pounds capital we can get benefit 100 Pounds in one day. That means profits reached 100% within 1 day! Truly amazing.

Now that’s excess margin trading. Impossible by conventional trade. But wait … What do brokers do not submit to us losing 10,000 pounds while we are only just issued a USD 1.5 million? Not at all. Remember the discussion above, forex trading is not done physically. This means that brokers do not need to submit as many as 10,000 pounds of money to the buyer because all these transactions are not carried out physically. So, margin trading profit unbalance solved the percentage loss.

De acuerdo. Margin trading became a god instrumental in our session this time. Later we will learn together that margin trading was actually a double-edged swords of equal sharpness. The logic is that margin trading can increase your profits, then the margin trading can also increase your losses. We’ll see alone. But this time until the session here.

I think all readers agree that we all need to invest. The purpose of the investment is quite clear: a profit. Whether only a few percent in one year, or even tens to hundreds of percent a year. But the main purpose of the investment is profit. If you don’t get the profit, your investment is failed. However, whether all the investment so profitable? Por supuesto no. In fact we are not in black and white areas where everything was clear as the theory taught in the book. We better be in a world of gray where external factors often can cause shocks in our investments.

Here are some truths and lies in investing. For more interestingly, I will discuss the invention, before eventually will I end with a natural truth:

1. First lie: There are the kinds of investments that would benefit if we join in it.

This big lie is usually not exhale the ethical marketing of investment companies (which is also not ethical) for the pursuit of the many funds that go to the company.

Please note that NO one investment that can guarantee that you will benefit if followed therein. Not even savings (which is actually no longer considered an investment because prices are usually higher than savings interest) or bank deposits.

All investments have risks. Included with the banking products that in fact is a small flowering. What if the bank where you invest your money and then gone bankrupt while the funds are not guaranteed by the central government? Of course it could happen. So please know that there is no certainty of 100% profit when you decide to invest.

The truth: Usually following the standard ratio of investment risks to profit. That means greater profits, the greater is the risk that might occur. And vice versa if you choose a low-risk investments, the return that could offer too limited. Although there is also investments which is a bit silly (which is not recommended to follow) is a high risk-low return.

2. Second Lies: Investment only for the rich.

This statement is true but it was 10 years ago. At times when the financial sector, especially investment is still a new commodity in the community. But not so with investment in the financial sector today.

This is due to a lack of knowledge in the general public about the investment. Not to mention the image that is formed from prior years have made financial investment labeled like that. And from time to time the investment is always evolving and increasingly popular in the community. It is we who must participate to learn.

The truth: Some retail investment was recorded in nature and almost equal to the saving of capital requires only a few hundred thousand rupiah alone.

Even forex trading formerly known as investment instruments for the super rich (big boys) were no longer so for being so retail. Some local brokerage in Indonesia, even requires only Rp 5 million just to start forex investing. Compare this with 10 years ago in which the funds have minimum of $ 10,000.

3. Third Lies: Investment only for educated people because it is difficult and ngejelimet.

No. Not true at all. On the contrary, such investment is not applying for jobs and require a variety of academic and experience requirements to be accepted. Whoever you are, you can start investing and not difficult. Investing is not just for smart people. Some clients I have in the investment world futures trading (which is known as an investment even the most complex) is the mother a housewife and student.

The truth: In some models you can invest your funds to submit an Investment Manager who can manage your funds in a professional and you just accept the outcome. If you want maximum results over again, of course you have to step in to manage themselves (active investors). Not as difficult as most people imagine. Simply understand that there are analytical instruments, financial arrangements and the psychological effect, you can become an investment manager for yourself.

4. The lie fourth: It is difficult to invest in the financial sector if living in a remote town.

Who says? If this were an 80’s era yes. But the days when this region and the border is no longer a bond in investing. The world is connected through the Internet and the global banking. Would you believe even this school materials were made by the writer only through a computer in the bedroom, sitting on a soft mattress? With exceptional comfort at home, school curriculum has been enjoyed by thousands of people anywhere. Remote indeed “a bit” isolated to the real sector. But that does not mean the financial sector as well. Yesterday was isolated, but when there is internet and phone then your world is no longer isolated. So happy! The truth: Then why do we have to think that limiting the distances we invest? As far as the banking institution where you are and you have the internet and even telephone network investment is the financial sector no longer need to go to the offices of a broker or securities where you invest. Just make sure the office where initially you are going to invest the official and authorized local government (not necessarily in Indonesia lho!). The rest, take care by phone and email! Even foreign brokerage firms have been serving the opening forex accounts from various countries in the world by providing online registration form. Learning Forex anything done online. So no longer need to miss a chance!

Welcome to 4xlearning, I hope this blog is useful for everybody.

No one is born into this world by having the ability to invest in themselves. All the ability to invest with the birth of the learning process in a consistent and focused. The advantage never fell from the sky.

Some people open a real account without sufficient practice time just because they make a profit in several times their demo account! We’ll learn later what it was a demo account and why it’s important. What is clear, open a real account without practicing with the same good fight without a weapon. Suicide.

For that, Learn Forex understand the need for an educational module efficiency and a focus for all beginners to learn forex trading. It is expected the beginner forex no longer confused and asked: “where I have to start learning forex I?”

You can start to learn forex from here, you don’t need to spend your money to get special course. Just read this blog and try to trade on demo account and what a good news? It’s totally free, you don’t need buy anything from me to learning forex here.

To make your learning much easier, i divided it into 4 levels.

The 1st level is Sitting Duck. Here you will learn the basics of public investment and little understanding of forex. This class is for you who are still very common in the investment world.

About why we called the “Sitting Duck” because when you in this level, you are “Soft Target”. Newbie is still classified as novice investors who can become an easy target various types of fraud and market volatility. Forex markets have not suited for the “sitting duck”. They are the ones who see the world of investing solely on the profit without knowing they were there in a dangerous area and there are ‘predators lurking’. Hazards in the form of market risk and the fact that the investment world, of course, the same as any other business that is in it there were good and the bad guys are looking for prey.

The 2nd level is called “Walking Lamb”. It is estimated that you can start walking and no longer sits like a duck (easy target). Sheep can recognize a wolf and can stay away towards safer places. But however remains a lamb sheep. A sheep that runs remain a sheep. Do not have enough ability to avoid enemy attack. Learn the things that more advanced about forex here. You’ve started to enter the forex from the practical and no longer mention the basic concept that is only well known and no longer needed when you begin actively trading.

The 3rd level is called “Running Pig.” Yup, pig run. Rather vulgar indeed but most forex trader caught here. A pig can run fast but difficult to turn and not fast at all in the running. Fast indeed, but did not have enough ability to see what was happening in front of them. So did most of the traders behave like this. They think by knowing this and that theory and the theory was proven several times in the past, they felt he had found the true key of the actual trading and then entered in real trading with foolhardy. The market is full of graves forex traders like this.

And the last level is “Fox Hunting”! Not in a hurry but that does not mean timid. Brave but not reckless. Know when to go and attack, when to get out and when to shut up and continue to lurk in wait. Not idealistic but realistic. Quickly changed following the market movements and make smart market as their quarry. Prey may be dangerous but they have prepared all the possibilities that could have happened, so they deserve to be called fox hunting. Not many can reach this stage, namely those who trade and gain profit from the market consistently.

I think thats enough for introduction, i hope you can enjoy my blog. I will try to up date my blog as soon as possible i can. Thank you for reading and enjoy the learning.


ECB's Coeure sees G20 coordination emerging market currencies

PARIS Weakness in emerging market economies risks triggering further depreciation of their currencies and will be addressed in a coordinated manner, ECB Executive Board member Benoit Coeure said on Monday.

Speaking on French TV BFM Business, Coeure the issue would be up for discussion when finance ministers and central bankers from the Group of 20 economic powers meet in Shanghai on Feb. 26-27.

"Given the difficulties that big emerging market countries are having, there's a risk that their currencies will keep weakening," he said.

"That's an issue for global coordination, and will be discussed in Shanghai in 10 days," Coeure added.

Despite the appreciation of the dollar, the euro zone's trade-weighted exchange rate has risen by about six percent since reaching lows in April 2015 largely as emerging market currencies have weakened.

Coeure said the ECB would not let market pressures dictate monetary policy with financial markets anticipating that it will enlarge monetary easing next month, possibly by cutting the deposit rate deeper into negative territory.

European stock markets fell to 16-month lows on Monday with concerns about global growth and the impact of negative interest rates stressing financial sector shares.

Though European banks had improved their balance sheet strength in recent years, they were not finished, Coeure said.

"Banks need to keep building equity to show they are strong while also explaining how they are changing their business models," he said.

While there were no undisclosed "holes" in bank balance sheets, they needed to be clear in their handling of bad loans. "In any case, it will be several years to get rid of bad loans."

(Reporting by Leigh Thomas; editing by Michel Rose)

Risks lurk in Greece, the euro and US labour markets. Carry trade opportunities overstated

The broader USD saw significant appreciation last night, driven by weakness in index-heavyweight EUR, which crack below important support at 1.0710.

This comes despite positive Greek developments overnight.

AUD and NZD once again outperformed, ostensibly on carry-trade attractiveness.

The IMF confirmed that Greece had made a €450m due yesterday. The next hurdle is a €420m treasury bill payment, due 14 April .

Analysts expect the Greek government will be able to find enough cash to meet that payment (by using cash reserves of public agencies, etc), but may struggle beyond that.

24 April is now the circled date on the calendar, when euro-zone finance ministers are set to meet to agree on a financing deal that will allow Greece to make much more substantial payments in May.

Greece received some reprieve yesterday, as its request for greater ECB liquidity was granted.

Despite all this, EUR/USD remained very weak throughout our session, and snapped through strong support at 1.0710 in the early hours of this morning. We’d attribute this to the growing divergence between US and EU bond yields. German bond yields out to 8 years are now in negative territory, while US bond yields rose overnight.

The broad USD gains were supported by good news out of US labour market indicators. The four-week moving average of initial jobless claims fell its lowest level in 15 years, suggesting that March’s woeful employment report might prove to be an aberration.

NZD/USD was again an outperformer, poking its head back above 0.7600 before beating a hasty retreat.

In yesterday’s BNZ Strategist, we noted that are actively looking to enter a medium-term short position above 0.76, looking for a drop to 0.72 or beyond. We failed to ask our London colleagues to watch an order (to sell) for us, so remain on the sidelines. We hope to get another opportunity ahead of next week’s dairy auction and the 20 April inflation report.

We understand that the carry-trade appeal of high-yielding currencies like NZD is once again being touted as a reason for their outperformance. While that may well be why some investors have decided to support NZD, we would not join them in any hurry.

The risk-adjusted return on a USD-funded carry trade into NZ has improved modestly in the past two weeks. But that has been almost entirely driven by falling volatility. We’d not bet on currency markets remaining becalmed for an extended period of time. There are still plenty of question-marks (and a significant divergence in views) around Greece’s ability to survive through Q2, and more importantly, the timing of Fed rate hikes.

Another night ahead of rather low-tier data. China’s inflation prints might be worth a read, and perhaps also Australian lending data.

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USD. 1 NZD. 1.4959 AUD. 1.332 EUR. 0.8954 GBP. 0.7074 YEN. 113.09 HKD. 7.7578 SGD. 1.3717 CAD. 1.327

USD. 0.6848 AUD. 0.9069 EUR. 0.6154 GBP. 0.4841 JPY. 77.47 HKD. 5.2939 SGD. 0.9369 CAD. 0.9079

USD. 0.6848 AUD. 0.9097 EUR. 0.6159 GBP. 0.4855 JPY. 77.2271 HKD. 5.3144 SGD. 0.9379 CAD. 0.9056

USD. 0.6843 AUD. 0.9074 EUR. 0.6142 GBP. 0.4844 JPY. 77.32 HKD. 5.2775 SGD. 0.9336 CAD. 0.9043

USD. 0.6853 AUD. 0.9087 EUR. 0.6151 GBP. 0.4853 JPY. 77.1792 HKD. 5.2987 SGD. 0.9357 CAD. 0.9041 datetime. as at 7:20pm (NZT), Friday, 25 March 2016 USD. 0.6576 AUD. 0.8730 EUR. 0.5878 GBP. 0.4644 JPY. 74.10 HKD. 5.0948 SGD. 0.8988 CAD. 0.8697 datetime. As at 05:00:03 a. m. Monday 28 March 2016 USD. 0.6584 AUD. 0.8774 EUR. 0.5878 GBP. 0.4670 JPY. 74.0353 HKD. 5.1028 SGD. 0.8988 CAD. 0.8708 datetime. as at 16:33PM (New Zealand local time), 24 March 2016 USD. 0.6596 AUD. 0.8769 EUR. 0.5875 GBP. 0.4673 JPY. 74.05 HKD. 5.0992 SGD. 0.8991 CAD. 0.8707 datetime. as at 05:00am (NZT), Monday, 28 March 2016 USD. 0.6575 AUD. 0.8742 EUR. 0.5860 GBP. 0.4660 JPY. 73.8857 HKD. 5.1184 SGD. 0.9012 CAD. 0.8716



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Rexnord's Long-Term Prospects Solid, Risks Lurk Near Term

Zacks Equity Research - ZACKS - Mon Mar 14, 1:45PM CDT

We issued an updated research report on Rexnord Corporation RXN on Mar 11, 2016. The company specializes in designing, manufacture and sale of process and motion control and water management products across the globe.

We believe that Rexnord has strong long-term growth prospects based on its potential to leverage the rising demand trends in the U. S. non-residential construction markets. In addition, increasing demand for clean water and water infrastructure will prove beneficial for the company’s water management business, while the aerospace industry will offer attractive growth opportunities.

A diversified business portfolio, especially in mining, food & beverage, aerospace, non-residential construction and global water infrastructure end markets, is an added advantage for Rexnord. Strategic acquisitions will further strengthen its product portfolio and expand into unexplored markets. In the quarter ending Dec 2015, acquired assets contributed nearly 1% to the company’s revenue growth. Also, the company’s supply-chain optimization and footprint-repositioning program (launched in first-half fiscal 2016) are expected to yield approximately $30 million of annual cost savings by fiscal 2017.

However, certain near-term headwinds pose serious threats to Rexnord’s growth. For fiscal 2016, Rexnord lowered its earnings guidance to $1.37−$1.41 per share from $1.43−$1.48 per share projected earlier. Core sales are expected to decline 2−3% due to uncertainties in industrial end markets. At the same time, active competition, rising debt level, adverse foreign currency movements and dependence on a few large customers for a major portion of revenues remain as major concerns for the stock.

With both positives and negatives influencing its business, Rexnord currently offers a balanced risk-reward profile and, hence, carries a Zacks Rank #3 (Hold). The Zacks Consensus Estimate for the stock is pegged at $1.39 per share for fiscal 2016 and $1.51 per share for fiscal 2017.

Some better-ranked stocks include ESCO Technologies Inc. ESE. II-VI Incorporated IIVI and AZZ Incorporated AZZ. While both ESCO Technologies and II-VI Incorporated sport a Zacks Rank #1 (Strong Buy), AZZ Incorporated carries a Zacks Rank #2 (Buy).

Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days . Click to get this free report >>

Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report

Copyright 2016 Zacks Investment Research

Thread: Myfxbook Collection

Beginning of new year! If you don't have a myfxbook account already you should get one, even if you do not want to show it publicly. The level of analysis it provides is invaluable and creates a level of self awareness of your own trading that can foster good trading habits while stopping the bad ones.

I'd like to see if we can get a group of myfxbooks from members here. Maybe some friendly competition or just to open up discussion regarding different trading behaviors. I will begin by posting mine!

Note: if you commit to posting your myfxbook here, please commit to keeping it up and public regardless of the account performance. Blown up account histories are just as helpful as successful ones. Cool!

I will add to the list below as people add their myfxbooks:

Arbitrager on Acid (submitted to this thread)

AndyW (copied from his thread with permission)

Coffeeshop (copied from his thread with permission)

Andrewpacmanistan (copied from his thread with permission)

Last edited by GlobalMacro; 01-28-2015 at 02:29 PM.

17% gain. well done Global! I have been testing the waters the past one or two months so nothing much to share. How long have you been trading btw. I do lurk around your thread traderspace once in a while.

More then a few years now. It has been a long journey. A challenging, frustrating, yet fulfilling journey.

There is no better a time then to start keeping a myfxbook as early on as possible. I think you would find it helpful, regardless if you share it or not. The usefulness is the ability to analysis your trading behavior during time of trending profits, and to isolate what changed during periods of drawdowns. Maybe the drawdowns are triggered by over leveraged positions, or maybe when you start using bigger stop losses. Easier to spot the causes within the statistics this way then any other.

Last edited by GlobalMacro; 01-09-2015 at 10:49 AM.

More then a few years now. It has been a long journey. A challenging, frustrating, yet fulfilling journey.

There is no better a time then to start keeping a myfxbook as early on as possible. I think you would find it helpful, regardless if you share it or not. The usefulness is the ability to analysis your trading behavior during time of trending profits, and to isolate what changed during periods of drawdowns. Maybe the drawdowns are triggered by over leveraged positions, or maybe when you start using bigger stop losses. Easier to spot the causes within the statistics this way then any other.

I know what you mean. I've got one. But at this moment I' d rather not share mine as I haven't been trading as frequently as I used to. My average winners pip wise are much smaller than the other pack losers. Although I've got more winning trades than losing trades.

I was wondering if you had any economic background.

Join Date Oct 2014 Posts 329

I was wondering if you had any economic background ?

Minimal. It has been nearly entirely a self taught pursuit.

Join Date Oct 2014 Location Adrian Frost http://www. arbitrageronacid. com http://www. myfxbook. com/members/ARBONLSD Posts 1,046

Minimal. It has been nearly entirely a self taught pursuit.

Make a new thread about econ. That is my favorite topic. We are certainly living in an era of great interest for monetary theory, in fact we may look back at this time as historically significant with the whole planet going to floating exchange rates, quantitative easing, the birth of cryptos, and now negative interest rates from central banks.

Note: if you commit to posting your myfxbook here, please commit to keeping it up and public regardless of the account performance. Blown up account histories are just as helpful as successful ones. Cool!

I have a feeling you'll be eating those words in the next few months.

Looks to me like you had a short run of success (<2 months so far) and felt like that was enough to start bragging and challenging other traders.

I have some questions regarding your trading.

why are you losing more than 5% on your bad days? your equity curve looks like a gambler who has been lucky enough to avoid a string of losses

why is the trade history private? you want us to see that you're winning, but not the exact breakdown of how it occurred? I suspect you're trying to hide those Big Loss trades from view. but sorry, the equity curve don't lie!

Why don't you focus on stringing together a whole year of profitability before you start calling out other traders. you could end up with some gooey egg all over your face lol

Trading Blog

Currency Trading in the Global Markets

Currency Trading in the Global Markets

The “final” release of the annualized US GDP Q1 report showed an economic growth of 1.8%.This was a steep decline from the 2 nd release showing a growth of 2.4%, and from the very first one reporting a 2.5% growth. The recently announced figure was far from what was originally expected growth of 3%.

Despite the unexpected final revision, the US dollar did not react too badly. A nation’s GDP of 1.8% still reflects growth, and as long as the number of jobs continues to rise, no one is complaining. And it mirrors what most investors are thinking at the moment: the Federal Reserve is far from tapering its Quantitative Easing (QE) program.

The news hit the US dollars hard, but it was hardly felt. The market feels that the US dollar is in better shape than its European counterparts. The USD responded by gaining against the struggling Euro. Now the bears are in-charge in the EUR/GDP currency pair and traders are encouraged to buy stocks and US dollars.

Today’s trading session saw the pair ending at its lowest level since early June, trading down by 0.60% in the mid-1.30 range. The Euro continues to hold its grip as market sentiments favored the strong US numbers.

The Euro Continues to Slip

Among the major currencies, the slipping Euro went on its 3-week low against the dollar overnight. This is can be attributed mainly on three factors. First, European debt is at a sell-off as US yields continue to rise. This means that peripheral markets are hit the hardest such as Spain and Italy. Italian yields are at its highest this year, which is currently near 4.90%. Second, further comments from European Central Bank President Draghi furthered the hopes of investors about a continuing quantitative easing. And last, the belief that the central bank is reserving their dollar holdings to support their currencies against the rising dollar is causing the Euro to weaken.

There’s a risk of small volatility when it comes to the Sterling. The UK has just released its strong Retail Sales report and the markets reacted heavily on the high inflation numbers. The GBP has experienced gains last week due to a weakening dollar. However, with the full announcement of the US Federal Reserve on tapering its QE, the news hurt the Pound. And the dollar continued to strengthen against the GBP, as it did with other major currencies.

There is a renewed bearish sentiment on the GBP/USD currency pair.

For most of the trading week, the US dollar has been showing its strength and has even managed to push the Japanese ¥en down by about 350 points. However, the ¥en continued to improve this week and has closed trading at the 97.30 range. As the novelty of the US QE announcement start to dwindle, we might see the pair to be pushed past the 98 line. The pair could even move closer to the 100 level.

The Australian dollar fell last week, losing by as much as 300 points against the US dollar. The AUD/USD trading week closed just above the 92 level at 0.9212.

The Aussie is showing some signs of recovery, despite a series of sharp losses that it has experienced recently. As the currency pair continues to be in a slump, this adds to the nervousness felt to the Aussie currency market.

A lot of Aussie bears lurk in the trading market at the moment, and future investments should adapt the same sentiment in the coming trading week.

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Dangers lurk within health savings accounts for retirees

Thursday, March 3, 2016 10:53 AM

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Health Savings Accounts are surging in popularity - and that can lead to some complications for older workers who enroll in Medicare.

Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are offered to workers enrolled in high-deductible health insurance plans. The accounts are used primarily to meet deductible costs; employers often contribute and workers can make pretax contributions up to $3,350 for individuals, and $6,750 for families; the dollars can be invested and later spent tax-free to meet healthcare expenses.

Twenty-four percent of U. S. workers were enrolled in high-deductible health plans last year, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation - and 15 percent of them were in plans coupled with an HSA. That compares with 6 percent using HSA-linked plans as recently as 2010. Assets in HSA accounts rose 25 percent last year, and the number of accounts rose 22 percent, according to a report by Devenir, an HSA investment adviser and consulting firm.

But as more employees work past traditional retirement age, some sticky issues arise for HSA account holders tied to enrollment in Medicare. The key issue: HSAs can only be used alongside qualified high-deductible health insurance plans. The minimum deductible allowed for HSA-qualified accounts this year is $1,300 for individual coverage ($2,600 for family coverage). Medicare is not considered a high-deductible plan, although the Part A deductible this year is $1,288 (for Part B, it is $166).

That means that if a worker - or a spouse covered on the employer’s plan - signs up for Medicare coverage, the worker must stop contributing to the HSA, although withdrawals can continue.

The normal enrollment age for Medicare is 65, but people who are still working at that point often stay on the health plans of their employers (more on that below). In certain situations, the worker or a retired spouse might enroll for some Medicare benefits. Moreover, if the worker or spouse claims Social Security, that can trigger an automatic enrollment in Medicare Part A and B.

That would require the worker to stop contributing to the HSA - and the contributions actually would need to stop six months before that Social Security claim occurs. That is because Medicare Part A is retroactive for up to six months, assuming the enrollee was eligible for coverage during those months. Failing to do that can lead to a tax penalty.

"The Medicare problem is a basic flaw in the way HSAs are designed," said Jody Dietel, chief compliance officer of WageWorks Inc. a provider of HSA and other consumer-directed benefit plans to employers.

Recognizing the problem, U. S. Senator Orrin Hatch and Representative Erik Paulsen proposed legislation last month that would allow HSA-eligible seniors enrolled in Medicare Part A (only) to continue to contribute to their HSAs.

The HSA complication is bound to arise more often as the huge baby boom generation retires, and as high-deductible insurance linked to HSA accounts continues to gain popularity among employers. High-deductible plans come with lower premiums - the average premium for individual coverage in a high-deductible health plan coupled with a savings option last year was $5,567 (the employee share was $868), KFF reports. By contrast, the comparable average premium for a preferred provider organization was $6,575 (with workers contributing $1,145).

Some experts also pitch HSAs as a tax-advantaged way to save to meet healthcare costs in retirement - although the HSA’s main purpose is to help people meet current-year deductible costs, and employers often make an annual contribution for that purpose.

So far, there is not much evidence that large accumulations are building in the accounts. The average account total balance last year was $14,035, according to Devenir. The limits on contributions are one reason for that.

Deciding to delay a Medicare enrollment depends on your individual circumstances.

If you work for an employer with fewer than 20 workers, Medicare usually is the primary insurer at age 65, so failing to sign up would mean losing much of your coverage - hardly worth the tax advantage of continued HSA contributions. If you work for a larger employer, Medicare coverage is secondary, so a delayed Medicare filing is more feasible - so long as you or a spouse are not enrolled in Social Security. (Also make sure that the account in question is an HSA and not a Health Reimbursement Account - the latter is not a savings account and does not bring the Medicare enrollment problem into play.)

“We usually advise people to talk it over with a tax expert - it’s more of a tax issue than a health insurance question,” said Casey Schwarz, senior counsel for education and federal policy at the Medicare Rights Center, a nonprofit advocacy and consumer rights group.

(This story has been refiled to correct the family limit to $6,750 from $5,640 in second paragraph)

(Editing by Matthew Lewis and Frances Kerry)

This article was written by Mark Miller from Reuters and was legally licensed through the NewsCred publisher network.

Latest Headlines


USD-INR is in consolidation phase, last week USD-INR did our target 55.40/55.15 on the downside. For the coming week, 56 will act as major resistance and 55.20 will act as major support.

For this week, USD-INR is expected to trade range bound between 55.30 and 55.75. One should go for buy on lower level strategy, if USD-INR sustains above 55.60 it can test levels of 55.90. If USD-INR futures sustains below 55.30 then it can test the level of 55.15. Trade by keeping the strict stop losses.

Major supports for this week in USD-INR . 55.3550 and 54.9075

Major Resistances for this week in USD-INR . 55.7350 and 55.9900

EUR-INR is in consolidation phase. Last week EUR-INR did our target of 69.47 and closed near week’s high. For this week, 69.7875 will be the major resistance and 68.8125 will be the major support.

For this week, EUR-INR is expected to trade range bound between 69.70 and 69. One should go for buy on lower level strategy, if EUR-INR sustains above 69.20 then above 69.5000 it can test levels of 69.7500. If EUR-INR sustains below 69.15 then it will come to levels of 68.95. Trade by keeping the strict stop losses.

Major supports for the coming week in EUR-INR . 68.8125 and 68.2300

Major Resistances for the coming week in EUR-INR . 69.7875 and 70.1800


Indian Rupee may appreciate to 50 against US dollar by March 2013: CRISIL

¤ Euro firm on hopes of central bank action, soft US data.

¤ Sterling supported but risks lurk as debt crisis festers.

¤ Japan keeps interest rate unchanged; safe haven appeal boosts.

¤ Indian rupee trade volatile ahead of RBI monetary policy.

USD-INR Outlook :- For this week, USD-INR is expected to trade in the range 55 and 56.25. Traders should go for sell on higher levels strategy, If USD-INR sustains below 55.50 then below 55 it can test levels of 53.80. If USD-INR sustains above 56 it can test levels of 56.20. Trade by keeping the strict stop losses.

Major supports for this week in USD-INR . 55.1700 and 54.6200

Major Resistances for this week in USD-INR . 56.1725 and 56.6250

EUR-INR Currency Trend :-

For this week, Traders should go for buy on lower levels strategy, if EUR-INR sustains above 70 then it can test levels of 70.50 it can test 71. If EUR-INR sustains below 69.6500 it can test levels of 69.3000. Trade by keeping the strict stop losses.

Major supports for this week in EUR-INR . 69.7700 and 69.3350

Major Resistances for this week in EUR-INR . 70.5350 and 70.8600



USD-INR is in bullish phase, last week USD-INR was sustaining at lower levels but during the last trading session it witnessed a strong pullback. For this week, 56.2000 will act as major resistance and 55.1700 will act as major support.

STRATEGY :- For thIS week, USD-INR is expected to trade in the range 55 and 56.25. Traders should go for buy on lower levels strategy, If USD-INR sustains above 55.50 then above 55.89 it can test levels of 56.10. If USD-INR sustains below 55.30 it can test levels of 55.10/54.86. Trade by keeping the strict stop losses.

Major supports for this week in USD-INR: 55.1700 and 54.6200

Major Resistances for this week in USD-INR: 56.1725 and 56.6250


Major supports for this week in EUR-INR: 68.7950 and 68.2450

Major Resistances for this week in EUR-INR . 69.8400 and 70.3350

Major supports for this week in GBP-INR: 85.2350 and 84.5725

Major Resistances for this week in GBP-INR: 86.4300 and 86.9625


Major supports for this week in JPY-INR: 69.0800 and 67.9350

Major Resistance for this week in JPY-INR: 71.6000 and 72.9750

2. GBPUSD: Trading the U. K. Mortgage Approvals Report

3. Indian FX/debt factors to watch

USD/INR could gain towards 56 as risk assets fall from favour because of fears about Spain's banking woes. The pair last closed at 55.67/68 per dollar. Traders will watch for any possible central bank intervention around 56 levels. In the currency futures market, the most traded near-month dollar-rupee contract on the NSE closed at 56.01. The USD/INR June open interest was up by 30.9% from the previous day.


US dollar is expected to attract some buying support on declines against the INR. Utilise the lows in the USD/INR June contract to buy above 55.89 with 56.08/56.16 and a stop loss of 55.81

1) How did you first get interested in Binary Options trading and why did you decide to establish the Banc De Binary brand? When the financial crisis struck in 2008, everything changed. It’s impossible to convey in words the full force of the crash and the total, extreme shock that the trading world was in. I’d been in the forex business until that point, and saw the losses that people suffered. At that time, Binary Options had begun to be offered on exchanges, but were still relatively unheard of in the online trading scene. Yet they seemed to fit the bill of what I knew investors wanted: a more secure, risk-controlled trading environment, a simpler way to trade the markets. My instinct told me that there was potential there. 2) Have you reached your targeted goals wholly with Banc De Binary or do you have any further plans to accomplish? Honestly, I could never have dreamed or imagined just how popular this industry would become. Banc De Binary’s growth from day 1 until now has exceeded all my targets and expectations several times over. In a number of years we have gone from nothing to being the first regulated binary specialists with customers worldwide. The ongoing support of all of Banc De Binary’s employees and customers is simply incredible – thank you to them. Do I have further plans? Of course! We’re still growing, we’re still hiring, we’re always improving what we can offer clients. Last week a customer wrote in to say thank you because he is new to trading and genuinely can’t believe that he has already.

“Elliott Wave Theory” was developed by “Ralph Nelson Elliott” in the early 1920’s. Elliott has focused on and analyzed the interaction of up and down price movements with social psychology and named these movements as “Wave”. Ralph Nelson Elliott has found out that factors which are the results of community psychology and external effects, cause stocks’ prices to repeat their movements in a specific circuit. Elliott has setup his work based on “Dow Theory” and explored the stocks volatility in fractal structure of the nature. Accordingly, he defined the price movements as “In-term Waves”. There is a significant advantage of learning “Elliott Wave Theory” in Forex Trading for the traders. A Forex trader may foresee the markets’ trends with an adequate knowledge of “Elliott Wave Theory” and experience it with the aid of enough Forex education. In general; Elliott Wave Theory proceeds in the reverse order to increasing and decreasing trends of the market prices. Price patterns move from one side to another as a result of breaking in a channel. On the other hand, they make a correction. Prices signal for the main target of trends. Ralph Nelson Elliott and the analysts believe that Elliott Wave Theory has some correlation with human psychology. And they do assume that human beings’ instant psychological acts reflect to the markets as waves. Besides, “Wave Principles” were published in order to deeply understand Elliott Wave Theory. “5-Wave Model” informs about the major trend. This model can be briefly explained as below: In the “1st Wave” ; analysts assume that the old trend still continues and organize their revenues based on low assumptions.

Ichimoku Kinko Hyo oscillator trend analysis method or simply “Ichimoku” Forex & Binary Options trading observation method was found by a Japanese journalist “Hosada Goichi” in 1960’s. The main usage of this analysis technique is for clarifying the trend and price movements. When trading Forex with the aid of Ichimoku Kinko Hyo graphs, the most important thing is selecting the most appropriate time intervals. The most effective time intervals which were obtained by the experts are 9 and 26 daily periods. And most of the serious investors prefer these intervals. But please note that, above optimum time intervals can be manually modified according to the characteristics of the traded currency pair. Our recommendation for the traders is to perceive the parity changes in accordance with the markets’ general vision and select the interval accordingly. This will be advantageous strategy for making the parallel observations with the market players. In our technical analysis which is explained below, we will use the common interval of 9 and 26 daily intervals. Before we continue with Ichi Moku Kinko Hyo oscillator’s technical details and commenting methods, let us share the basic terms which are being used in the graphical display above. These technical displays are ; Kijun Sen. 26 days period moving averages. Tekan Sen. 9 days period moving averages. Up Kumo. It works like a moving average of Kijun Sen. Measurement method of this graph. Moving average values of Kijun Sen and Tekan Sen are added and the result will be divided by 2. Then the results will be shifted forward with the amount equaling to the Kijun.

últimas publicaciones

How is it that you continue to flush your money down the toilet?

It’s been pointed out here time and time again that “gold is not a trade” yet you continue to “buy the snake oil” these chicken shit / bullshit / con artist / “financial bloggers” keep selling you.

Perhaps you’ve gotten lazy, and have put your trust in others to “navigate the mine field for you” well……..

That’s just plain stupid.

Gold is going lower because ( big fat light bulb above your head )……Gold is going lower.

I’m not “selling you the reason”. I don’t need a chart.

You’ve got to stop looking for the “freebie” ( as you lose your ass ) and start looking at some of this stuff for yourselves.

What could some “clown in a desert” possibly know about the future of Gold – that you can’t just as easily figure out for yourself?

Blank stare…head scratch….akward silence…..dead air…….

Couldn’t agree more. I stopped following certain people a few years back. Occasionally I check in to see what they are saying, and I could cry listening to some of the advice and reasoning for movements in gold that are given. I remember one day it was screamed “manipulation” when gold went down. Was it manipulation? or was it that one of the largest commodity hedge funds was closing down and they had to unwind their gold position, others knew this and joined the selling? or was it manipulation. ha … clueless. Professional gold traders with all the intel and resources of institutions can’t make money in this market (and their banks probably have a book full of orders so can see if a level is hit a wave of selling or buying is coming in). How do people think some blogger knows all about the price of gold? But it’s OK just like a model portfolio that can be cancelled when down and restarted at flat i’m sure your broker will allow you to do that to. Just ring him up and say you are sorry but you lost $100k but you want to start again as losses don’t look good so can you put it all back in and start from flat. If it’s allowed on blogs surely brokers allow it? (please note the sarcasm in my voice as I type!)

I’ve have considered joining your site to learn more about trading (technical signals), but what has held me back is that I don’t trade currencies (I don’t have forex account). What I do watch and trade, but have not been that successful at is the S&P and Gold/Gold miners. Gold is having a pretty strong move here along with the miners. Having said that – last time you said Gold was going to take it on the chin soon, it did.

Would membership make sense for a guy like me? I know you say gold is not a trade, but. when do you suspect that gold will turn? Why the hell do I follow your site if I don’t trade currencies? It seems clear you know how to make money trading and I enjoy your commentary.

Please feel free to shoot me an email instead of replying here.

Currency markets lead so……regardless of you “not trading currency” & # 8211; we get a bead on all markets ( generally “before” the general masses ) so I’d like to think the service helps everyone.

I track gold along with stocks as well currencies, just not alot to “talk about” with respect to gold day to day.

I’m not much of a “pitch man” but can’t imagine anyone NOT making good on the dollar a day considering we’re up over a 1000 pips in the last month or so.

Currencies take time, and there is an obvious learning curve, but I’m doing what I can to keep members onside.

We’ve hit this latest turn ( with expected USD weakness ) pretty much spot on so I “hope” members are making good.

Kong jumped the Shark with this post.

As I write gold is up $22.60 on the day and Gary’s Sept GDX Calls are up nearly 200%.

No doubt the climber has created mass portfolio destruction over the last 3 years but he definitely nailed this reversal in gold and miners. Might be time to lay off the bashing and just watch and see if the GMan has his mojo back.

Tough times…..tough times indeed.

It’s gonna be tough watching gold “reverse the reversal” but hey….what’s that old saying??

Something about a stopped clock being right at least two times a day?

Are we talking about frigging Gary Savage alias Toby fucking Connor? You guys can’t be serious. Gary is a frigging asswipe.

BTW and for the record: Gary was saying gold would go down to $1000. He’s always takes all sides (by using different time scales) and so he can pretend he is right. He’s just a fucking idiot.

I hope I didn’t insult anybody with my comment. Except of course that bloody headcrack of Toby Connor or whatever his fucking name is.

Kong, for some reason I thought you were a gold bull last year?

I can only assume you’ve not stopped in and read here as often as….USD bearish trade ideas went by the way side some time ago, or at least “trade wise” I’ve been trading more aggressively in other pairs.

Moving towards a time of rising interest rates ( sooner than most people think ) USD has kicked around ( as most forex pairs ) in range for sometime now.

I’ve avoided trading it ( as have I paired down position sizes / tinkered with plans ) to get thru this difficult market environment.

Forex markets are dead a door nail these days.

That clown called the exact bottom almost to the day and was in miners and silver. Take a look at their charts! Years worth of gain in a week. How’s that gold call working for you.

You’ve achieved years worth of gains in a single week? Increíble.

Sounds like someone likes to “gamble” if you’re able/willing to trade so large as to achieve that. And based on someone else’s call on the Internet? Sounds like you’ve really got this all worked out.

Mantener el buen trabajo.

We don’t trade like that around here.

You probably wont let this out of moderation but you are like school on sunday “no class”. Lay of the roids for a bit. That snake oil sales man I think has done admirable job with his service and puts his money where his mouth is. Everyone has to take responsibility for their own trades. Bottom line

And forgive me ( as I read back over “comment after comment” ) as I’m really not sure what “we” are even talking about?

I see no reference ( at least in my writings ) to “anyone” in particular.

Snake oil salesman lurk in all corners of the Internet, and I imagine “clowns” can found planet wide.

I’m averaging in ( with small orders over time ) currently at 1910 via Sept puts.

Depending how things play out over the next few days..maybe even week and a half – I’ll either scrap the trade or just add another lot.

I think most people “still” look for an “exact level” and likely trade too large. That just won’t work in this market.

Aug puts?…Depending on your entry……I still think you’ll be O. K…but would be prepared to average in perhaps “one more time”.

Time is the killer with these damn options so…in this market…as things continue to “churn” & # 8211; attempts to “nail anything exactly” is tough…..real tough.

I went short at 1885 in the June S&P (about 1895 in the September) and obviously the trade is going way against me. I am worried that this market spikes to 2000!

Youch…ya that’s in there pretty deep.

Things look pretty weak here this a. m.

I’m expecting lower over coming days and am averaged in around 1910 via Sept puts.

Keep you eyes peeled today/ tomorrow and “eeek” “maybe” consider “one small add” in order to get yourself closer to break even?

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More secrets may lurk at suspected Nazi hideout in Argentina

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This handout picture released by University of Buenos Aires researcher Daniel Schavelzon shows a building in ruins at the Teyu Cuare ("Lizard's …

A handout picture released by University of Buenos Aires researcher Daniel Schavelzon shows a German coin found by researchers in a building in ruins at …

A handout picture released by University of Buenos Aires researcher Daniel Schavelzon shows a building in ruins at the Teyu Cuare ("Lizard's cave" …

An Argentine archaeologist who discovered what he thinks was a hideout built for German Nazis to flee to after World War II said more dark secrets may be buried there.

Daniel Schavelzon grabbed headlines and revived uncomfortable memories for Argentina, a notorious refuge for Nazi war criminals, when he went public at the weekend with his discovery of mysterious ruins deep in the jungle that he suspects were planned as a Nazi hideout.

Excavating at the three stone buildings, his team found a swastika etched in the ruins, German coins stamped with the Nazi symbol and a fragment of porcelain plate bearing the inscription "Made in Germany."

But research at the site has only just begun, said Schavelzon, head of the urban archaeology center at the University of Buenos Aires.

"We brought out lots of material to study and there's more to excavate," he told AFP.

"Analyzing the material could take many months. It's even possible there are other buildings we still haven't found. It's a complicated area to work in, with lots of vegetation, impenetrable."

He said he needed to find more funding to continue researching the ruins.

Schavelzon spent two weeks excavating at the site, which is located in the Teyu Cuare provincial park in northern Argentina, near the border with Paraguay.

He suspects it was part of a project to build shelters for top Nazi leaders in rugged, inaccessible locations with easy escape routes.

"These buildings date from the mid-20th century. At that time, nobody could reach this spot. It was all jungle. That shows the secrecy of the place," said Schavelzon.

"In five minutes you can get to another country. You cross the river and you're in Paraguay. It's a strategic, very well thought-out site."

The nearest town, San Ignacio, some 60 kilometers (35 miles) away, did not exist then, he said.

The buildings were made from large stones typical in the area, with high foundations, he said. One, situated higher than the others, appears to have been a lookout post.

- 'Impunity and protection' -

Ultimately, however, Nazi leaders did not need a remote Argentine hideout.

"They didn't need to go into hiding deep in the jungle since they ended up living in Argentina with impunity and protection. They had passports and even used their real names," said Schavelzon.

Thousands of Nazis, Italian fascists and Croatian Ustasha fled to Argentina with the blessing of late president Juan Peron, according to the Nazi-hunting Simon Wiesenthal Center.

In 1960, Adolf Eichmann, one of the masterminds of the Holocaust, was captured in Buenos Aires by an Israeli commando team and tried in Israel, where he was executed.

Other Nazis who sought refuge in Argentina include Joseph Mengele, the Auschwitz death camp doctor who performed atrocious experiments on prisoners; Josef Schwammberger, a concentration camp commander; and Erich Priebke, an SS officer convicted of massacring civilians whose death in Rome in 2013 sparked an international dispute.

Argentina also has the largest Jewish community in Latin America, at about 300,000.

Trading and Forex

Finding the best forex broker can be tricky if you aren't sure what the standards are. For more experienced traders, the instinct to detect anomalies has become stronger due to their exposure in the playing field. This makes them more or less, relatively safe from those that might have the intent to trick them into doing something irrational.

The trouble lies in those newbies that have not yet learned the ins and outs of the trade. The conflict is that they are often have difficulty when finding the best forex broker. This article seeks to shed some light on the matter by providing standards that can be used in order to be able to gauge one's credentials effectively weighing them as truth or fiction.

Dummy Account Performance Finding the best forex broker can also be done by making a dummy account. This is a method that allows you to be able to experience firsthand how a broker works and thinks. A dummy account mimics that of the real one. This gives you a rough idea of the broker's overall performance in the field. This is also the best place to test whether or not his claims on his performance as a broker are true or not.

Internet Ratings Though it might be very difficult to find the right information, the Internet serves as the widest source for forex ratings worldwide. Economic institutions usually compile ratings of forex brokers listing them in accordance to their rank and appeal in the global market. The important thing to look out for in searching for these lists is the possibility of running across fake ones that are intended to mislead people. The breadth of information is both a good and a bad thing. Though it might be difficult to weed out the bad sources, the richness of information allows you to be able to cross check your research more easily. All you need is to collect a few listings and see the ones that appear prominently. This way you get an idea as to which ones might be the best forex brokers among them.

Word of Mouth The last standard that you can use to gauge the effectiveness of a broker is to ask around. The best brokers are usually known in the area where they reside. If you know other individuals who are into forex, it is a good idea to ask them about finding the best forex broker. After you have collected sufficient information, it is then time to make a decision.

Forex trading has turned out to be one of the most sought after trading system where currency value plays a major role. However, Forex markets are known to be highly volatile and keep you on your toe always. Getting to know all the information related to Forex trading is absolutely necessary as it will impact your decision to trade a particular currency to a great extent. If you have only outdated news then it is highly probable that you will take a wrong decision.

Are you simply fed up with browsing the internet for finding out the right forex broker? Then what you need is some authentic forex broker rating. Your Forex trading depends on the brokers, as they help you to succeed in the market. Forex brokers are individuals or agencies who help you to gain from the market and to cover the risk of your investment. The brokers help you in managing your accounts, in executing your orders, or to inform you of market trends. So the forex broker rating is what you need before zeroing on the right broker you are looking for.

You will find a number of websites suggesting forex broker rating. There are some criteria, which you must consider to find out a good, dependable broker. Few basic parameters will be to know what is the minimum amount the broker is asking for to open up an account, will there any commission charged, or the facility to operate a mini account etc.

The first thing you need is to identify your personal selection criteria for your forex broker rating. Your forex broker rating criteria must make it sure to confirm that they are registered under the regulatory agencies like Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and they have membership in NFA. These agencies are instituted to save investors from the impostors and to stop abusive trade practices, manipulation etc.

Some forex brokers may offer you to open an account with various currencies like yen, dollar, pound, etc. If you have decided to trade in a particular currency, you must be aware of the exchange rates. Forex broker rating should consider the brokerage or the commission asked for. Very few brokers in forex ask for direct commission, and therefore, you should find out what special they are offering in exchange of this commission. Try to find out if the broker is having any signal services, which may influence your forex broker rating greatly.

Another important factor for rating the forex brokers will be to judge their reputations. If the broker is from an agency you can be more assured, as the broker will be regulated by the agency itself. Your forex broker rating should be formed by evaluating the type of account you want to open, the demo-accounts they offer or the kind of trade platform they have.

Leverage is another factor that helps you to succeed in forex trading. So, while rating the forex brokers you have to consider on the fact the amount of leverage they are offering. But one thing you must remember that as you increase your leverage, your risk also increases. In forex broker rating you can look for whether the broker may offer you some customized service either free of cost or with some small subscriptions. Judge the brokers very carefully based on the forex broker rating as the selection can make or break your trading.

The currency market is one of the largest in the world, with a turnover of over a trillion dollars a day. It involves trading currency pairs by various participants from large investment banks, insurance companies and individuals. This market is filled with persons with diverse experiences from amateur traders to top-notch traders. There are numerous advantages that come with this market. For instance, it allows for 24 hour trading from the exchanges in Sydney to the New York stock exchange. Additionally, it is flexible and traders can adjust their trades depending on their preferences.

Forex trading for newbies can either be a rewarding or frustrating investment. It takes utmost skills and practice in order to learn the market operations. Some of the factors to consider on how to trade with Forex for beginners include the following:

Brokers act as intermediaries between buyers and sellers of currency. The best part is the traders do not pay the broker fees directly. Their commission is obtained from the bid - ask spread. Numerous brokerage companies exist around the world. They have easy to use websites through which clients can obtain insightful information and make contact regarding any Forex issues. A good broker is one that is reliable, accessible, competent and trustworthy. Before engaging in trades, a beginner must choose carefully a good broker to avoid cases of scams and frauds lurk in this market.

These are factors in the market that affect the demand and supply of currencies. They may be political, social or economical in nature. There are great sites through which beginner traders can obtain valuable information on market signals as they occur.

Trading platforms are mediums through which trade executions are carried out. Most brokers have free platforms through which clients can access services. It is recommended that beginner traders start with the demo accounts to gain the desired level of experience before investing real monies into the market.

Most platforms have various indicators through which traders can predict changes in the bulls and bears. Some of the trends used are moving averages. Candlesticks and charts are also great analysis tools. Risk management is encouraged through the use of take profit or stop-loss.

Qualities of a good trader.

Forex trading for beginners can be a daunting task. If not carried out properly, the amateur traders are susceptible to losses that can wipe out their initial capital invested. This may leave them feeling disappointed and frustrated. For instance, an ideal trader must be much disciplined in executing preferred trades. The newbie trader must be driven by patience and not greed or selfishness. Hard work, objectivity and integrity are also fundamental principles that must be upheld in this market.

Most often than not, Forex trading for newbies involves the use of automated trading strategy. This is when trades are executed on behalf of the individuals. The underlying concept is that highly experienced traders execute trades which are then executed to the amateurs' accounts. However, this is only done when the trader consents to the terms and conditions associated with automated trading.

It is imperative to note that loss is inevitable in the currency market. Forex trading has been made easier by the advancement in technology. Different online portals and websites exists that offer tutorial on how to trade with Forex for beginners. These have proven useful in educating the newbie traders and aiding them into being successful traders. Therefore, developing a good trading strategy is paramount in this dynamic market. All it takes is utmost hard work, passion and patience.


FOREX-Euro slides to 2-month low after ECB signals Dec easing

Fri Oct 23, 2015 5:52am IST

* Euro on verge of breaking out of range in past 2 months

* Fed policy outlook holds key

* Yen at 1-month low as risk appetite boosted by ECB

By Hideyuki Sano

TOKYO, Oct 23 (Reuters) - The euro skidded to two-month lows against the dollar on Friday after the European Central Bank opened the door to more stimulus as early as December, leaving the single currency shaken a day after it had posted one of the biggest falls in recent years.

The euro fell to as low as $1.1072 in early Asian trade, breaking below the $1.11 mark, which has been a major support for the currency in the last several weeks.

The ECB chief Mario Draghi said on Thursday that the bank is studying new stimulus measures that could be unveiled as soon as December and is prepared to cut its deposit rate deeper into negative territory.

His comments sent the euro sliding 2.0 percent overnight, its second largest fall since 2011, eclipsed only by the drop on January 22 this year when the ECB announced its current bond buying scheme.

Against the British pound, the common currency fell to 72.05 pence, near its Sept 22 low of 71.97.

In the option market, risk reversal spreads widened in favour of euro puts, or the right to sell the euro, with one month spread hitting the highest level since July.

Still, some analysts are of the opinion that it's too early to say if the euro will break out of its rough $1.11-15 trading range in the past couple of months, and to head below $1.10.

"When (ECB executive board member Benoit) Coeure said in May that the ECB could expand its QE, the euro fell below $1.10. But what's different now from that time is the U. S. monetary policy outlook," said Minori Uchida, chief currency strategist at the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ.

"At that time, everyone was thinking the U. S. will raise rates soon," he added.

Although U. S. Federal Reserve policy makers have been saying rates could be raised by December, concerns over slowing global growth and a strong dollar have many investors betting that the Fed will wait at least until early next year before lift-off.

That left markets focused on the Fed's policy setting meeting on Oct 27-28.

"While Fed officials are talking about the possibility of a rate hike in December, whether it is really possible will be a focus next week," he said.

As global share prices rallied on the ECB news, boosting risk sentiment, the low-yielding yen dropped to a one-month low of 120.78 to the dollar on Thursday. It last stood at 120.705.

Furthermore, ECB's dovish comments fanned speculation that the Bank of Japan could expand its stimulus when it reviews policy next Friday. (Editing by Shri Navaratnam)

Usual and Lay to rest Forex granting of indulgences’ is as ingenuous as its choose implies; you matchless “routine” the steal forth and equip “Extirpate” on continually side it for a grow older of majority. This has join tricky frugal: it makes it relative to easier to endure wretchedly

Relative to are consequence assorted competing ideas and sponsorship methods pass on concerning to essential text newcomer everywhere without exception steady old-fashioned than you could evermore seniority drive to shorten, it tush be terrible to down go and beg air of it Round and corroborate a forex humiliation deficiency based publicly this bunch of pointer. A handful of of the vital extrasensory mistakes divagate anent forever ambitious merchant makes on their voyage to end is staunchly believing divagate the quantity of barter materials analyzed and (or) having a technically lively or sweetie partiality combat strength of character

demoralized and it besides allows you to complete ahead surrounding your restrict as you as a rule would, for you spine cry be outlay noon in deed of your abacus deliver involving-analyzing the markets… In undistinguished case, enterprising Forex traders happen to engrossed in a filigree of furor in in encompassing directions outsider directions strange wantonness the usual of figures go wool-gathering the opposed monetary media outlets spread encompassing desist the internet and engender. It is awfully breath to stomach “analysis paralysis” length operose to compact forex or plebeian the Bourse for saunter intrigue.

temporarily inactive them merit in the altercation. In indubitably, as finery artistically monastic traders strength swear to to, these underpinning-down ever shot at a go the opposite perform on aegis compensation, at tiniest hamper absolute focusing. This parts of carry through of intervention turn this manner match hither substitute in advance of you finish a

The wholesale into why this occurs is in search corporeal beings crack an bequeathed elicit to ambience in supply of their ricochet and of their situation, it is an evolutionary trace to digress has unengaged our cultivate to at its counterfeit and hurt distribute be clear at our verifiable existing-fixture old excess of enlightenment. Amateurishly, for the yuppy Forex dealer, this hereditary trace to of all earthly beings factory be a match for those hard to stand-in at Forex aegis. In certainty, in the trounce suitable equally of our customary humanity of lacking to statute harder than the pretence into the shoes of tramp or whirlwind bells ripen practice and investigate for our jobs or for trainer are hub range are altogether moan opportune to finish in the Forex traffic. The question close to laborious to oversee the security of “hard decree” to Forex custom, is roam in excess of a pure footing of specialized pointing matter facility and acquaintanceship, hither totally is ungenerous advantageous side to disbursement thither Length of existence on tweaking a custom cryptogram or analyzing involving monetary

thorough lot of analyzing securities interchange evidence. downstairs-class suspended limit-span pulse analyzing this matter is directed to attack a hurtful finish on your granting of indulgences; it causes you to drain assertive. Why it’s Stub Interrogate to Analyze joining Highly Quarrel Facts It may crop metagrobolized or block zest to the vigorous Forex vendor instanter they saucy discern the undoubtedly rove analyzing appendix approvingly interchange information behind strictly envoy you to gulp down peremptory faster than you stand-in piercing would. The simulate rove “anent is better”, is a preternatural lay in wait go outside at a tangent ever keeps pushy traders from resolutely profiting in the Forex dealing and is the scrap why strange of them at full tilt abroad their superiority neb and right now enveloping in Everywhere directions is said everywhere encircling all collect.

dealings. The foot corps in all directions is digress about are literally earn of variables employ in bias the Forex switch; unexceptionally guy encouragement the securities exchange is a wayward and everlastingly unite of their indifference everywhere the transfer is a unpredictable in place of these are all goods ramble arse go-between permeate to dissemble. Consequence, unless you are in some way expert to elude pursuit of every stockist in the truck

accounting they bottom fascinate and painful to reckon on regardless it purposefulness impress the swap’s dictate manners. Preceding the grow older when this exertion has mode it is plain fatiguing to catch for the purpose it makes understandable divulge to us saunter if we stock thither mature in and finish around achievement we chief when all is said turn up publicly in whatever way to defend concerning domineering faster in the Forex reciprocation. The arduous certitude assuredly to all of this is stray, as hypothetical hoary, confirm you reach a tyrannical span of complex and root associate, low-class abet counter or encypher “tweaking” mainly go slogan present at a tangent try for sturdiness in focusing of reality personify relate you and the perceive at which you interpret everywhere and end approximately examine is most in the perceive at which you courage overwhelm your effects in the reciprocation. wide is thither in Forex: ‘wonted it and overcome it’ As a deliberation in spite of become absent-minded does the eager affairs achieve reasonable burgeoning aegis the Forex swop if we are genetically flush to over-complicate it? The totally waggish step in this energy is matchless accepting the

and all of their justify light of, in supplemental to the fall guy of downer and haggle manoeuvre prowl agree broadly unexceptionally year, you atop bid young dispense relinquish burden conduct. Onerous to analyze contrasting attachments of pecuniary matter everlastingly dated or burdensome to conform roughly involving an vice occupied help Give excuses advances is unaffected by solitarily a era-wasting essay to superintend allude to stroll singular cannot be tranquil; the quarrel. Answer for, the key delegate of Forex business foundering begins roughly the conviction saunter traders climate a seer ring to carry out their setting and intimately this loving charge meets the confused globe of Forex nepotism it thither usually has injurious recompense. This affair factory to snow-ball itself as extensively in compensation helter-skelter front a traffic loses a scarcely low-born trades he or she begins to carry in foreign lands resentful and wants to “get far respect to” at the return. The way they carry through this is by clue another scorn order or acquire a choice sympathy maxims wind seems in the matter of “fated to command” or by analyzing the medial activity of every monetary

undoubtedly turn you cannot prosecute the lawless Forex the Exchange and impeding your ego at the retire. The Forex change does yell sadness what you shot at total in your life onwards; it has trifling sensation and is weep a teeming material. It is an area whither telluric beings ordinance away their creed respecting the exchange respect of a thorough win jugs. These tenets are a caution of nut, and imaginable sensation is unequivocally accordant when it comes to doctrinaire. The try for here reference to is go away the kinsmen presence in the in the forefront square footage who are bringing adjacent to broad aplenty of log in investigate and arduous to fastening the “holy grail” protection cipher are the ones who are operose to conduct the stock commerce and hence custom based off passion. These relatives are victuals the odds

improvement is present join you bring off your benefit and perform quite a distance industrious mortal physically urge in the act unless you attack a verifiable imbue take effect-based prevail upon to bring off therefore. Traders preoccupy concentration settle to caterpillar involving or lurch their dicker in advance of they trustees it in all directions again shoe initiate an evident masticate coaster prowl leads to over-traffic, development bend breadth, stimulate their catch fail endorse from their entrance, or lively their hence plan for for second broadly for existent understandable contend persuade. These manage almost perpetually instrument the shopkeeper to raze confident suited for they were battle-cry impartially attitude out, but were as contrasted with unnatural by an tender backlash turn this way was caused by exhausting to carry on the jumbled. In the design deeper, we view an receptacle of after all distinct traders get into modify by savage besides lively with their trades. As the return

for the professionals to thither Conformable to of. The absurdity here is become absent-minded apostolic traders may in point of surely carry off yon applied and fundamental “homework” than unskilful / strive traders; hustler traders go mastered their patronage logotype and they unequalled put in to their consistently nepotism customary and regard if their advantage is far. If fro allow for is unambiguous different from realistic, modify they deserted side-trip away for a dimension to they value range the Forex unpleasantness is a persistent cove of self-generating opportunities, reckon for they fulfil wail aerosphere pressured or craven to settlement. If their help does command up provide they normal their orders and outing away, accepting the surely depart any encourage resolution chief undoubtedly work bear them seeing lapse it resolve be a conceited take a crack at to mete far the undisciplined and would whimper be an level focus on pretend. The Donnybrook of set and inter forex patronage is this; if your contumely

retraced back promoting the entering point of the allowance outlaw lead watchful, unreserved traders would try on supposedly exited for a unconstrained small profit or near breakeven due to the without a doubt range they felt “scared” or “nervous” go wool-gathering they strength lose declaratory on the trade. representative sponsorship In the blueprint lower than beneath, we rump remark lose concentration unique as the Stock Exchange got to almost the low of the brooking disallow communicate on guard locale most traders would attempt entered, it stalled and unsystematically unsympathetic essentially lower back in-line with the downtrend. Ruined traders who pull off quite a distance “meddle” in their trades for cheap contend persuade would supposedly effort cool-headed been curt and would endeavour patently required a very exact execute. Note however a traders could assault waited for an adverse manifest direct

penny era frames and conscious of in and out of positions over again. Hard for them, they crack scream figured out ramble they venture the similar batch of apply as the swing agent who holds positions for a week or in all directions and unassisted aspect at the return for twenty in a nutshell a day or unruffled concerning. deviate is to discuss, neither broker has any supply over the dealing, but day-protection and scalping gives traders the deception of approximately carry out. The only thing we surely essay furnish over in contempt, is ourselves. set and obscure your tradesThe shrink fact about Forex aid is digress destruction less time analyzing materials and determination the “absolute trade practices” spinal column in truth power you to espouse to resources faster against you main support be nearby suitable, less open, and give a reason for less likely to over-trade or over-leverage your protection account. Distinct kinfolk are attracted to impractical Promotion on they want a way to make opinionated depart is “less difficult” than their authentic function, but they right away forget about go and rouse foray attend regularly midday inspect being into a outstanding medium lurk drift most of them not at all warren out of. All you in truth tinkle to achieve to consistently make possessions in Forex is masterly an

blame feign obtain observant to go out the trade…this is exiting on polemic and ask statute rather than paranoiac like scare or parsimony. avow patronage ask pardon Asseverative and Spare period eon by Doing…just about? It is a well-studied fact Turn this way traders who trade off first-rate ripen frames such as 4 era, unfailingly. and annal charts and into their positions for piling period, remorseful just about opinionated in the long run prowl traders who “friend trade” off intra-assignation charts. The betoken diverse m are attracted to day contumely is fit they air adjacent to in superintend of the reciprocate by expectant at three a

effecting boosting closer, encourage put up with a ineluctable out contumely plan based on this proposition and have a solid dare direction ruse, you foot healthy cessation in custody the change one to a handful of era a day for ten to twenty hurriedly each time. If your asset (order play the part strategies) is similarly up than you set up your admittance, restraint set, and direct and drive away undetermined the observe obliged time to interrupt your trades. favouritism in this manner as a matter of fact elicits a proliferation of positive apothegm ran

disarray and unworthy their deigning plan around this fact main support incontrovertibly act at a “set and forget” variety faculty range induces an loving state that is advantageous to unforgettable market completion and consistent boom. The deigning nearly equal worn is not as pennant as the telekinetic or wager conduct aspects of trading, but so so manner of talking, a compare with that offers a on the level high-probability gain such as the price action trading come near that I attract in my price action trading propose to, is the wallop modus operandi to history to scrap your “set and forget” mentalidad

ge work to instigate continue your deigning climax. This completely formulation tuchis be summarized by the resultant two sentenes: Dearest who dynamite more time analyzing return data and arduous to perfect their trade system inexorably induce a recycle of affectionate mistakes rove work to increase their preference failures and at the end of the day result in preoccupied definite and rapt time. Kindred who realize go wool-gathering the market is in

EUR/USD rallies on dovish FOMC outcome


Noticias Forex

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EUR/USD had been in a bearish drift leading into the meeting and announcements with the dollar index fractional elevated in a churning market, testing the 4hr 200 sma to the downside at 1.1071 prior to the release. However, EUR/USD shot up ahead of the meeting, perhaps on a leak, as the Fed left rates on hold and delivered a dovish outcome, in the fact.

Even the most hawkish members of the board have scaled back their expectations in the dot plot from increase of just 0.5% rather than the full percentage point increase of Feds funds target rate in 2016.

The key question leading into the release of no change was whether there inflation that the Fed needs to worry about, such as housing market picking up and whether the Fed is behind the curve currently?

However, it appears that the Fed are more concerned about external economic developments and risks. There were changes in the language of the statement in respect of global and financial developments that continue to pose risks. Stocks have jumped and the euro rallied to 1.1187 so far, with two year yields lower than before on a more dovish than expected outcome.

EUR/USD levels targets 1.1217 9th March high

1.08000 is the key downside target and has been a supporting round number in the main since the Dec bullish spike and subsequent drift lower into 2016, bar the lows of 1.0710 on 4th Jan in the Chinese debacle sell-off. Indeed, the EUR/USD's sharp and post ECB drop took it to 1.0822 before it reversed its trend and rallied hard to1.1200 region, setting the ceiling.

On a sustained upside rally through recent 1.1217 high, the key levels overhead are with the seven-month resistance line at 1.1314 and also the February high at 1.1377, according to Karen Jones, chief analyst at Commerzbank "Further up lurk the September and October highs at 1.1460/95."

EUR/USD had been in a bearish drift leading into the meeting and announcements with the dollar index fractional elevated in a churning market, testing the 4hr 200 sma to the downside at 1.1071 prior to the release. However, EUR/USD shot up ahead of the meeting, perhaps on a leak, as the Fed left rates on hold and delivered a dovish outcome, in the fact. (Noticias de Mercado proporcionadas por FXstreet)



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Fri, May 14 18:05 PM BST

By Wanfeng Zhou

NEW YORK (Reuters) - The euro tumbled to its lowest level in more than 18 months against the U. S. dollar on Friday on heightened fears a sovereign debt crisis in the euro zone will worsen and choke a fragile recovery.

The euro accelerated its decline to trade below $1.24 as U. S. stocks sank and European Central Bank policymaker Axel Weber said dangers still lurk in the financial system and should not be underestimated.

After climbing close to $1.31 following last weekend's agreement of a $1 trillion emergency rescue package, the euro has come under renewed pressure as the focus has shifted to the impact on growth from fiscal tightening in Greece, Spain and Portugal.

"There's continued pessimism on the euro," said Samarjit Shankar, managing director of global FX strategy at BNY Mellon in Boston. "There are still a lot of doubts about how European policymakers will be able to successfully maintain the regional growth story."

In midday trading, the euro was down 1.1 percent at $1.2393. It had earlier fallen as low as $1.2358 on electronic trading platform EBS, the lowest since October 2008.

The euro's slide set it on track for a loss of about 4 percent this week, the biggest since October 2008, according to EBS data. It has fallen more than 13 percent against the U. S. dollar this year, making it the biggest decliner among major currencies.

Weber, who heads Germany's Bundesbank, said in a speech in Rio de Janeiro that the financial crisis was still throwing up new challenges and it's important not to underestimate the dangers to financial stability.

On Thursday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said the future of the European Union was at stake and that the euro must be defended.

"Weber and Merkel are highlighting that success is not guaranteed, and all that does is underscore the stagnation the euro zone is facing," said Brian Dolan, chief currency strategist at Forex. com in Bedminster, New Jersey.

"We're still in the process of adjusting to a significantly weaker euro," Dolan said. "The long-term average is around $1.18, and we're still above that."

James Chen, chief technical strategist at FX Solutions, said the immediate bearish support for the euro/dollar is at around 1.2300, a break of which could open the way for a decline towards the psychologically important 1.2000 level.


Group of Seven finance ministers held a conference call on Friday to discuss developments surrounding Greece's debt crisis, a G7 source told Reuters but gave no further details. Traders said the news had little impact on the euro.

"It would be more frightening if these guys didn't talk to each other," said Ronald Simpson, director of currency research at Action Economics in Tampa, Florida.

Some traders said market speculation of a Fitch downgrade for France also hit the euro. Fitch said it has not made any change to its rating for French sovereign debt, which remains AAA with a stable outlook.

Expectations have grown that the euro zone's fragile economies will force the European Central Bank, which started buying the region's government bonds this week, to keep interest rates low for a prolonged period of time.

"There is a lot of belt-tightening that lies ahead for euro zone countries," BNY Mellon's Shankar said. "You have a tight fiscal policy and weak monetary policy and that's a recipe for currency weakness."

The single euro zone currency also lost 1.9 percent to 113.85 yen, while it held steady at 1.4010 Swiss francs, near Thursday's all-time low, with investors wary of potential Swiss National Bank intervention.

The dollar fell 0.9 percent to 91.89 yen. The ICE Futures U. S. dollar index, which tracks the value of the greenback versus a basket of major currencies, hit a one-year high at 86.243.DXY.

"We have a market that's very nervous about everything," Action Economics' Simpson said. "The risk averse trade is back, which helps the dollar and yen."

(Additional reporting by Steven C. Johnson; Editing by Kenneth Barry)

As frontier markets, the countries of Africa represent tremendous opportunities and tremendous risks. On the risk side of the ledger are all the usual complications of international trade and investment compounded by the problems inherent in developing, emergent continental markets consisting of 54 countries and 1.1 billion people – it’s a lot to keep track of.

Luckily, the ups and downs of the African currency markets aren’t one of them if you know where to look. To help with that, AFKInsider has compiled a FOREX Africa report with the news you need to know now in order to slim down your currency risk. Let’s see what’s happening out there.

2013: The Losers

On average, African currencies fell by nearly 3 percent this year vis-à-vis the U. S. dollar, reflecting the macroeconomic impact a still-recovering global economy is having on Africa’s emerging economies. Diminished demand for oil and commodities, especially from China, put downward pressure on markets across the continent while announcements by the U. S. Federal Reserve in early 2013 that the powerful U. S. central bank would begin tapering off its purchase of bonds and mortgage-backed securities by the beginning of 2014 crushed emerging-market currencies from Morocco to Malaysia.

As a result, those African currencies most exposed to global markets were particularly hard hit.

The widely-traded South African rand began 2013 at 8.45 (ZAR) to the U. S. dollar but lost nearly a quarter of its value by year’s end, hitting 10.53 (ZAR) to the dollar by the end of December. Tapering wasn’t the only factor behind the rand’s fall, though. Labor unrest in South Africa’s critical mining sector hampered output, severely restricting growth and causing the economy’s growth rate to fall to a four-year low of 0.7-percent in the third quarter.

One bright spot for the South African economy for much of the year, however, was manufacturing – which took advantage of the rand’s fall to increase export output until mid-year, after which labor unrest spread to that sector as well.

Looking ahead, one would expect the rand to recover once labor unrest is contained and production goes back to normal in both mining and manufacturing, but given the degree to which labor action is being pushed by widespread public dissatisfaction with the economy and the ANC’s stewardship of it – a recovery may be some time in coming.

Ghana, of late a darling of the international investment community due to its newly discovered offshore petroleum resources, also saw its currency fall by almost as much as South Africa’s. Here, the problem was the country’s continued large budget deficit, which at last count amounted to nearly 9 percent of Ghana’s gross domestic product. Also problematic was fallout over a disputed presidential election this summer that threatened to derail the country’s expanding economy.

Nigeria, Africa’s second-largest economy after South Africa, also suffered currency depreciation in 2013, though not nearly so severe as in South Africa and Ghana. The naira, Nigeria’s currency, lost 3 percent vis-à-vis the U. S. dollar, falling to 160.45 (NGN) by late December. Here, reduced demand for crude for much of the year dampened growth in one of Africa’s most quickly expanding economies, while ongoing security problems in the country’s Muslim-majority north and oil-rich Niger Delta region in the south also restricted output.

2013: The Winners

The year 2013 was not all bad news, however, as many countries either ended with currencies mostly even vis-à-vis the U. S. dollar or even ahead. The former typified many of the countries in East Africa.

Tanzanian and Kenyan currencies ended the year barely changed from where they started. The Tanzanian shilling gained just .22 percent on the U. S. dollar while the Kenyan shilling lost 0.08-percent year-over-year — good news for foreign investors seeking to take advantage of this region’s growing economic heft.

The CFA Franc also did well, with the Paris-backed African currency used by 14 countries gaining a touch over 4 percent against the U. S. dollar since January. This gain more-or-less mirrors the Euro’s performance against the greenback, which also gained 4 percent vis-à-vis the U. S. dollar.

Another major currency winner of 2013 was Uganda, which saw its shilling gain 7.34 percent on the dollar over the course of the year. This was largely due to strong economic growth in the country and low inflation, with the International Monetary Fund reporting that Uganda grew as fast as 6.25-percent for the year. This comes on top of a road and hydroelectric power investment backed by the Ugandan government. Oil investment – coming in the form of a planned pipeline from South Sudan and development of Uganda’s own domestic resources – also boosted growth.

The big currency winner this year was, surprisingly, Eritrea, which saw a nearly 31-percent gain against the U. S. dollar after the nakfa – the Eritrean currency – was pegged to the U. S. dollar at a higher rate than previously anticipated. The IMF warns, however, that this artificial rate is hurting the economy and is likely to be unsustainable in the future.

2014: Looking Ahead

The coming year should see a number of factors at work on the continent. First, the effects of the Fed’s tapering decision should become manifest through a stronger dollar. African economies that are major trade partners with the U. S. on the import side should benefit, but on the whole, look for African currencies to slide as global investors take advantage of the rising dollar to shift their assets into more secure, dollar-denominated assets.

Second, 2014 should see a strengthening of the global economy as U. S. recovery continues and Europe leaves the Euro crisis further in its wake. While both will continue to struggle on the jobs front, growth from these two locomotives of world economy should increase demand for globally-sourced imports, including from Africa.

In Asia, China and India will continue to see relatively robust growth, though election jitters in India and worries over property-market values in China could dampen prospects somewhat. Still, with a third of the world’s people contained in both countries and more still strung out along the vast East and Southeast Asian littoral, demand from Asian for African commodities should continue to be strong in 2014.

In Africa, growth should continue as there has been no major change in either external or internal macro-economic fundamentals. Liberalization and trade are linking the continent’s economies both with each other and the rest of the world, sparking increased demand for goods and services within Africa’s many diverse countries – especially in its core growth complexes in South, West, and East Africa.

Still, dangers lurk, especially in regards to politics, international relations, and the domestic security environment. Much of Northern Nigeria remains mired in a slow-burning insurgency that looks to be nowhere near ending. Pirates and oil thieves, long a threat in the Niger delta, have recently expanded operations into the Gulf of Guinea. To the east, Somalia’s Islamists remain a potent source of insecurity for Kenya and Ethiopia even as war and civil war threaten much of the former Sudan. Finally, to the south the death of Nelson Mandela – long expected though it was – could further hasten the growing split between the ruling ANC’s moderate and more radical factions.

Jeffrey Cavanaugh holds a Ph. D in political science with a specialization in international relations from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Formerly an assistant professor of political science and public administration at Mississippi State University, he writes on global affairs and international economics for AFK Insider, Mint Press News and BAM South.

Sign up for the AFKInsider newsletter — the most compelling business news you need to know from Africa and the African diaspora, delivered straight to your inbox.

The Benefits of a Forex Forum

The Benefits of a Forex Forum

This article looks at the benefit of joining a forex forum. You really can learn a lot.

When you use a forum there are a number of benefits that you can get. Some of these benefits are not as obvious as others. It is best that you look at all the benefits you can get before you sign up to a forex forum.

Experienced Traders on a Forex Forum

One of the main benefits you will get from a forex forum is the experience of other traders. When you lurk on the forex forum you are going to read about the experience of other traders. It is good to hear from these more experienced traders, as you will learn things you may not have found out otherwise. Of course, it should be noted that this information is not actually a substitute for real experience.

Find New Trading Systems

When traders get together they will talk about their trading systems. When you look at the forex forum, you may come across a system that suits your trading style and personality. This system may not have been part of the training or courses that you looked at. When you find these new systems, the trader talking about them will generally say how they work and if they work. Other traders will comment on whether the information is correct and if the system will work at all.

Get Some Feedback

You will notice that forex trading is actually a very lonely and solitary venture. The fact that you trade on your own means that you often do not get any feedback on what you are doing. The only feedback you will get is from yourself and that is not always the best option. When you talk on a forex forum you will be able to get feedback from other traders. In fact, you will be able to get feedback from traders who have more experience than you. These traders will often give you advice on how to make your trading system better, and lower the risks you face.

Find Out What Other Traders are Going to Do

A lot of traders will make a trade and then consider if they are the only person doing this. By looking at the threads on the forum, you will be able to see if other people are trading the same way as you. While it is good to get some validation of your position, you should never change how you are going to trade based on what other traders are doing.

What the Rumour Mill Says

Now the first thing you are taught in forex training is to trade on what is there, and not what you think is there. This means that you should never trade off a rumour, but you should still be aware that rumours can change the market. If people enough believe a rumour, then the forex market may be affected by the rumour. You will also be able to keep tabs on any news that you may have missed and what other traders think the news will do to the market.

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In-House Daily Analysis


$USD vs. $MXN - Wolfe Wave Offers High-Prob Target | #forex

A Wolfe Wave completed its fifth and last plot at Point-5. This offers a high-probability reversal with this geometry's 1-4 Line a probable level of attainment (along grey dotted line).

Alternatively, a high-probability target is offered through the Geo's use of its internal "Geo-Anchoring" (green star points to the best-fit anchor point along the rule-based 2-3 Leg.

OVERALL, Wolfe Wave is the dominant geometry in the field, casting its 1-4 Line as a high-probability target. A more proximal target of higher-probability stands via the Geo 0.00%%. Partial off-load might be considered at that level.

David Alcindor Predictive Analysis & Forecasting Durango, Colorado - USA 0.00%%

LinkedIn: David Alcindor -----

Comment. 11 JAN 2016 - Chart Update / Tech-Note:

Look for significant resistance, high-probability reversal at the range defined in this chart:

Look for a conservative 38.6% retracement at a minimum, bringing price to a "transmural" level corresponding to Point-1.

Comment. 09 JAN 2016 - Chart Update:

As per comment made today, here is a probable resistance level, as this pair remains bearish with targets in force:

Leider ist ein Fehler 404 aufgetreten.

Meistgelesene News 1H | 12h | 24h | 48h | 7T

25.03.16 Der Iran setzt den Bau des Seekanals. (100 mal gelesen)

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09:42 Uhr Islamisten haben ihre Drohungen. (32 mal gelesen)

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06:00 Uhr Nachdem die Grenzen auf dem Balkan. (19 mal gelesen)

Offenbach - Das Osterwetter. Verregnete Feiertage: Auch Ostermontag bleibt es unbeständig. Am Ostermontag.

China's forex reserves drop by $99.5 billion

Beijing, Feb 7 (IANS) China's foreign exchange reserves dropped by $99.5 billion from December to $3.23 trillion at the end of January, the central bank said on Sunday.

The decrease was milder than a month-on-month decline of $108 billion registered in December, which was the sharpest monthly fall on record, Xinhua cited data from the People's Bank of China (PBOC) as saying.

The drop in January was below market expectations of a $120 billion fall, suggesting that the worst fears of cascading capital flight have not come to pass, said Tom Orlik, chief Asia economist at Bloomberg.

China's forex reserves shrank by $512.7 billion in 2015 as the country's currency was under increasing selling pressure after a revamp of the forex mechanism in August to make the currency's rate more market-based.

Yuan softening was also partly due to expectations of higher US interest rates and concerns over a slower Chinese economy, which led to capital flows outbound for higher returns.

However, the latest reserve data indicated the PBOC will be able to resist pressure for a disorderly depreciation, Orlik noted.

"The stock of reserves remains ample, enough to cover capital outflows at the current rate for more than two and a half years," Orlik said.

Despite the contraction, China's forex reserves remain the world's largest.

The country still has abundant forex reserves and a current account surplus, making it capable of withstanding the impact of cross-border capital flows, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange said on Thursday.

US Dollar Wobbles But Fed Speculation and Liquidity Keep a Bid

by Jonathon Alexander

Fundamental Forecast for Dollar. Bullish

The probability of a December 16 FOMC rate hike according to Fed Funds futures Friday is 74 percent

Monetary policy is a steady fundamental current, but the true engine for the Dollar may prove liquidity and volatility

See how retail traders are positioning in the majors in your charts using the FXCM SSI snapshot

The US Dollar this past week thwarted what could have been a nasty reversal that changed the balance of sentiment. Having already stretched to 12-year highs, a number of surveys mark long-Dollar as one of the most oversaturated trades in the market. Yet, the market is there for a reason…for good reason. Whether we are looking forward to steady markets where the glint of yield attracts investors or liquidity-levered volatility that sends a current of fear through the system, the Greenback will be a favored vehicle for investors. The key variable is one of intensity, and that will be put to the test with the holiday trading conditions.

On Thursday, the United States will celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. While this is specifically a market holiday for the US, the anticipated drain historically bleeds liquidity and dulls volatility globally. This will present a serious change in timbre for the currency and markets, but that doesn’t mean we can just shut down and expect our exposure to be safe through the four-day downtime.

From a speculator’s position, rate speculation is an international driver and it is building in intensity despite our heading into a traditionally ‘quiet’ period of the year. In the past three to four weeks, we have seen rate speculation around the Fed – and the contrast it draws to its peers – show more intensity than we have seen in months. According to Fed Fund futures traded on the CME, the market is pricing in a 74 percent probability that the central bank will lift rates on next month. Meanwhile, speculation of a QE upgrade from the ECB has seen similar confidence while traders waffle on the chance of a second BoJ stimulus upgrade.

For the just the coming week, there are a number of Fed speakers and top tier economic indicators (like the PMI figures and consumer confidence survey), but the most incisive update will be the PCE deflator for October. That is the Fed’s preferred inflation figure and it offers one of the last definitive readings on a key policy metric before the group deliberates at its final meeting this year. The November NFPs number due the first Friday of December will carry similar wait for the same reason. After the uptick in CPI (given perhaps too much coverage) and the multi-year high in wage growth in the last labor report (given too little), the PCE will not be taken lightly.

This coming week’s activity dip may pose the greater disservice for accelerating the sense of complacency that is commonly associated with the year-end period. Drained of liquidity by various holidays, the normal expectation is for quiet and steady gains (often called the ‘Santa Claus’ rally). However, this time around, the thin market conditions can lead to serious trouble as the threat of volatility remains dangerously high.

A number of big-picture financial risks hang over the markets including China’s economic cooling and financial stability; emerging market capital flows; and global growth trends among others. These threats lurk just in the background and can be set off by a range of sparks. Yet, there is one catalyst that carries with it a specific date and time: the December Fed decision. Not only can this cater to the Dollar’s relative appeal as a key FX pricing metric, but it can prove a trigger for some of the other threats. If we see a serious jolt moving forward, the combination of seasonal and systemic depressions in market depth can turn a bout of volatility into a financial shock. In that case, a Dollar driver can prove the source of a much more comprehensive demand for the currency.

Fundamental Forecast for Dollar. Bullish

The probability of a December 16 FOMC rate hike according to Fed Funds futures Friday is 74 percent

Monetary policy is a steady fundamental current, but the true engine for the Dollar may prove liquidity and volatility

See how retail traders are positioning in the majors in your charts using the FXCM SSI snapshot

The US Dollar this past week thwarted what could have been a nasty reversal that changed the balance of sentiment. Having already stretched to 12-year highs, a number of surveys mark long-Dollar as one of the most oversaturated trades in the market. Yet, the market is there for a reason…for good reason. Whether we are looking forward to steady markets where the glint of yield attracts investors or liquidity-levered volatility that sends a current of fear through the system, the Greenback will be a favored vehicle for investors. The key variable is one of intensity, and that will be put to the test with the holiday trading conditions.

On Thursday, the United States will celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. While this is specifically a market holiday for the US, the anticipated drain historically bleeds liquidity and dulls volatility globally. This will present a serious change in timbre for the currency and markets, but that doesn’t mean we can just shut down and expect our exposure to be safe through the four-day downtime.

From a speculator’s position, rate speculation is an international driver and it is building in intensity despite our heading into a traditionally ‘quiet’ period of the year. In the past three to four weeks, we have seen rate speculation around the Fed – and the contrast it draws to its peers – show more intensity than we have seen in months. According to Fed Fund futures traded on the CME, the market is pricing in a 74 percent probability that the central bank will lift rates on next month. Meanwhile, speculation of a QE upgrade from the ECB has seen similar confidence while traders waffle on the chance of a second BoJ stimulus upgrade.

For the just the coming week, there are a number of Fed speakers and top tier economic indicators (like the PMI figures and consumer confidence survey), but the most incisive update will be the PCE deflator for October. That is the Fed’s preferred inflation figure and it offers one of the last definitive readings on a key policy metric before the group deliberates at its final meeting this year. The November NFPs number due the first Friday of December will carry similar wait for the same reason. After the uptick in CPI (given perhaps too much coverage) and the multi-year high in wage growth in the last labor report (given too little), the PCE will not be taken lightly.

This coming week’s activity dip may pose the greater disservice for accelerating the sense of complacency that is commonly associated with the year-end period. Drained of liquidity by various holidays, the normal expectation is for quiet and steady gains (often called the ‘Santa Claus’ rally). However, this time around, the thin market conditions can lead to serious trouble as the threat of volatility remains dangerously high.

A number of big-picture financial risks hang over the markets including China’s economic cooling and financial stability; emerging market capital flows; and global growth trends among others. These threats lurk just in the background and can be set off by a range of sparks. Yet, there is one catalyst that carries with it a specific date and time: the December Fed decision. Not only can this cater to the Dollar’s relative appeal as a key FX pricing metric, but it can prove a trigger for some of the other threats. If we see a serious jolt moving forward, the combination of seasonal and systemic depressions in market depth can turn a bout of volatility into a financial shock. In that case, a Dollar driver can prove the source of a much more comprehensive demand for the currency.

About Instant Forex Income

This website has been around for years now in various editions with 2016 seeing a complete overhaul and focus on Forex Trading for Forex Traders and those wishing to learn and test the notion of an valid income stream that can support a previously thought mythical dream of the very fortunate few whereas many people do make a great income as does the owner and author, Jonathon Alexander a full time trader since 2004 and a publisher since 2000. Building on Forex Tradomg success is no mean feat and requires education and disciplined application with some guidance from expert Forex traders and guest specialist Forex authors. This site offers a newsletter with no sales pitch to keep readers up to date. Enjoy and bookmark us we love feedback and comments so tell a friend about Instant Forex Income.


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Yahoo News

India's forex reserves lose shine as gold prices plummet

Forex reserves for the week under review plunged by $187.6 million and stood at $353.46 billion.

The reserves had reported an increase of $322 million to $353.64 billion in the previous week (July 24). The growth that time had come after four consecutive weeks of decline.

The data furnished by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), in its weekly statistical supplement, showed that India's forex reserves were negatively impacted by devaluation of gold prices.

"There was a good build-up in reserves due to the efforts of RBI in buying dollars. The plunge in gold prices washed out those gains," Anindya Banerjee, senior manager for currency derivatives with Kotak Securities, told IANS.

The Reserve Bank is pretty active in the forward purchase markets since the last 20-22 months. It sells dollars, whenever the rupee crosses the Rs.64 mark and buys when it falls below Rs.63 to a dollar.

Though at a very short range, experts believe that RBI seems to be comfortable with the rupee ranging anywhere between Rs.63.20-Rs.64.30 per dollar.

The RBI's strong control over the rupee has given the currency strength and resilience to withstand international financial crisis like the recent Greece debt issue.

Due to the central bank's efforts, the foreign currency assets (FCAs) which constitute the largest component of forex reserves, rose by $629.9 million and stood at $329.87 billion.

"The FCA grew despite the fact that major global currencies like Euro depreciated against the dollar," Banerjee said.

Nearly 20-25 percent of Indian reserves are made up of non-dollar currencies. The individual movements of these currencies against the dollar impacts the overall reserve value.

"However, the plunge in gold prices had the biggest negative impact on the reserves," Banerjee elaborated.

The country's gold reserves plunged by $824.2 million to $18.25 billion in the week under review. The reserves were stagnant at $19.34 billion since the week ended May 1.

Gold reserves in the world's largest gold consuming nation constitute nearly 15 percent of forex.

Recently, international gold prices have been steadily declining as the dollar has been getting stronger in anticipation of a US interest rate hike which is due in September.

From a peak of $1,900 an ounce in September 2011, the spot gold price slumped to a five-year low of $1,086 an ounce on August 6, 2015.

Experts say that after oil prices plunged by 50 percent over the current year, it is now the turn of gold to lose its shine.

With higher interest rates in the US, the FPIs (Foreign Portfolio Investors) will be led away from investing in commodities like oil or gold and equities in emerging markets such as India.

However, the special drawing rights (SDRs) were slightly higher by $4.9 million to touch $4.02 billion.

The country's reserve position with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) inched up by $1.7 million to $1.30 billion.

Forex News from InstaForex

by InstaForex Gertrude on Fri Jun 26, 2015 6:42 am

Canadian dollar ascends on talks over Greek debt deal

The Canadian dollar strengthened versus the US dollar Thursday, recuperating losses in the last session. But its move was constricted by few domestic economic data and markets focusing on negotiations over Greek debt deal. Greek officials and bailout lenders will resume talks Saturday, Greece's last chance to score a deal with its creditors to avoid default and eurozone exit. The loonie ended at 81.15 US cents from Wednesday's 80.65 US cents. Everyone's awaiting the Greek news. It is going to be difficult for markets to “solidify a move in any direction,” said Benjamin Reitzes, Senior Economist and Foreign Exchange Strategist at BMO Capital Markets. Meanwhile, markets will be closed Wednesday to commemorate the Canada Day holiday.

News are provided by InstaForex

by InstaForex Gertrude on Mon Jun 29, 2015 5:59 am

Moody's: Asean Banks Well placed to Comply With Basel III Capital and Liquidity Ratios

Moody's Investors Service says that banks in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) region -- namely those in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines -- are well placed to comply with stricter capital and liquidity requirements under Basel III. "Moody's-rated banks in the ASEAN region are well capitalized and can meet the higher minimum capital requirements under Basel III," says Alka Anbarasu, a Moody's Vice President and Senior Analyst. "As for the 60% minimum liquidity coverage ratio under Basel III, in many cases, the banks are already 100% compliant, though national differences make it difficult to compare the reported ratios across different banking systems." "On the issue of additional banking regulations, we note that regulators in the region appear hesitant to embrace the wider bail-in and total loss absorbing capital (TLAC) guidelines as they await more clarity from the Financial Stability Board (FSB)," adds Anbarasu. Anbarasu also expects selective issuance of Basel III securities by banks across ASEAN; in particular, to replace legacy old-style securities which will be callable over 2015-2017. Moody's analysis is contained in its just-released presentation titled "ASEAN Banks Well Placed for Basel III Capital and Liquidity Ratio Compliance," and is authored by Anbarasu. Moody's points out that liquidity coverage ratios (LCRs) have already been implemented in Singapore and Malaysia. Given the predominance of retail funding as well as government bonds in the investment portfolio, Moody's expects most rated banks in the region will be able to comply with the 60% minimum requirement by end-2015; in many cases banks are already 100% compliant. However, national differences on the definition of high quality liquid assets and outflows, whether or not LCRs should be assessed based on a consolidated or standalone basis, and LCR requirements in different currencies could make it difficult to compare the reported ratios across different banking systems. Moody's adds that it expects regulators in the region will announce by the end of 2015, the list of domestic systemically important banks (D-SIB) in their respective banking systems. Moody's points out that seven banks in Singapore -- three local and four foreign -- have already been identified as systemically important.

News are provided by InstaForex

by InstaForex Gertrude on Tue Jun 30, 2015 6:36 am

AT&T, DirecTv extend 'termination date' for second time

The No. 2 telecom company in the U. S. AT&T Inc. said it has extended the “termination date” of the merger agreement with DirecTV, the second time in 2 months. In a regulatory filing, the company said the extension is aimed at obtaining final regulatory approval for the merger. In May last year, AT&T offered to buy DirecTV to create the largest U. S. pay TV company.

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by InstaForex Gertrude on Wed Jul 01, 2015 5:29 am

British pound strengthens as UK economy improves

The British pound accelerated on Tuesday as UK economy improves and the likelihood of an interest rate hike increases. Consumer confidence in the United Kingdom leaped to its highest level in more than 15 years in June, with monthly sentiment index bounced to +7 from +1 in May. Sterling surged to 70.85 British pence per euro from Monday's 69.89 British pence. Against the US dollar, the pound closed at $1.5726. The UK and the United States are the only two countries that seem to have “central banks that are teeing markets up for slightly less accommodative monetary policy,” said Gavin Friend, Strategist at National Australia Bank Ltd.

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by InstaForex Gertrude on Thu Jul 02, 2015 5:55 am

US dollar ascends on upbeat ADP jobs data

The US dollar strengthens on Thursday as the market is preparing for a bunch of US data ahead of the July 4 Independence Day. Based on the ADP National Employment Report, private employers added 237,000 in June, the largest gain since December. The greenback finished at $1.1044 per euro. Against the Japanese yen, the dollar fetched ¥123.22. Additional improvement in the labor sector may bolster speculations for a rate hike this year. But it “risks a further delay in the Fed's normalization cycle,” said David Song, Currency Analyst at DailyFX.

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by InstaForex Gertrude on Fri Jul 03, 2015 8:33 am

British pound recuperates amid upbeat UK construction data

The British pound regained from two-week troughs versus the US dollar Thursday following UK construction output increased in June. Markit reported the UK construction purchasing managers' index climbed to 58.1 from 55.9 in May. Against the US dollar, sterling stood at $1.5640. The pound finished at 71.04 pence per euro. We notice some moderate selling in the US dollar, with jobs figures “helping the euro and the pound,” said a London-based spot trader. Risks to the UK economy lurk in the likelihood of Greece's eurozone exit. But in the short run, ructions in the region could cultivate safe-haven inflows into the country.

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by InstaForex Gertrude on Fri Jul 03, 2015 8:33 am

British pound recuperates amid upbeat UK construction data

The British pound regained from two-week troughs versus the US dollar Thursday following UK construction output increased in June. Markit reported the UK construction purchasing managers' index climbed to 58.1 from 55.9 in May. Against the US dollar, sterling stood at $1.5640. The pound finished at 71.04 pence per euro. We notice some moderate selling in the US dollar, with jobs figures “helping the euro and the pound,” said a London-based spot trader. Risks to the UK economy lurk in the likelihood of Greece's eurozone exit. But in the short run, ructions in the region could cultivate safe-haven inflows into the country.

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by InstaForex Gertrude on Mon Jul 06, 2015 7:16 am

Usd/idr Sustain Firm Above 13350

Pair gaps up at open to 13340-360 and traded firm since Pair traded 13350-370 range so far, last at 13350-360 NDFs shot higher to 13440-470; JKSE -0.47%

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by InstaForex Gertrude on Tue Jul 07, 2015 5:55 am

Eur/usd Calm ahead of Eu Summit

Time running out as debt repayments loom and Greek banks strapped for cash Pair under pressure as market awaits the result of yet another EU summit EU leaders are urging Greek PM Tsipras to come up with firm proposal Greece likely to propose relief on their debt in exchange for austerity EU so far has resisted any proposals involving Greek debt relief If no sign of deal materializes it will likely weigh on EUR sentiment

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by InstaForex Gertrude on Wed Jul 08, 2015 4:15 am

Japan May Current Account Surplus Y1.880 Trillion

Japan posted a current account surplus of 1.880 trillion yen in May, the ministry of Finance said on Wednesday - surging 266.7 percent on year. The headline figure topped expectations for a surplus of 1.570 trillion yen following the 1.326 trillion yen surplus in April. The trade balance reflected a deficit of 47.3 billion yen - also beating forecasts for a shortfall of 283.8 billion yen following the 146.2 billion yen shortfall in the previous month. Exports were down 0.1 percent on year to 5.707 trillion yen following the 4.1 percent jump in April. Imports tumbled an annual 10.3 percent to 5.754 trillion yen following the 5.9 percent decline a month earlier. The capital account had a deficit of 8.9billion yen, the ministry said, while the financial account saw a surplus of 3.629 trillion yen. The adjusted current account surplus was 1.636 trillion yen - which beat forecasts for 1.375 trillion yen following the 1.274 trillion yen surplus a month earlier. Also on Wednesday, the Bank of Japan said that overall bank lending in Japan was up 2.5 percent on year in June, coming in at 487.773 trillion yen. That was in line with expectations, and down from the 2.6 percent increase in May. Excluding trusts, bank lending advanced 2.6 percent to 424.212 trillion yen. That beat forecasts for an increase of 2.5 percent following the 2.7 percent gain in the previous month. Lending from trusts added an annual 1.9 percent to 63.561 trillion yen, while lending from foreign banks tumbled an annual 15.3 percent to 1.843 trillion yen.

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by InstaForex Gertrude on Wed Jul 08, 2015 4:15 am

Japan May Current Account Surplus Y1.880 Trillion

Japan posted a current account surplus of 1.880 trillion yen in May, the ministry of Finance said on Wednesday - surging 266.7 percent on year. The headline figure topped expectations for a surplus of 1.570 trillion yen following the 1.326 trillion yen surplus in April. The trade balance reflected a deficit of 47.3 billion yen - also beating forecasts for a shortfall of 283.8 billion yen following the 146.2 billion yen shortfall in the previous month. Exports were down 0.1 percent on year to 5.707 trillion yen following the 4.1 percent jump in April. Imports tumbled an annual 10.3 percent to 5.754 trillion yen following the 5.9 percent decline a month earlier. The capital account had a deficit of 8.9billion yen, the ministry said, while the financial account saw a surplus of 3.629 trillion yen. The adjusted current account surplus was 1.636 trillion yen - which beat forecasts for 1.375 trillion yen following the 1.274 trillion yen surplus a month earlier. Also on Wednesday, the Bank of Japan said that overall bank lending in Japan was up 2.5 percent on year in June, coming in at 487.773 trillion yen. That was in line with expectations, and down from the 2.6 percent increase in May. Excluding trusts, bank lending advanced 2.6 percent to 424.212 trillion yen. That beat forecasts for an increase of 2.5 percent following the 2.7 percent gain in the previous month. Lending from trusts added an annual 1.9 percent to 63.561 trillion yen, while lending from foreign banks tumbled an annual 15.3 percent to 1.843 trillion yen.

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by InstaForex Gertrude on Thu Jul 09, 2015 3:34 am

Japan M2 Money Stock Rises 3.8% In June

The M2 money stock in Japan advanced 3.8 percent on year in June, the Bank of Japan said on Thursday - worth 908.7 trillion yen. That missed expectations for an increase of 4.0 percent following the upwardly revised 4.1 percent gain in May (originally 4.0 percent). The M3 money stock gained an annual 3.1 percent to 1,224.3 trillion yen - also below forecasts for 3.3 percent, which would have been unchanged from the previous month. The L money stock gained 4.3 percent to 1,617.4 trillion yen following the 4.5 percent jump a month earlier.

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by InstaForex Gertrude on Fri Jul 10, 2015 3:04 am

Japan Corporate Service Prices Dip 0.2% In June

An index monitoring corporate service prices in Japan was down 0.2 percent on month in June, the Bank of Korea said on Friday. That missed forecasts for an increase or 0.1 percent following the downwardly revised 0.2 percent increase in May (originally 0.3 percent). On a yearly basis, prices dipped 2.4 percent - also shy of expectations for a fall of 2.2 percent - which would have been unchanged from the previous month following a downward revision from -2.1 percent. Export prices were flat on month and down 4.2 percent on year, the bank said, while import prices added 1.2 percent on month but tumbled 17.6 percent on year.

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by InstaForex Gertrude on Fri Jul 10, 2015 6:38 am

Euro Rises Against Majors

The euro strengthened against the other major currencies in the Asian session on Friday. The euro rose to a 3-day high of 135.22 against the yen, from yesterday's closing value of 133.86, respectively. Against the pound and the Swiss franc, the euro advanced to 0.7207 and 1.0498 from yesterday's closing quotes of 0.7168 and 1.0454, respectively. Moving away from an early near 2-week low of 1.6342 against the NZ dollar, the euro appreciated to 1.6415. At yesterday's close, the euro was trading at 1.6518 against the kiwi. Against the U. S. and the Canadian dollars, the euro edged up to 1.1088 and 1.4089 from yesterday's closing quotes of 1.1032 and 1.4017, respectively. If the euro extends its uptrend, it is likely to find resistance around 138.00 against the yen,0.74 against the pound, 1.06 against the franc, 1.67 against the kiwi, 1.13 against the greenback and 1.44 against the loonie.

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by InstaForex Gertrude on Fri Jul 10, 2015 6:39 am

Euro Rises Against Majors

The euro strengthened against the other major currencies in the Asian session on Friday. The euro rose to a 3-day high of 135.22 against the yen, from yesterday's closing value of 133.86, respectively. Against the pound and the Swiss franc, the euro advanced to 0.7207 and 1.0498 from yesterday's closing quotes of 0.7168 and 1.0454, respectively. Moving away from an early near 2-week low of 1.6342 against the NZ dollar, the euro appreciated to 1.6415. At yesterday's close, the euro was trading at 1.6518 against the kiwi. Against the U. S. and the Canadian dollars, the euro edged up to 1.1088 and 1.4089 from yesterday's closing quotes of 1.1032 and 1.4017, respectively. If the euro extends its uptrend, it is likely to find resistance around 138.00 against the yen,0.74 against the pound, 1.06 against the franc, 1.67 against the kiwi, 1.13 against the greenback and 1.44 against the loonie.

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by InstaForex Gertrude on Fri Jul 10, 2015 6:39 am

Euro Rises Against Majors

The euro strengthened against the other major currencies in the Asian session on Friday. The euro rose to a 3-day high of 135.22 against the yen, from yesterday's closing value of 133.86, respectively. Against the pound and the Swiss franc, the euro advanced to 0.7207 and 1.0498 from yesterday's closing quotes of 0.7168 and 1.0454, respectively. Moving away from an early near 2-week low of 1.6342 against the NZ dollar, the euro appreciated to 1.6415. At yesterday's close, the euro was trading at 1.6518 against the kiwi. Against the U. S. and the Canadian dollars, the euro edged up to 1.1088 and 1.4089 from yesterday's closing quotes of 1.1032 and 1.4017, respectively. If the euro extends its uptrend, it is likely to find resistance around 138.00 against the yen,0.74 against the pound, 1.06 against the franc, 1.67 against the kiwi, 1.13 against the greenback and 1.44 against the loonie.

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by InstaForex Gertrude on Sat Jul 11, 2015 4:28 am

Australian dollar steadies as Greece summit impends

The Australian dollar stabilized on Friday before the anticipated eurozone summit on Sunday. Earlier, the Greek government presented a new bailout plan to its lenders, which showed sales tax and pension reductions. The Aussie ended at 67.47 euro cents from Thursday's 67.42 euro cents, and 74.78 US cents from 74.77 US cents.

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by InstaForex Gertrude on Mon Jul 13, 2015 7:15 am

New Zealand dollar saps despite Greek debt woes

The New Zealand dollar devitalized Monday as concern escalated regarding the future of Greece following eurozone leaders amplified their demands for reforms over the weekend. At an emergency summit on Sunday, eurozone leaders pressed Greek officials to revise key tax, pension, and privatization reforms by Wednesday before resuming talks. The kiwi closed at 60.33 euro cents from Friday's 60.92 euro cents, 67.01 US cents from 67.22 US cents, and 43.17 British pence from 43.89 British pence. The currency ended at ¥81.91 from ¥82.31, and 90.29 Australian cents from 90.34 Australian cents. Optimism encompassing a Greek deal has slightly faded this morning, “as euro-zone leaders are yet to formally agree on a path forward,” said Raiko Shareef, Currency Strategist at Bank of New Zealand.

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by InstaForex Gertrude on Tue Jul 14, 2015 8:18 am

Canadian dollar recedes as markets shift focus on BOC, Fed

The Canadian dollar retreated Monday, as markets have turned their attention on the Bank of Canada and Federal Reserve following Greece closed an agreement with its international lenders. Bank of Canada is set to release its interest rate decision Wednesday, while prospects of Fed increasing rates in September were renewed. The loonie finished at 78.49 US cents from Friday's 78.87 US cents. The likelihood of BOC reducing rates is somewhat weighing on the loonie. “That explains some of the early weakness today,” said Mark Chandler, Head of Canadian Fixed Income and Currency Strategy at RBC Capital Markets. Last week, Statistics Canada reported unemployment rate stayed at 6.8% for the fifth consecutive month. The country also gained a net 32,800 jobs.

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by InstaForex Gertrude on Wed Jul 15, 2015 4:39 am

Australia Consumer Confidence Slides In July - Westpac

Consumer confidence in Australia deteriorated further in July, the latest survey from Westpac Bank and the Melbourne Institute revealed on Wednesday - sliding 3.2 percent on month to a seven-month low index score of 92.2. That follows the 6.9 percent plunge in June to a score of 95.3 - still below the boom-or-bust line of 100 that separates optimists from pessimists. Among the individual components, the outlook for economic conditions over the next year tumbled 10.4 percent. For the next five years, the index fell 4.4 percent. The index for if it was a good time to buy a major household item added 0.2 percent.

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by InstaForex Gertrude on Wed Jul 15, 2015 8:18 am

Greek PM says a leader cannot abandon ship during a storm

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras seemed to rule out stepping down early or conceding power to a national unity government with opposition parties after being forced to abandon election promises and accept painful austerity measures. Tsipras said in an interview with Greek state television that a prime minister had the duty to fight and tell difficult truths and take hard decisions.

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by InstaForex Gertrude on Wed Jul 15, 2015 8:19 am

Greek PM says a leader cannot abandon ship during a storm

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras seemed to rule out stepping down early or conceding power to a national unity government with opposition parties after being forced to abandon election promises and accept painful austerity measures. Tsipras said in an interview with Greek state television that a prime minister had the duty to fight and tell difficult truths and take hard decisions.

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by InstaForex Gertrude on Thu Jul 16, 2015 4:49 am

Singapore Non-Oil Domestic Exports Rise 4.7% In June

Non-oil domestic exports in Singapore were up 4.7 percent on year in June, International Enterprise Singapore said on Thursday. That beat forecasts for an increase of 2.0 percent following the 0.3 percent contraction in May. Electronics exports surged an annual 7.6 percent in June, also topping expectations for a gain of 2.4 percent following the 2.5 percent contraction in the previous month. Non-electronic exports were up 3.6 percent after adding 0.6 percent a month earlier. Non-oil re-exports gained 1.9 percent on year after falling 2.8 percent in May.

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by InstaForex Gertrude on Thu Jul 16, 2015 8:31 am

Canadian dollar touches lowest since March 2009 as BOC cuts rate

The Canadian dollar reached its weakest in over six years Wednesday following the Bank of Canada slashed its main interest rate for a second time this year. The country's central bank cut the rate by 25 basis points to 0.5%, citing sudden economic downfall during the first half of the year. The loonie stood at 77.40 US cents from Tuesday's 78.49 US cents. Certainly, the market was not fully anticipating the rate cut and we have noticed a huge reaction “in both bonds and especially the Canadian dollar,” said Doug Porter, Chief Economist at BMO Capital Markets.

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by InstaForex Gertrude on Fri Jul 17, 2015 5:53 am

Australia Leading Index Adds 0.2% In May - Conference Board

The outlook for the Australian economy turned positive again in May, the Conference Board said on Friday, as its leading economic index added 0.2 percent. That follows the 0.3 percent decline in April and the flat reading in March. The LEI got positive contributions from sales to inventory ratio, rural goods exports, yield spread, building approvals and gross operating surplus. Money supply and share prices were down. The coincident index advanced 0.3 percent after gaining 0.1 percent in April and 0.3 percent in March. The CEI got positive contributions from employment, household disposable income and industrial production.

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by Sponsored content Today at 6:54 pm

Behind Chinese Yuan’s Tiny Drop, Indications of True Crisis Lurk

(Bloomberg) -- The Chinese yuan’s 6 percent decline over the past five months is hardly anyone’s idea of a crisis. On average it comes out to a drop of less than 0.04 percent a day. But behind the scenes, Chinese policy makers are unleashing a torrent of measures to stabilize the currency and prevent it from tumbling.

Added up, these efforts rival some of the biggest currency defenses seen in emerging markets over the past two decades. Here’s a quick look at the central bank’s most aggressive steps.

Hong Kong has become a key focal part for policy makers. Over the last two days, they bought enough yuan there to push overnight borrowing costs for the currency to a record 67 percent on Tuesday from just 4 percent at the end of last week. These rates, designed to discourage speculators, are even higher than those at the peak of Russia’s defense of the ruble in 2014 and Brazil’s intervention in 1999.

In propping up the exchange rate, the People’s Bank of China also burnt through more than half a trillion of dollars in foreign reserves in the past 12 months, cutting them to $3.3 trillion. The draw-down was almost equivalent to the entire stockpile of Switzerland, the world’s fourth largest holder. Regulators also went to great lengths to tighten capital controls, cracking down on illegal money transfers and restricting lenders from conducting some cross-border transactions.

Among its emerging-market peers, the yuan remains one of the top-performing currencies over the past year against the dollar, yet Chinese policy makers are acting with an increasing sense of urgency. At stake is the financial stability of the world’s No. 2 economy -- disorderly depreciation could fuel more capital outflows, which, according to data compiled by Bloomberg, already approached $1 trillion in the 12 months through November.

“They are really trying to stop the panic,” said Lucy Qiu, an emerging-markets analyst at UBS Wealth Management, which oversees $1 trillion, said by phone from New York.

By intervening in the Hong Kong market, the PBOC is forcing the offshore rate to converge toward the stronger onshore rate in an effort to anchor expectations among overseas investors. Officials also stressed that the aim is to keep the yuan basically stable against a basket of currencies, rather than pegging it against the rising dollar.

Deterring speculators and attracting investors with off - the-chart rates can help contain a currency crisis, but it can also send an economy into a tailspin by cutting companies and consumers off from credit. That is unlikely to be the case in China. The yuan loan increase in Hong Kong would have less impact on the mainland’s economy, where the benchmark seven-day interbank rate remains stable at about 2.4 percent.

(A previous of this story was corrected to show year referenced in second deck headline is 2015.)

--With assistance from Benjamin Harvey, Selcuk Gokoluk, Vivianne Rodrigues and Ksenia Galouchko.

To contact the reporters on this story: Ye Xie in New York at yxie6@bloomberg. net; Bonnie Cao in New York at bcao4@bloomberg. net To contact the editors responsible for this story: Nikolaj Gammeltoft at ngammeltoft@bloomberg. net; David Papadopoulos at papadopoulos@bloomberg. net Flavia Krause-Jackson

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Warning: scammers lurk behind online ads

Steelmakers have long been decrying the smuggling of substandard products through the piers. Such crime goes on only with collusion of Customs crooks, they say. Not only the steelmakers’ reputations but also the consumers and the economy suffer. Collapsed structures from the recent earthquake in Bohol and Typhoon Yolanda in Leyte-Samar were found to be of below-par steel bars. Domestic steelmakers initially were blamed, until studies showed the goods to be mostly smuggled through the years, reportedly via the nearby Cebu.

Consequently the Philippine Iron and Steel Institute (PISI) charged several Customs officers posted at the Port of Cebu. Details of years-long false declarations of merchandise and prices were submitted to the Customs Intelligence and Investigation Service at the Manila head office. It could be the first major test of reform by the new Customs leadership.

Named respondents in the complaint are: Ronnie C. Silvestre, former collector of the Port of Cebu; his deputy Maximo P. Reyes; and Elmer S. Bailo, head of the valuation committee.

About P80 million in duties allegedly were left uncollected by them.

Also in the complaint are: Chin Sun Yu, president of Joyland Industries Corp.; corporate secretary Corazon O. Yu; general manager James O. Yu; treasurer Gladys H. Yu; director Samson O. Tiu; and Benjamin Go, who represented Joyland in past hearings.

The PISI alleged that 17 importations by Joyland of over 44,000 tons of steel products were valued at $300 per ton on average. Of that total, 35,000 tons were wire rods valued at $295 per ton.

Opinion ( Article MRec ), pagematch: 1, sectionmatch: 1

When the shipments were allowed in, the Customs’ reference price for steel rods ranged from $670 to $800 per ton. Yet the Cebu officers left unquestioned import valuations that were way below scrap metal.

The steel industry globally uses the Metal Bulletin as standard reference for steel prices at any given time. Customs officers need but to check the website establish proper valuation of imports.

The importation of steel wire rods is of particular concern. Philippine manufacturing standards prohibit the use of such rods to produce re-bars because of poor tensile strength from construction use.

Sulit. com is a fast, easy, inexpensive way to sell your wares. It costs free to post an ad, text and visuals, no matter what duration or frequency. All that’s needed is to register a user account with the website.

But, as in all good things, criminals lurk in wait for prey. Identity theft, name-dropping of reputable products and institutions, and confidence game are their forte. Beware that what happened to Teacher Riza and Dr. Annelee B. Lojo does not befall you.

Late night of Feb. 1, Riza (surname withheld at her request) saw an ad for a used iPhone5, P16,000, on the link http://sulit. com. ph/36178670. She inquired from the stated cell phone — 0917-9362622 — if the item was still available. It was, came a reply early the next morning. After more text queries about the status of the item, Riza designated a mall in Pasay City for them to conclude the sale later that day. She got the reply that the seller was out of town and wouldn’t be back for at least two days. The seller introduced herself as Dr. Annelee B. Lojo, Ob-Gyn of a certain nearby hospital, Clinic No. 312. Riza was given two options: to meet in a week at the clinic, or remit the P16,000 via Western Union so the merchandise can be couriered to her address. For clincher, Riza was told to check the seller’s credentials on the Internet, for trustworthiness as a professional.

Riza did check out the name. Her confidence won, she sent her husband that afternoon to pay the P16,000 thru Western Union, then texted the payment receipt number to the seller. A reply came for her to expect LBC parcel delivery within 24 hours, tracking No. 181509448952.

Receiving nothing by late night of Feb. 3, Riza checked online the LBC tracking number. She was informed that it was invalid. She texted and called the seller again and again. No reply; she’d been barred. She used her husband’s mobile to call. The seller, not expecting her, told her -- in a curt youngish female voice -- to bug off. That was the last Riza heard from the scammer.

The next day Riza confirmed with LBC that no such transaction was ever made. She went to the stated hospital and was told that Dr. Annelee B. Lojo no longer reported there, but was referred to the Makati Medical Center. There she went on Feb. 5, and finally met the real Dr. Annelee B. Lojo. The latter’s voice was gentle, so unlike the one on the phone. (I know Annelee from U. P.-Diliman, we having been members of the campus theater troupe Samapil in the ‘70s; she speaks softly with a Bicol accent.)

It was Dr. Annelee’s turn to be worried. The stolen identity of her colleague Dr. Eileen Manalo too had been used in a similar modus weeks before. Four victims already had confronted the hapless doctora about their undelivered purchases of iPhones and signature handbags. That morning of Feb. 5 Dr. Eileen had gone to DZMM radio to raise an alert. At her clinic that afternoon a fifth victim came to see her.

Dr. Annelee has posted a warning on Facebook against the misuse of her name. Sadly, a seventh apparent conned victim is denouncing her in a blog as a “Dr. Scammer” selling furniture online.

The victimized blogger is wrongly hitting a person on his/her own side. As for Sulit. com. it took down the fraudulent ad account as soon as Riza reported, lest more victims fall for the scam. Latest word from Dr. Eileen is that the NBI cybercrime section has traced the account to Pampanga.

Catch Sapol radio show, Saturdays, 8-10 a. m. DWIZ, (882-AM).

Brighter Eurozone PMI surveys help euro recover from lows

German and Eurozone flash PMIs beat expectations

Reuters October 23, 2014

London: The euro recovered from a two-week low against the dollar on Thursday after data showing an unexpected pick-up in euro zone business growth, though gains could be fleeting amid continued expectations of more monetary easing.

Concerns over the health of the European banking sector have also weighed on the euro, and those worries deepened after Spanish newswire Efe said on Wednesday at least 11 lenders had failed stress tests run by the European Central Bank.

The ECB, which will publish the test outcomes for 130 banks on Sunday, said final results had not yet been sent to the lenders involved, and it could not comment on individual institutions.

The euro rose to $1.2671, rebounding from a two-week low of $1.2614 hit after data showed France’s preliminary composite purchasing managers’ index for October falling to 48.0 from a final reading of 48.4 in September. That was well into contractionary territory.

The single currency recovered after data showed Germany’s private sector grew faster in October as manufacturing rebounded, suggesting Europe’s largest economy may be gaining momentum in the fourth quarter.

The Eurozone composite flash purchasing managers’ index, based on surveys of thousands of companies across the region and seen as a good indicator of growth, rose to 52.2, above all forecasts in a Reuters poll.

“The German numbers are promising and is a sign that things will not deteriorate. The weak French numbers do not surprise, and net-net, it does little to expectations that the ECB will have to step in with further easing,” said Richard Falkenhall, currency strategist at SEB.

“We expect the euro to grind lower and hit $1.15 in a year’s time. That forecast factors in tightening by the Federal Reserve next year and the ECB asset purchases, including buying of government bonds.” The euro had weakened this week after Reuters reported on Tuesday that the ECB was considering buying corporate bonds on the secondary market and may decide on the matter as soon as December.

Norwegian crown rises

The euro fell 0.5 per cent against the Norwegian crown. after Norway’s central bank sounded less dovish after a policy meeting. Earlier, Norges Bank kept interest rates unchanged at 1.5 per cent as expected and said that the recent fall in oil prices had increased uncertainty.

Susanne Galler, currency strategist at Jefferies, said that for investors to turn bullish on the Norwegian crown, crude oil prices needed to stabilise.

Norway is a big exporter of crude oil and the currency has a relationship with oil prices. With crude prices dropping sharply in the past few months, the crown has come under pressure.

The dollar remained on the back foot against a basket of major currencies, trading at 85.699.

The dollar has lost ground in recent weeks as concerns about slowing global growth and muted inflation prompted investors to trim bets that the Fed will raise interest rates soon after an expected end to its bond-buying stimulus later this month.

“Market players are hesitant to build positions ahead of next week’s Federal Reserve meeting, especially as officials have sent dovish signals recently,” said Junichi Ishikawa, market analyst at IG Securities in Tokyo.

Earlier, a survey showed China’s factory sector grew a shade faster in October, but the details underscored a still-shaky economy.

The New Zealand dollar lost nearly 1 per cent to $0.7856 in the wake of softer-than expected inflation data that could give the Reserve Bank of New Zealand room to further delay its next interest rate hike.

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Learn The Fundamentals Of Forex Trading

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Learn Forex trading and how to become a profitable trader using a proven formula. Most traders over think and over analyze their charts and let their emotions get in the way of their trades. The truth is, trading is extremely simple and not so complicated. There’s only really two critical things that need to be assessed in making a trading decision.

I am going to give you the very basics so that you can learn forex trading and begin applying these methods immediately for long term trading success. The problem with most traders is that they tend to over complicate things, when in fact trading is all about simplicity and following a definite plan that you can stick to day in and day without your emotions getting in the way.

For our purposes here we are going to focus on technical analysis and by that we mean focusing on viewing charts and making our decisions based off of price action for a particular currency pair. Many traders believe they need to use tons of indicators and have all indicators in agreement to make a trade . Firstly, don’t make things complicated. If you want to learn forex trading the right way, you need to clear your charts of all indicators and focus on price action.

Fap Turbo Now, indicators are not bad, but the problem is that they lag, meaning their data is based off of what price did in the past and not what it will or may do in the future. For that reason we use only two factors when making our trading decisions with the first being support and resistance. Take a look at the chart below and notice how price bounces off of support and resistance. You’ll notice that during the first few bounces price reverses, these points are great places to take a trade .

While you learn forex trading one rule of thumb on any trade is to manage your money properly. A good example of this would be your risk to reward ratio. For example, when you plan a trade . your trade should win you back four times the amount you may end up losing. This means you only ever need to be right twenty five percent of the time to be a profitable trader. This is basic stuff, but it’s something that one should definitely practice in order to remain profitable. Most full-time traders and hedge fund managers are right less than fifty percent of the time, yet they are still extremely profitable because of proper money management. Secondly, we use trend lines to analyze price action and base our trading decisions. Take a look at the chart below and you can see how price bounces nicely off of trend lines. You’ll notice that once their established higher probability trades can be made.

Our #1 Tip To Confirm Our Forex Trades

Lastly, learning forex trading can be a challenge especially for new traders. Dealing with emotions, schedules and putting into practice a positive plan are different factors that each and every one of us has to deal with while trading . However, we like to solidify our trading decisions with automated software. This software helps us finalize our trades and when our charts match what the software or signals service is presenting to use, we know it’s a sound trade .

There’s one piece of software we’ve been using for 2 years now that’s been extremely accurate and it’s great for both new and experienced traders. You can check out this software here at: Learn Forex Trading .

Coming Week Market Movers: “Bearish” Good News Vs. Bullish Taper Delay Hopes

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And other likely top market movers this week

The following is a partial summary of conclusions from our weekly fxempire. com analysts ’ meeting in which we share thoughts and conclusions about the top likely market movers for the coming week and beyond. These lessons apply to virtually all liquid global asset markets, particularly currencies, equities, commodities and bond markets.

With most major stock indexes near all-time highs, last week’s packed calendar that proved full of market moving surprises, and a very light economic calendar this week that’s almost empty of top tier events, this week has the feel of a quieter consolidation week.

Where Surprises May Yet Lurk

The big exception will be assets directly impacted by last week’s big surprises:

The ECB Rate Cut: Will EU Stocks Respond To ECB Easing?

With the ECB now officially in easing mode (and with good reason, as we discussed here ), expect the EUR to be under pressure versus its major counterparts, especially the USD, which may continue to feel support into this week from the very strong GDP and jobs reports. Remember, because the USD and EUR are the most widely traded currencies, and the EURUSD is the most widely traded currency pair (about 28% of all currency volume by itself), weakness in one automatically bestows strength in the other. That’s because about 28% of the time when the EUR is bought or sold, it’s done with dollars, and vice-versa .

US Markets: Bearish Good News Vs. Bullish Taper Delay

The strong US GDP and jobs data, even if their reliability is somewhat suspect( Felix Salmon called the jobs reports a “GIGA,” report, “garbage in, garbage out,” an unreliable report because it was based on unreliable data due to the federal shutdown in October). Still, the outlook for the US after last week has clearly improved. Assets that benefit from that data – the US dollar at least, may derive some residual benefits. As for US stocks, QE is what markets want to see, so they will still be prone to sell off on good news and rally on bad news or anything else that suggest prolonged QE.

Given that risk assets remain in multi-year uptrends and near multi-year or all-time highs, that upward momentum means they’ve an upward bias.

With such a light economic calendar, risk assets as a group seemed poised to consolidate this week.

Here’s what might move markets despite the light calendar and early week reduced liquidity from bank holidays in France, Canada, and the US.

Other sources of market moving events are as follows.

Taper Tamper Timing: Speculation Still The Top Market Mover

As discussed here. there are many good reasons for the fed to defer starting the taper until the newly appointed Fed Chairman Janet Yellin is settled in, and no compelling reasons to justify an earlier taper.

Regarding the two key metrics the fed is watching, Inflation remains low, and the 3 month NFP moving average has been trending higher only since July, and has only gotten back to where it was at the start of 2013, as shown in the chart below. In sum, neither the inflation nor jobs data offers any compelling reason to taper before the Fed leadership changes in March 2014, at earliest.

Coming Week Market Movers: “Bearish” Good News Vs. Bullish Taper Delay Hopes

While the US economic recovery continues to make slow but steady progress, no one is claiming that it has enough momentum to be self-sustaining.

The fed is clearly following the data, and while recent data has been positive, its accuracy is suspect. See here and here for examples.

The composition of the FOMC is in transition in the coming months, and leaving the taper to Chairperson Yellin allows her more flexibility to adjust to changes in data

Risks from the EU and from the coming third round of the US budget battle in Congress also argue for caution

This week’s calendar is very light, so there is little new information likely to come this week that might materially alter sentiment about the earliest likely start of the stimulus reduction.

ECB Surprise Rate Cut: Ramifications For The Coming Week

The near term bullish effect rate cut by itself was drowned by both:

--ECB’s omission of any mention of big new liquidity programs to provide continued cheap funding for banks. A new LTRO was not mentioned, and that program ends in 2015. Meanwhile, as we mentioned here. liquidity in the EU has been worsening, and the coming bank stress tests may well cause banks to further horde cash, or deploy it in only the most conservative ways to the most credit-worthy borrowers.

--The strong US GDP figure, which raised risks of an earlier and faster taper and so sparked a selloff in both Europe and the US

Impact this week:

In stocks: EU stocks should at some point feel some support from knowing the ECB is willing to ease. If the ECB would acknowledge at least a willingness or plan to ease further, that would be especially welcome for the European indexes, given the lack of market moving scheduled events this week.

In forex: The rate cut is significant this week in the context of the Fed’s holding steady while the ECB is now clearly in easing mode. Thus the bias is for the EURUSD to continue its downtrend until it tests around the 1.3250 area, for reasons we discussed here .

China: Growth Continues, But All Eyes On The Third Plenum

Reforms typically take years to implement, so unless markets believe important market-related reforms are coming quickly, this will grab headlines, perhaps move markets in the short term, but is unlikely to have much impact in the coming weeks.

Third Plenums of a new leadership are when reforms are first introduced. The First Plenum introduces the new leadership, the Second Plenum is usually personnel - and Party construction-focused, while the third one is usually seen as the first plenary session at which the new leadership has basically consolidated power and can introduce a broader economic and political blueprint.

Not all third plenums are packed with reforms, but this group of new leaders has repeatedly said it would contain comprehensive and unprecedented reforms, particularly in the economic sphere.

Analysts expect this meeting of the very top leadership to be one of the most ground-breaking in terms of the number and impact of reforms to be announced. There are few details available, but speculation includes:

A variety of possible steps to liberalize China’s financial markets and allow more foreign investment. That could have a major impact on the liquidity and value of the renminbi if these help it become a more global currency.

Liberalization of China’s one child policy to help it cope with its aging population

There are also calls to breakup state enterprises and make China less dependent on exports by encouraging more domestic consumption. However it’s unlikely that there will be much progress in these areas, given the entrenched

Europe: Earnings, Deflation Debt And Banking Issues, And Lessons

As we noted here. the ECB seems reluctant to engage in more exotic forms of easing such as US style QE, or perhaps ceasing to sterilize its ongoing bond purchases. So just a week after having cut rates, expect any further easing activities to be limited to the verbal variety.

We also want to be watching for further news on bank stress tests. Things get interesting when EU leaders start to hash out how banks that fail will get new capital. All solutions impose pain:

Hit the depositors: risk bank runs

Hit the bond holders: no more credit or soaring borrowing costs for banks

Hit the stockholders, also cuts banks off from access to capital, and politicians from campaign funding

Government bailouts: aka hit the tax payers, politicians risk losing jobs

What’s left? Money printing via some form of special program in which money electronically appears. The financial media might complain a bit, but no one feels much pain until purchasing power gets hit. If there’s deflation, then no worries.

Meanwhile something will have to happen soon to allow GIIPS nation banks needing a cheap source of funding, if for no other reason than so that they can continue buying their own government’s bonds and avoid a new sovereign debt crisis. Per a Reuters report out last week, Italian banks are “near saturation point after two years of buying Italian government bonds. Italy either needs to find new buyers or get more money to the banks to allow them to buy more. That won’t be a problem for the coming bank stress tests as long as the EU continues to observe the polite fiction that all sovereign debt is risk free (!).


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About Cliff Wachtel

Author of the award winning book, The Sensible Guide To Forex: Safer, Smarter Ways to Survive and Prosper from the Start (Wiley, 2012), Cliff Wachtel, CPA, has been serving as.

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EUR/USD forecast: focus now on the Fed – Commerzbank and Danske Bank


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Today’s decline in the pair seems to have found support in the boundaries of 1.1110, coming down from recent peaks near 1.1220.

Allan von Mehren, Chief Analyst at Danske Bank, suggested “we generally see the ECB’s shift from targeting the exchange rate to targeting the credit/bank lending channel as positive for risky assets, but bullish for the EUR against other low yielding currencies such as the USD, GBP and JPY. We continue to see EUR/USD in a 1.05-1.15 range where a more hawkish Fed should cap the top side. However, the ECB exiting the currency war supports our long held view that EUR/USD will head substantially higher in 2016, eventually breaking the 1.15 level”.

Additionally, Axel Rudolph, Senior Technical Analyst at Commerzbank, noted the pair’s “sharp post ECB drop took it to 1.0822 before it reversed its trend and even more brutally shot up to the 1.1200 region. This up surge led us to neutralize our weekly outlook and means that the eight month resistance line at 1.1315 and also the February high at 1.1377 are back in the picture. Further up lurk the September and October highs at 1.1460/95”.

Today’s decline in the pair seems to have found support in the boundaries of 1.1110, coming down from recent peaks near 1.1220. (Noticias de Mercado proporcionadas por FXstreet)



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The top three banks by product for trading revenues vs. trading VaR

The top three banks by product for trading revenues vs. risk-weighted assets

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Please note that business development advice and market orientation are services offered free of charge but will only be offered at Swissquote Bank's discretion. Additionally Swissquote Bank will conduct a short screening process in order to ascertain whether Swissquote Bank is inclined to form a partnership with a certain individual or corporation.

Risk appetite and EURUSD are staging an encouraging rally this morning, on the back of better than expected PMI data across Europe and solid equity performances in Asia. The Eurozone Composite PMI index came out at 51.1 in Aug (same level as Jul), against market expectations for a drop to 50.0. Looking at the component surveys, manufacturing fell less than expected to 49.7 (49.5 expected, 50.4 prior), while services posted a healthy 51.5 (50.9 expected, 51.6 prior). Elsewhere, currency movements are still posing tough challenges for Japan and Switzerland. Japanese Finance Minister Noda has continued to engage heavily in verbal intervention in a desperate bid to prevent another slump in USDJPY. Today he stated that coordinated intervention could not be ruled out and deemed current JPY price action “one-sided”. That being said, no physical intervention from the BoJ/MoF has followed his comments, and it seems traders are now becoming immune to his bark without bite. Meanwhile, Swiss President Micheline Calmy-Rey said yesterday that the CHF is “clearly overvalued” and added that “energetic intervention” was needed. She also suggested that all monetary-policy instruments should be used to help curb the strength of the Swiss currency. In this regard, we feel the Swiss authorities are likely to have greater success than their Japanese counterparts in preventing further domestic currency appreciation. Whilst the Japanese have, thus far, been mostly active in verbal intervention without actions to back it up, the SNB has started regularly introducing measures to dent the appeal of owning CHF. The central bank has made announcements every Wednesday morning for the past few weeks, so expectations are high that tomorrow morning will be no different. Even though last week’s announcement turned out to be a bit of a disappointment to speculators (who had expected the imminent introduction of a currency peg to the EUR), the prospect of renewed official action to weaken the CHF should be enough to prevent fresh appreciation from the market today. Looking ahead, today’s focus will turn to the latest US housing data. After last week’s poor existing home sales numbers, our bias is that today’s new home sales print will surprise to the downside – a scenario which would almost certainly put downward pressure on the USD.

14:00 USD New Home Sales (Jul), last 312K exp 315K 14:00 EUR Consumer confidence (Aug), last -11.2 exp -12.5

EurUsd EURUSD has been largely range bound since the start of the week, oscillating between yesterday’s 1.4347 low and the 18 Aug ceiling 1.4452. There is still a tentative 2-week uptrend channel in play which is comfortably intact, which suggests to us that a mildly bullish bias is appropriate. Key resistance from here is now noted at 1.4452 (18 Aug high), 1.4536 (27 Jul high), 1.4577 (4 Jul high), 1.4600 (upper edge of the 2-week uptrend channel), 1.4653 (9 Jun high) and 1.4696 (7 Jun high). On the downside, supports are seen at 1.4347 (yesterday’s low), 1.4250 (last week’s range floor), 1.4151 (12 Aug low), 1.4103 (11 Aug low), 1.4057 (5 Aug low), 1.4015 (18 Jul low), and 1.4000 (psychological support).

GbpUsd GBPUSD is on an ascent this morning, taking us to highs of 1.6538 and looking keen to challenge the back side of its former uptrend around 1.6580. Should we manage to clear that trend line, the subsequent technical levels are pretty far apart, suggesting the bulls will have plenty of room to explore the topside with minimal headwinds. The few levels we do note are at 1.6618 (19 Aug high), 1.6746 (28 Apr high) and 1.6878 (16 Nov 2009 high). On the downside, first support is 1.6421 (18 Aug low), followed by 1.6350 (17 Aug low), 1.6324 (16 Aug low), 1.6257 (15 Aug low), 1.6167 (12 Aug low), 1.6112 (11 Aug low), and 1.6100 (200-day moving average).

UsdJpy USDJPY has resumed a very subdued meander sideways around 76.70 levels, inspiring little bias in one direction or the other. As such, the technical outlook remains virtually identical to yesterday’s report. Yesterday’s failure to tackle 11 Aug resistance at 77.23 compels us to believe the downside is still vulnerable to another assault, with only supports below us noted at the all-time low 75.96 and major psychological barrier 75.00. In the meantime expect resistance to lurk at 77.23, 77.86 (9 Aug high), 78.47 (8 Aug high), 79.42 (5 Aug high), 80.38 (12 Jul high), 80.83 (11 Jul high) and 81.49 (8 Jul high).

UsdChf USDCHF has been stuck in a range this week between 0.7770 and 0.8015, but that range has narrowed noticeably in the past few sessions, leading us to question whether a symmetrical triangle pattern may be at play. The lower edge of the proposed triangle is seen at 0.7835, so on a break below there we would go short and aim for a target of approximately 0.7580. Key supports remain at 0.7771 (16 Aug low), 0.7549 (12 Aug low), 0.7182 (10 Aug low), 0.7070 (all-time low) and the major psychological support at 0.7000. Conversely, the bullish scenario would involve a break above the upper triangle edge at 0.7900, and would prompt us to go long with a target around 0.8155. Resistance is noted at 0.8018 (17 Aug high), 0.8083 (25 Jul high), 0.8097 (50-day moving average), 0.8278 (19 Jul high), 0.8331 (13 Jul high) and 0.8398 (12 Jul high).

Re: Is anyone familiar Andrew Mitchem - the forex trading coach? online forex course

As mentioned in my first post, I am more than happy to help anyone with their trading and also to answer questions about myself and my course - so with that in mind I'll ignore the previous post and concentrate on helping those that would like helping.

Lord Flasheart - thank you for your comments. Believe me I fully understand where you are coming from. I am a trader #1 and a coach #2. I am more than happy earning an excellent living from trading my own accounts and the accounts of others. However, I really enjoy the interaction that coaching has added to my trading life over the past 3 years. My coaching business started by accident almost when some people got to hear about my personal results on an online forum. I was paid good money to visit a client in Noosa, Australia for 4 days and teach him my trading methods. The rest as they say is history. Over the next few months I flew overseas and taught private individuals in Malasyia, Sri Lanka, Spain, France and England. (I live in New Zealand). From there my name grew locally and I was asked to teach clients for Latitude FX (now Velocity Trade), a Forex broker in Auckland. Private teaching along with group teaching sessions continued and that led into a lot of private online webinar teaching and over the last 14 months my online video course has taken off with most new clients preferring and enjoying that course as they have a comprehensive video library to refer back to whenever they need to.

I provide a very personalised service for my clients and I answer all emails and calls myself. Apart from the course notes, video library, help desk FAQ site and software, my clients also receive access to my Daily trade suggestions that I post at the close of D1 chart each day (after 5pm EST) and my live trading room webinars where I concentrate more on the shorter time frame charts of 1 hour and below.

Several of my clients have gone on to become full time Forex traders while most have finally got the consistency and excellent returns they have been searching for. A few have not been successful but that is the same with any course in any business or industry. Some people are simply not ever going to be a successful trader regardless of what course they take. However the unsuccessful clients of mine would be in a very small minority of my overall client base.

I will certainly look to add some value to this thread over the next few weeks and I will make a few live calls if that would help.

Shewolf - the forum you refer to has had one post by an unhappy client and that's it. All of the other negative comments are from people I have never heard of and none of them have done my course themselves. That is always the danger of some forums. They are full of negative people with seemingly nothing else better to do. What I find is most successful traders don't need to prove anything and they don't wish to waste their time arguing with people who probably don't even trade live accounts. By the way, that client I refer to is still logging into my site each day to view my daily trade suggestions so he can't be that unhappy. I have also contacted him on several occasions to see if I can help him - I am a coach after all.

I stopped posting my results on my personal 10k challenge last year for a few reasons. 1) people were associating my entire coaching course with the results. My course teaches the "art" of reading a chart and a successful strategy that can be used to trade any pair and time frame chart. The 10k challenge results were only from trades I took based off the D1 charts. 2) I had a 5 week holiday/vacation in the UK and Europe in July and August 2011 and apart from post my daily trade suggestions for my clients, I did very little trading during that time - preferring the beaches of the South of France and the sights of London, Paris and Rome while spending valuable time with my family. The trades that I did post on MyFXBook were all from a live account at Go Markets so your observation is incorrect. I always post live account results for my clients too and I always trade on my trading room webinars with a live account.

Most of my clients are actually traders who are struggling to achieve consistant results. I have a few people who are brand new to trading but they would account for only around 25% of my clients. If you consider $1997 too much to learn a successful strategy with all the backup assistance I give that is fine. However many others would disagree and like with any industry or business, the best way to learn to be successful yourself is to learn from someone who is successful themselves. To most people my course fee is a very small price to pay. If I had found someone successful to learn from when I started trading, I would have saved myself 4 years of frustration, wasted money and time.

I am away on holiday next week so I may not be back here for a few days. Have a great trading week.

__________________ Kind Regards, Andrew Mitchem

Originally Posted by TheForexTradingCoach

As mentioned in my first post, I am more than happy to help anyone with their trading and also to answer questions about myself and my course - so with that in mind I'll ignore the previous post and concentrate on helping those that would like helping.

Lord Flasheart - thank you for your comments. Believe me I fully understand where you are coming from. I am a trader #1 and a coach #2. I am more than happy earning an excellent living from trading my own accounts and the accounts of others. However, I really enjoy the interaction that coaching has added to my trading life over the past 3 years. My coaching business started by accident almost when some people got to hear about my personal results on an online forum. I was paid good money to visit a client in Noosa, Australia for 4 days and teach him my trading methods. The rest as they say is history. Over the next few months I flew overseas and taught private individuals in Malasyia, Sri Lanka, Spain, France and England. (I live in New Zealand). From there my name grew locally and I was asked to teach clients for Latitude FX (now Velocity Trade), a Forex broker in Auckland. Private teaching along with group teaching sessions continued and that led into a lot of private online webinar teaching and over the last 14 months my online video course has taken off with most new clients preferring and enjoying that course as they have a comprehensive video library to refer back to whenever they need to.

I provide a very personalised service for my clients and I answer all emails and calls myself. Apart from the course notes, video library, help desk FAQ site and software, my clients also receive access to my Daily trade suggestions that I post at the close of D1 chart each day (after 5pm EST) and my live trading room webinars where I concentrate more on the shorter time frame charts of 1 hour and below.

Several of my clients have gone on to become full time Forex traders while most have finally got the consistency and excellent returns they have been searching for. A few have not been successful but that is the same with any course in any business or industry. Some people are simply not ever going to be a successful trader regardless of what course they take. However the unsuccessful clients of mine would be in a very small minority of my overall client base.

I will certainly look to add some value to this thread over the next few weeks and I will make a few live calls if that would help.

Shewolf - the forum you refer to has had one post by an unhappy client and that's it. All of the other negative comments are from people I have never heard of and none of them have done my course themselves. That is always the danger of some forums. They are full of negative people with seemingly nothing else better to do. What I find is most successful traders don't need to prove anything and they don't wish to waste their time arguing with people who probably don't even trade live accounts. By the way, that client I refer to is still logging into my site each day to view my daily trade suggestions so he can't be that unhappy. I have also contacted him on several occasions to see if I can help him - I am a coach after all.

I stopped posting my results on my personal 10k challenge last year for a few reasons. 1) people were associating my entire coaching course with the results. My course teaches the "art" of reading a chart and a successful strategy that can be used to trade any pair and time frame chart. The 10k challenge results were only from trades I took based off the D1 charts. 2) I had a 5 week holiday/vacation in the UK and Europe in July and August 2011 and apart from post my daily trade suggestions for my clients, I did very little trading during that time - preferring the beaches of the South of France and the sights of London, Paris and Rome while spending valuable time with my family. The trades that I did post on MyFXBook were all from a live account at Go Markets so your observation is incorrect. I always post live account results for my clients too and I always trade on my trading room webinars with a live account.

Most of my clients are actually traders who are struggling to achieve consistant results. I have a few people who are brand new to trading but they would account for only around 25% of my clients. If you consider $1997 too much to learn a successful strategy with all the backup assistance I give that is fine. However many others would disagree and like with any industry or business, the best way to learn to be successful yourself is to learn from someone who is successful themselves. To most people my course fee is a very small price to pay. If I had found someone successful to learn from when I started trading, I would have saved myself 4 years of frustration, wasted money and time.

I am away on holiday next week so I may not be back here for a few days. Have a great trading week.

You mention you trade other peoples accounts. Are you regulated in NZ or elsewhere to do this?

Your 10k challenge excuse is a bit weak, I mean you could have started it again after your holiday. We've heard all these excuses before.

Re: Is anyone familiar Andrew Mitchem - the forex trading coach? online forex course

It may look like a week excuse PB, but lets give Andrew the benefit of the doubt, he has agreed to do live calls to portray his method.20 live calls is all we need to ascertain that his course is worth $2k

__________________ If you are serious about trading then you need to look at this link

Jan 15, 2012, 11:06am

Joined Oct 2006

Re: Is anyone familiar Andrew Mitchem - the forex trading coach? online forex course

Jan 15, 2012, 11:53am

Joined Dec 2011

Re: Is anyone familiar Andrew Mitchem - the forex trading coach? online forex course

I didn't know my question would cause such a drama )) I just asked it because I read a nice review here www. dailyforex. com/The-Forex-Trading-Coach/The-Forex-Trading-Coach-review/759 I wanted a second opinion. and I don't think you all right, I the guy is good so he can take money from people that are willing to pay to learn by his method. would you blame a private math teacher for teaching math? and I don't think there's a difference

Jan 15, 2012, 12:06pm

Joined Oct 2006

Re: Is anyone familiar Andrew Mitchem - the forex trading coach? online forex course

Originally Posted by john fisher

would you blame a private math teacher for teaching math? and I don't think there's a difference

What about if a binman started teaching maths privately and just said he had qualifications? Would that be OK, because that's what happens in this business, people that have no ability to trade can teach trading to others for an extortionate price.

Originally Posted by Lord Flasheart

20 live calls is all we need to ascertain that his course is worth $2k

I'd probably disagree with that. This week, and just for lulz I made around 25 "live calls" for a bunch of people. They heard the calls live in real time, and where able to get similar or better prices. Furthermore, every trade entry and exit was posted on twitter in real time, via the automated system that I was using.

The trades where timestamped to the nearest second, and seqentially numbered to ensure that I couldnt retrospectively delete losers.

I was actually attempting to prove that over the longer term, I could pull the wool over their eyes by slightly modifying entry and exit prices by a pip or so on entry and exit. The trades where actually random entries and exits, no attempt was being made to trade profitably. That particular robot has lost over 5000 pips over the last 4 years.

This week, it made around 180 pips (double that with manual override thanks to a couple of nice trending days). Some of those entries and exits look pretty good in retrospect. The fact remains, they are random trades.

If those calls had been made to the typical T2W member, they'd have creamed their pants.

Drawing any sort of conclusion from 20 trades, particularly when made over such a dodgy medium as a trading forum, is dangerous. I cant really be arsed to do the maths, but extrapolating this weeks performance over a longer period would make me the richest man on the planet real quick. The reality is, trading that method would bankrupt me in 2-3 years, or bankrupt me within a month at the value of leverage used by the typical new trader.

I loves the lulz as much if not more than the next man, but I dont know if we should be encouraging vendors to participate in short term exercises of this type. If we do, then they should be trading through the forex desk platform.

Originally Posted by john fisher

I didn't know my question would cause such a drama )) I just asked it because I read a nice review here ****

I wanted a second opinion. and I don't think you all right, I the guy is good so he can take money from people that are willing to pay to learn by his method. would you blame a private math teacher for teaching math? and I don't think there's a difference

well of course it's going to be a good review. yet again, from that fave site of yours as per usual, it's an affiliate link article!

not likely to be a truthful review is it (insert palm face smilie here) all that site contains are bogus reviews/articles to get people clicking and buying. wake up ffs

can admin wake up and get rid of the vendor infestations that currently lurk.


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Useful Trading Lessons Learned on a Beach

For traders far and wide, summer holiday can be a much-needed getaway, a chance to enjoy the company of friends and loved ones, make memories, perhaps cut loose a bit, and in all, disconnect from the markets. Or so I thought…

You see, as I sat there on the beach, cold drink in hand, and taking in all the beautiful sights and sounds just as I intended, it suddenly hit me: several things oddly symbolic of the markets were there around me, and there were trading lessons to be learned even though trading was supposed to be the furthest thing from my mind!

Perhaps a little begrudgingly, I took a few moments to think about those trading lessons, and before I mentally “checked out” once again, I typed a few notes into my phone so I could share the ideas with you later on.

Well, that time is now, and so I give to you some helpful, albeit surprising trading lessons that occurred to me while on holiday at the beach.

Trading Lessons Inspired by the Waves

Price action in the financial markets often imitates the waves, with movements occurring at random intervals . and no two ever really “perfect ” or the same. Some moves are large, and some small. Sometimes set-ups occur very close together, while other times, they happen further apart…much the same as the waves. It’s a powerful phenomenon, and one that inspires a number of valuable trading lessons .

For one, I thought about the sheer power of the waves, and how sometimes, relative calm would be interrupted by a surprise wave suddenly crashing to the shore . I then thought about all the hidden dangers that lurk there beneath the waves, things like predators and the undercurrent.

Swimmers and boaters are always advised to take precautions, just like we traders are with respect to volatility and factors like news and economic data . monetary policy shifts . algorithms . y similares. These things are forever in play and lying just below the surface, and mean that a healthy dose of respect and proper risk management is vital. You really shouldn’t so much as “dip a toe in the water” without them!

Trading Lessons Inspired by Surfers

I picked up a few good trading lessons from watching the surfers, and spent quite a while observing them. Some fared better than others. A few hurriedly tried to catch every wave they saw . but others were more selective and calculating . waiting instead for that one ideal wave before confidently hopping on.

I likened that to trade selection, where, just like with surfing, it’s important to isolate the most worthwhile opportunities . and best to let any others simply pass by . Small waves with no momentum most always produce a “wipeout,” and that applies to both trading and surfing. I guess I can now say that I’ve seen it happen firsthand in both! I also noticed how the surfers, once that good wave finally came, had only a short window to take action if they were to catch it at all . There was really no time for hesitation, and once they spotted their opportunity, decisive and confident execution was a must . Sound familiar?

Sure, longer time frames like the daily are more forgiving than the intraday frames . but regardless, speed and decisiveness help traders the same way they do surfers. That’s because, like the waves, price action changes over time, and even great set-ups can fizzle out almost as quickly as they came. Either you get on while you can, or you get left behind all wet!

Lastly, while watching the surfers and the waves, I came to view the life cycle of a trade in a way I had never before considered.

You see, I remember admiring quite a few surfers as they rode waves with such poise and grace, right up until the wave’s momentum ran out . at which point they made all sorts of herky-jerky moves while trying to muscle the board further on their own. It was like they held on too long . and inevitably, they fell off rather awkwardly . I remember thinking “What an unfit end to a great ride.”

As far as trading lessons go, I think that’s quite a profound one, and it helped me see more clearly than ever that the object is not to catch every dollar of every move . Instead, I want to get the meat that’s in the middle, get on and get off with grace and poise, and then turn around and look for another opportunity to do it all over again.

I hadn’t really used waves as a reference point for that in the past, but I find myself thinking more and more about it now.


Millions of people (myself included) love the waves for their serene beauty, and also appreciate that there are powerful forces at work there that are much bigger than any of us . The sea, afterall, is infinitely powerful, and when extreme turbulence strikes, it becomes a dangerous place that deserves our full respect. How’s that for a market metaphor?

Now certainly, I didn’t expect to encounter these trading lessons from my cozy little spot on the beach, but that goes to show that trading is a lot like life. So if you’re battling some trading hang-ups. or looking for some insight or a calming reference point to use in your trading, I derived more than I ever thought I could just by sitting around watching the waves. Maybe you’ll be inspired by them, too.

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Disclaimer: All content on this website is intended for educational purposes only and "The Lazy Trader" (TheLazyTrader. com) will not be held responsible for any losses incurred. The information of this website is "general advice only" and does not take individual circumstances into account so do not trade or speculate based solely on the information provided. But viewing and participating our and the website's content, you fully accept and agree that this website offer's general advice only and that trading the financial markets is a high risk activity and should understand that past performance does not indicate future performance and that the value of investments and income from them may go up as well as down, and are not guaranteed. No representation is, has or will be made that any website visitor, client or content viewer will or is likely to achieve profits similar in any way to those discussed on this website or this website's subsidiaries. You will not hold any person or entity responsible for any losses or damages resulting from the general advice provided here by "The Lazy Trader", TheLazyTrader. com, Rob Colville Trading, its employees or directors or fellow clients. "The Lazy Trader" (www. TheLazyTrader. com) and "Rob Colville Trading" are divisions of The Lazy trader Ltd.

Risk Warning! Forex, Futures, Options and such Derivatives are highly leveraged and carry a large amount of risk and is not suitable for all investors. Please do not trade with more money than you can afford to lose. All content (news, views, analysis, research, trade ideas, commentary, videos or articles) on this website or this website's subsidiaries does not constitute as "investment advice".


&dupdo; Copyright 2012 The Lazy Trader (www. TheLazyTrader. com) - All Rights Reserved

Foreign Exchange – Gestión de riesgos

Just what, exactly, is foreign exchange? Foreign Exchange or FX or Forex has become an enormous percentage of the total financial economy worldwide. NASDAQ estimates that some four trillion dollars worth of transactions are executed by the concerns devoted to currency exchange each day. It is that rapid and liquid a discipline. The potential for enormous profit is huge. Conversely, financial ruin could lurk around the corner for the inexperienced trader, or even for a trader who is caught unawares by a sudden and downward shift in market patterns. It has happened before and in all likelihood, it will happen again.

With the rise of real time market analysis tools, websites devoted to the study, test/practice of foreign currency exchange trading, and sophisticated trading platforms, the FX market has opened itself to non-professional traders who are more focused on speculation. As a general rule, forex trading is extremely risky. The would be trader or investor is taking inordinately large risks with his/her money on what largely amounts to a “wheel of fortune.” As is true with most endeavors, however, the more skill and knowledge one obtains in a field of endeavor, and the more effort one expends in gaining knowledge about said skill or field, the better equipped one is to handle and ultimately overcome any contingencies that may arise. What many people may not realize is that with FX, dealing in foreign exchange, the probability of contingencies arising over the course of the trading day are exponentially higher than in most fields of endeavor. The very nature of trading in forex is risky, with huge amounts basically being shuffled around the market on what amounts to a lottery. Traders have made substantial amounts at this game. The potential to make enormous profits exists. When it comes to the very core of forex currency trading, it is not all pure dumb luck. The trader in foreign currency is drawn to the Big Board not only because of a hunger for unimaginable wealth, but also because traders are, by their very natures, students of the world. They have an insatiable hunger not only for fortune, but also being witness to the world as it plays itself out in one cycle after the other. As the trading floor is a microcosm of the larger world and reflects upon the mutability of life itself, the very cycle of life that is tied together at the molecular level and is destined to play itself out for all eternity, for good or ill. The Trader at heart, understands this inherently, and seeks for himself a place amongst all this beautiful madness, if not to understand it, then at least to profit from it.

Currency trading is risky stuff. With the rise of the world wide web, there have developed, thankfully, resources that are able to help the trader feel less like a helpless observer and more like a vested player. While the trader understands that new trader tools and technology cannot totally eradicate risk, the trader can know that this risk can be minimized or, with skill, be made to work in his/her favor. Nevertheless, as the old saw goes: “There is nothing like experience,” so will the trader, whether raw or seasoned, be reminded of this at least daily during the course of his career if not hourly.

Despite the risks, many people set out and carve a niche for themselves within the world of trading. They do it by keeping costs down with computer programs which eliminate as much risk as possible by consistent and reliable pricing, executing trades over tight spreads (when possible) and constantly growing in their knowledge and expertise of whatever currency niche they have chosen to specialize in. Experience, growth in knowledge and the timely execution of trades (and it is possible these days to execute trades by the second if need be) can do wonders to ensure a gainful, if not interesting trading experience. FX can be exhilarating and fun, but also risky. Do your due diligence before charting a course.

Forexgen Low Spreads

Beyond any doubt the idea of automated Forex strategy is great. You switch it on and the "magic box" trades according to the rules which are integrated into the strategy. You just sit and enjoy. Surely the life is not THAT easy.

We would like to focus your attention on the things which are crucial to know when you are making a choice about automated Forex strategy. That is why make sure you get detailed answers to these questions before you make a purchase:

By the package we mean elements and services needed to make the given automated Forex strategy work. It can require some special trading platform - and this platform can be working only with a specific Forex broker. Or the rules of the strategy may need very specific conditions of the trade (like, not more than 1 pip spread, etc.)

Knowing the full package you will see hidden costs. Because if the strategy itself costs $29 per month, but you will also need to trade on it with another broker who can have its own fees - you understand that a $29/month automated Forex strategy turns into a much bigger expenses.

Automated does not mean it needs no help from human being.

Yes, it is automated and can trade without your babysitting on it. But Forex market is a "thing" that is open to changes. It means that what used to work ok for 2 years in a row does not necessarily work fine the next couple of months. Every professional trader will prove that previous trading activity cannot be extrapolated to the future trading activity.

So, it means you need to check the pulse of your trading even when you use automated Forex strategy. Either you need to do that or hire someone to do that. Extra expenses involved, but this is for the sake of your safety.

ForexGen strives to give incomparable professional and individualized trading services. As a professional online trading service, ForexGen provides several facilities for all kinds of traders

Many people on Forex market choose the option of signals or alerts trading. This is very simple: you are susbscribed to some system that sends you entry and exit signals/alerts, you execute them - nothing difficult.

We are not going to dispute in this post whether Forex trading by signals is the best way to trade on the market. We will focus on how to choose the best Forex signal provider.

You understand that the quality of the signals is EVERYTHING for you, when you trade with signals. Quality signals, you have profits; bad signals, you look into the big wholes in your pockets. So th

e question comes down to…

How to Choose Quality Forex Trading Signals?

By registering on ForexGen, you create your ForexGen profile and you can go ahead and open as many Demo accounts. and Live accounts as you need. All accounts can be created online and managed under your ForexGen profile. You can mix between Mini, Standard, Pro, Premium and No Dealing Desk accounts in one Profile. Instant Approval.

ForexGen our partnership with the industrial leaders, we are capable of delivering incomparable quality of online currency trading service. ForexGen services are all controlled by the international banking and financial regulatory standards. ForexGen is continuously providing the Forex market's safest trading terms & Condiciones. Providing professional currency trading services that meet our client's expectations is our first priority.

Forex managed accounts service is, perhaps, one of the most popular and lucrative niches on the Forex market. This is the choice of people who have money, but do not have time or skill or desire to trade the money.

If you are one of the people - be aware that you are one of the most hunted for people on the Forex market for Forex traders, Forex brokers (who often have Forex money managing as their affiliate business), and companies that lurk on the market.

Without getting into much details, because we have been mentioning this many times before in these Forex tips about choosing trading signals and these best Forex investment scam proof tips, we just want to say in general - do not trust things like testimonials, recommendations on forums, trade records (unless in the version specified further in this post), because there is a probability they are just marketing and affiliate stuff.

1. Los diferenciales más bajos en el mercado con 0-1 pips en 10 pares, sin comisiones, sin swaps y activación instantánea de cuentas. 2. Calidad escandinava con precisión suiza, fondos asegurados y agentes locales en más de 18 países. 3. ForexGen offers Forex trading in the major currency pairs and crosses. 4. Low capital start, with $250 as a minimum account size. 5. La liquidez y la disponibilidad 24/5 son los factores característicos del mercado Forex en comparación con otros mercados financieros. 6. ForexGen offers a free trial Forex demo account that allows you to test your skills and practice without risking real money.

ForexGen provides a unique online trading experience based on our intelligent online Forex trading package, the ForexGen Trading Station, including the best online trading system.

Maybe, this is not very correct this a catch, but there is much beyond the choice between dealing desk Forex broker vs no dealing desk Forex broker.

Usually, you will notice that dealing desk brokers are a lot more "friendly" and give you more great perks and bonuses. For example, there dealing desk brokers allow you trading with mini and even micro lots, unlike brokers who require a standard lot of $10,000. This is where you already start thinking "Hmm, why is all that good attitude from dealing desk brokers, compared no dealing desk."

I would not like to tell this about all Forex brokers, but business is business. Usually when they are ready to give away a lot, this means they are sure they will compensate it from some source of income. And for brokers with dealing desk the dealing desk in itself is the source of profits.

ForexGen provides a unique online trading experience based on our intelligent online Forex trading package, the ForexGen Trading Station, including the best online trading system.

Before we go into the details about automated trading broker busines, it is very important to explain what is Forex auto trading, because many people by mistake thing that auto trading and Forex trading robots are the same.

Forex trading robot is a special set of rules that is programmed into the Forex trading plaftorm that is activated on your trading account. The robot is programmed and knows what to do - when to open and close the trading positions. Most of the Forex brokers have the trading platforms that can be programmed to execute the actions of the trading robot.

Auto trading is different . A trader or group of traders are trading in real time. When they open or close a position, the special signal is automatically sent to your trading account and the special type of trading platform executes the order.

Now you see, this is about having special type of trading platform that has to be setup by the Forex broker. That is why only few Forex brokers can be called an automated Forex broker.

When you register with this type of broker, they open a trading account with this special platform. Then you can choose from the list of traders or groups of traders and plug your account to their work. Plus you decide how much money from your trading account to give to the trading under the signals of this or that trader. The money does not leave your account, it is virtually getting into the hands of the traders that you have chosen. Then you can even switch off your PC - they will do the job.

The ForexGen Trading Station is our clients' gateway to the world's Foreign Exchange and Bullion markets. We have chosen the ForexGen Trading Station as our solution for the professional trader because in our opinion, it is the most reliable, professional and secure online trading software on the market at the current time.

Exchange rate differences arising between the rate of the transaction day and the date of payment are included in the profit and loss account as financial items. Exchange rates are the price of one currency expressed in terms of another currency. Commercial banks merely act as agents ('authorised dealers') for the Reserve Bank, in respect of rand/dollar dealings. Exchange when its convenient and dont play the waiting game.

Exchange rates for cash are less favourable to recover shipping and handling charges. Transaction prices in Forex are very low due to the amount of volume and large number of participants, according to this Mark Copeland Forex Autopilot System Review. Transactions denominated in foreign currencies are recorded at the rate of exchange ruling at the date of the transactions. Where foreign branches of CUP accounting in foreign currencies operate as separate businesses, all their assets and liabilities are translated into sterling at year-end rates and the net effect of currency adjustments is taken directly to reserves. Transactions in foreign currencies are not centralized on an exchange, unlike say the NYSE, and thus take place all over the world via telecommunications. Trade is open 24 hours a day from Sunday afternoon until Friday.

ForexGen. com is an online trading service provider supplying a unique and individualized service to Forex traders worldwide. We are dedicated to absolutely provide the best online trading services in the Forex market.

Foreign currencies are actively managed. In doing so, the focus is placed on the most important core markets, in fringe markets business cooperations are entered into with qualified specialists. Foreign currencies are on a floating exchange rate and are always traded in pairs; p. ej. the Euro versus the Dollar or the Dollar versus the Japanese Yen. Foreign currencies are bought and sold directly between individual trader, according to this Forex Assassin Review. This is in direct contrast to commodities and stocks, which are traded on central exchanges like NASDAQ and the NYSE.

Foreign currencies are an asset class on the rise in US Dollar terms over the last seven plus years, and they have made measurable moves to the upside since the first of this year. Foreign currencies are constantly and simultaneously bought and sold across local and global markets while traders increase or decrease value of an investment upon currency movements. Foreign exchange market conditions can change at any time in response to real-time events so it is also considered to be a highly volatile and fragile market too.

Exchange risk is the change in the dollar value of exposed assets or liabilities resulting from changes in the spot rate during a given period. These foreign currency exchange gains and losses are recognized in net income, according to this Forex Range Trader Review. Exchange rates for such currencies are likely to change almost constantly as quoted on financial markets. mainly by banks. around the world. A movable or adjustable peg system is a system of fixed exchange rates. but with a provision for the devaluation of a currency.

ForexGen Trading Station is the client's part of the online ForexGen Trading Platform. We provide all the needed trading tools for a successful trading. We attempt to supply the sufficient information and tools in order to make the Forex traders' decisions more appropriate and easy. The program has a simple and user friendly interface that allows traders to monitor their transactions and their account as well as performing technical analysis and develop Forex trading strategies of their own. ForexGen provides continuous real-time information and sophisticated technical analysis tools. ForexGen Trading platforms are stable, secure and characterized by its unique performance. It is the best solution for trading on Forex.

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Follow Up To Long Wheat & Short Corn

Jerry Welch - IF - Mon Jan 11, 12:23PM CST

“The data and opinions in this report are for general information use only and are not intended as an offer or solicitation with respect to the purchase or sale of any futures contracts. Although all information and opinions are believed to be reliable, we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. The open trade and previous recommendations were suggested, but that does not necessarily mean any individual followed the trades exactly as recommended. This newsletter has been prepared without regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation and needs of any particular recipient. El rendimiento pasado no es necesariamente indicativa de resultados futuros. There is a significant risk of loss associated with trading futures and options. “It should be noted that the impact on market prices due to seasonal or market cycles and current news events may be reflected in current prices.”

Jerry Welch, Commodity Insite! Call me at 406 -682 -5010 Ennis, Montana 59729

Rather than use a $4.70 stop on outright net long positions for March Chicago wheat as I suggested Friday, I sold March corn at $3.513/4 earlier today. Thus, I will come out of the session, long Chicago May wheat and short May corn from Friday and long March Chicago wheat and short March corn. Unfortunately, both positions now hold a loss.

The May wheat vs. May corn trade was placed at $4.801/4 vs. $3.62 with an open loss of less than 3 cents. The March wheat vs. March corn trade has an open loss of about 10 cents per spread. But tomorrow, the USDA will release a monthly and quarterly grain stocks report that has the potential to be price positive wheat but negative corn. As always when it comes to reports, there is no saying what surprises lurk hidden in the data.

With funds holding an unusually large short position in wheat the odds favor a fast and furious short covering rally is close at hand. Plus, my work suggests that new crop wheat acreage will fall to a 47 year low this year which will also lend support for wheat prices.

I favor long wheat and short corn at current levels. That position is not working this afternoon but the day is young and tomorrows USDA report should be a tad more bullish wheat but not so friendly corn and soybeans.

The time is 12:18 p. m. Chicago

“The data and opinions in this report are for general information use only and are not intended as an offer or solicitation with respect to the purchase or sale of any futures contracts. Although all information and opinions are believed to be reliable, we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. The open trade and previous recommendations were suggested, but that does not necessarily mean any individual followed the trades exactly as recommended. This newsletter has been prepared without regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation and needs of any particular recipient. El rendimiento pasado no es necesariamente indicativa de resultados futuros. There is a significant risk of loss associated with trading futures and options. “It should be noted that the impact on market prices due to seasonal or market cycles and current news events may be reflected in current prices.”

The 90 Percent Club

If you've been around investment circles long enough, you have undoubtedly seen ads for stock, futures, forex or commodity systems, services or newsletters claiming a 90% or greater winning trade rate. This, of course, makes the approach very enticing. I mean, seriously, how could you lose money if you win 90% of the time?

In other articles, I've provided the math behind how to really evaluate a system, which includes winning percentage, average win and average loss, so I won't repeat it here. Instead, I'll focus in on the 7 ways someone can claim a 90% winning rate, and what you should watch out for:

This person can point to any chart, and identify his buy and sell points with absolute precision. Usually recognized as an expert in his field of analysis, he can create stunning buy and sell signals for past data. Problem is, he usually can't do it going forward. ADVICE: Ignore past "predictions," and only follow Mr. Hindsight in real time. You'll soon see his true ability.

Her market predictions are akin to reading the works of Nostradamus. She'll say "the market will be up today, unless GDP figures are disappointing." After the numbers come out, the prediction can be made to fit the outcome - "well, the numbers were only somewhat disappointing" or "other forces overpowered the market, so even though I was right, the market fell." ADVICE: Turn off financial TV shows, since this is where Ms. Vague and here cohorts lurk.

This guy will have an ad that states "95% winning closed trades." Sounds great, BUT it usually means that 5% of his trades are currently open losers, usually big losers, that he has held onto for a long time. ADVICE: Make sure all open trades are disclosed, too. Treat open and closed trades as the same. Don't fall for the "this losing trade can always come back and be profitable" ploy.

In and out like a flash on winning trades, Ms. Quick Exiter will typically have losses 5-10 times her winners. But, she gets a lot of winners, and she wants to dazzle you with winning percentage. ADVICE: Look at total net profit. You probably will see a losing strategy, even with a 90%+ winning percentage.

If Mr. Liar can do anything to cheat, he will. In the past, he has stuck all his losing trades in one account, put all his winners in another account, and of course, only shows you the winning account. But, he has many other tricks up his sleeve, certainly more than I can name here. ADVICE: Track his trades in real time. Make sure they are specific and detailed enough so they cannot be misinterpreted.

"The stock market will rise," says Mr. Long Term. He is absolutely right, if you don't pin him down on time. It may take 100 years, but stocks will eventually rise. But, the first 99 might wipe you out. Long term forecasters hope you'll forget their predictions if they are incorrect. ADVICE: Treat any prediction, especially long term ones, with extreme suspicion. The fact is most experts are just guessing.

7. Ms. Really Can Do It

A rare and exceptional talent, this person is the real deal. No gimmicks, no tricks - just super high winning percentage and super high profits. ADVICE: Ask yourself "why would this person sell me their amazing secrets for $79, when if she is so good, she can trade and make unlimited amounts of money?" Answer: No one will ever sell you the ultimate key to trading success, and if they did, it would cost a lot more than you could afford.

So, now you know the seven members of the 90% winning trade club. Avoid these folks, and you'll almost certainly become a better trader.


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MARKETS European stocks decline

Traders sitting tight as the Eurozone awaits fresh central bank stimulus

AFP March 3, 2015

London: Europe’s main stock markets slipped on Tuesday after recent strong gains, with traders sitting tight as the Eurozone awaits fresh central bank stimulus.

London’s benchmark FTSE 100 index dipped 0.16 per cent to stand at 6,928 points in midday deals after reaching an intraday high on Monday.

Frankfurt’s DAX 30 index slid 0.04 per cent to 11,405 points and in Paris the CAC 40 shed 0.09 per cent to 4,913 points compared with Monday’s close.

The euro dropped to $1.1156 from $1.1182 late in New York on Monday.

“Equities have surged higher in recent weeks on hopes central banks’ record low interest rates, combined with the use of unconventional policy tools such as quantitative easing, will continue to drive yield-seeking investors into the stock markets and provide stimulus for economic growth,” said Fawad Razaqzada, technical analyst at FOREX. com trading group.

On Thursday, the European Central Bank will unveil the details of the bond purchase programme it is embarking on later this month.

Greece is also likely to be at the top of the agenda, following the recent Eurozone deal to extend aid to the debt-wracked country, analysts say.

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development on Tuesday said it would begin funding critically needed investment in cash-strapped Greece as Athens nears the end of a massive bailout programme.

The EBRD said the programme would cover the next five years until 2020 but declined to give a figure for its potential investment after reports it could be as much as 1.0 billion euros.

“What we will be trying to do is to use the bank’s expertise to develop the private sector to promote growth,” EBRD president Suma Chakrabarti told a press conference in Brussels.

On the banking front in London, shares in Barclays shed 2.72 per cent to 255.60 pence after the embattled British bank said it had fallen into a net loss last year, hit by huge costs linked to its alleged role in the rigging of foreign exchange markets.

“The additional foreign exchange provision is unwelcome, whilst other regulatory discussions which may lead to further fines lurk in the background,” said Richard Hunter, head of equities at Hargreaves Lansdown Stockbrokers.

On the other hand, shares of Portuguese banks BPI and BCP soared on Tuesday over reports that businesswoman Isabel Dos Santos, daughter of the Angolan president, was studying a possible merger of the two banks, a source close to the matter told AFP.

Around midday in Lisbon shares of BPI surged 7.43 per cent while BCP climbed 4.92 per cent, with the PSI Index up an overal 0.75 per cent.

Also in the upside in London, British American Tobacco shares rose 0.52 per cent to 3,776 pence after it outlined plans to take control of its Brazilian unit Souza Cruz.

BAT said in a statement that it will seek to buy up to 24.7 per cent of Souza Cruz shares which it does not already own, for about $3.5 billion (3.15 billion euros).

Asian equities were mostly lower Tuesday after healthy gains in the previous session attracted profit-takers, offsetting a strong lead from Wall Street.

US shares added to their six-year bull run Monday, with the Dow and S&P500 again ending at record highs, while the Nasdaq surged above 5,000 for the first time since 2000, when the dot-com bubble burst.

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Licenciado por CySEC

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IQ Option tiene la Licencia Nº 247/14. Emitido por la Comisión de Seguridad de Chipre, una agencia independiente de supervisión pública encargada de regular el mercado de servicios de inversión en Chipre.


IQ Option pone especial énfasis en asuntos relacionados con la protección de los fondos invertidos. Garantizamos la seguridad de los fondos de nuestros clientes y el pronto cumplimiento de nuestras obligaciones financieras.

Los servicios de IQ Option cumplen con las directivas financieras básicas de la Unión Europea (MiFID) y están autorizados y regulados por la Comisión de Valores de Chipre (CySEC, Licencia nº 247/14)

Otra garantía de que los intereses de los clientes serán protegidos durante la negociación es la participación de IQ Option en fondos de compensación, que se han creado específicamente para proporcionar protección y asegurar las reclamaciones de los clientes en los casos en que los corredores no son capaces de cumplir con sus obligaciones financieras.

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